I see why Sup Forums heavily recommends this show in most threads
truly a classic
I see why Sup Forums heavily recommends this show in most threads
truly a classic
what anime? she looks cute
bible black
Doraemon (1979)
Welcome to the ranks user. Enjoy your stay, you won't be leaving now, FOREVER.
Ashita no Joe 2
Truly the anime that Sup Forums deserves.
Great jerk off material.
>mfw watching it with a prostate stimulator
Sup Forumsrt
I've seen a person mistake this for Boku no Hero Academia. I'm glad they enjoyed both.
>don watch an annie may called boku!
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Dragon Ball.
I actually told them to watch Hero Acedemia before it aired since I knew normies would like it but he ended up YOOOOOOO-ing because he fucked up the name. Based me.
If you haven't fapped to boku no pico at least once you're a faggot.
I don't know.
I'll tell you since everybody else is being a dick
the anime is called no Pico
and that is not a she, that is a he pretending to be a she
Despite the meme, the animation quality is solid.
It's fucking fantastic for a hentai.
I wish Natural High would make more stuff.
Maybe even stuff that didn't just focus on little boys.
Everyone fapped to episode 2
boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai
>It smells really delicious for a turd.
Nope, I think I'll pass.
MAL Toppu 50
Kill la kill
Never understood the ice in the butthole
Never will
It causes a unique sensation and cleans up easy.
user, that's too lewd.
Also, what is a prostrate stimulator? A dildo?
No, that meant he wore a boy on his dick, and the boy stimulated the tip with his little prostate.
Some ancient Asian technique.
Ask Sup Forums.
No, it's too early in the morning for Stallman.jpg.
>a jap twink will never massage your penis with his prostate
Bad feel
We did it reddit! This is the best recommendation thread ever!
Mods, add this to the FAQ, please.
The McChicken
She have the best ass ever animated.
Ghost Slide
Also pic related actually happened
The Drunken Masters.
>that is a he pretending to be a she
he didn't pretend, he is a boy a cute one
Chico > Pico
Debate me
>and that is not a she, that is a he pretending to be a she
WAT?? That is cleary a cute girl.
>Debate me
The "Me" is what is learned in interaction with others and with the environment: other people's attitudes, once internalized in the self, constitute the Me. This includes both knowledge about that environment (including society), but also about who the person is-their sense of self. What the individual is for himself is not something that he invented. It is what his significant others have come to treat him as being. People learn to see who they are (man or woman, old or young...) by observing the responses of others themselves or their actions.
At the same time, 'the "Me" disciplines the "I" by holding it back from breaking the law of the community'. It is thus very close to the way in a man Freud's 'ego-censor, the conscience arose from the critical influence of his parents (conveyed to him by the medium of the voice), to whom were added, as time went on, those who trained and taught him and the innumerable and indefinable host of all the other people in his environment -his fellow-men- and public opinion. It is the attitude of the other in one's own organism, as controlling the thing that he is going to do.
By contrast, 'the "I" is the response of the individual to the attitude of the community'. The "I" acts creatively, though within the context of the me. It is only after we have acted that we know what we have done what we have said.
People are not automatons; the "I" reacts to the self which arises though the taking of the attitude of others. They do not blindly follow rules. They construct a response on the basis of what they have learned, the "me". Meads social philosophy highlighted accordingly those values that attach particularly to the "I" rather than to the me, which cannot be calculated and which involve a reconstruction of the society, and so of the 'me' which belongs to that society. Taken together, the "I" and the "me" form the person or the self. There would be no possibility of personality without both the "I" and the "Me".
The first ep in the series always pisses me off, but once they finally drop all pretense of plot by the third ep it gets significantly better
>Mead’s behaviourism
Nice, but the general inadequacies of Mead’s behaviourism and his argument that ‘the whole explains the part’ have some flaws.
According to his theory, we act through the ‘I’ with little engagement on the part of the agent. We simply act in behaviourist terms, and then the ‘me’ reflects upon this action in relation to the attitudes of the social whole. But general day-to-day experience tells us that this is not an accurate account of how we act in the world. As Gould points out, it seems likely that we can think of occasions where we have contemplated the likely scenarios of a situation, and decided how to act before we enter into the situation. Such a circumstance exemplifies how the engagement with the ‘me’ can pre-empt the response of the ‘I’. This point leads us on to what I think is the most significant shortcoming of Mead’ s theory: it ignores the role played by self-narrative and identity.
I do not disagree with Mead the ‘I’ and the ‘me’ are integral facets of the self, and much action does occur in the terms Mead described. However, his theory overlooks the significance of who the individual sees herself as being, and who she wants to be. This individual self-narrative is the essential aspect of self-identity. This being the case, our self-narrative has a hugely significant role to play in both the processes of the self and future action. It guides how we reflexively engage with ourselves, and in turn informs how we aim to conduct ourselves in the future. Of course, in line with Mead’s argument, we may reflect upon ourselves and our actions in light of the unpredictable action of the ‘I’, perhaps looking back on our actions with shame as we realise through the ‘me’ that we did not act in a way which represents who we see ourselves as being. But equally, future actions can be considered beforehand, particularly in relation to one’s self -narrative
I honestly wish they continued with the plot from the first OVA, Chico a shit.
>Chico a shit
>10/10 at sucking dick
Nah user
Reddit makes the most ebin memes XDDD