What's so great about Miyazaki?

he literally just makes bare minimum quality animated unintelligible children's films

howl's moving castle is alright just as abstract art inspo, but did he create anything that's an actual good, comprehensive story?

I'm watching the cagliostro shit right now and 25 min in all we know is fucking nothing. a bunch of stuff happened but who knows what's relevant or not, what has to do with whom and why. it's just a bunch of shit happening randomly. representation of western culture bordering on offensive as well. Do ppl enjoy this just for the bright colours or what?

Other urls found in this thread:



He's massivelly overrated. That's what you wanted to hear? It's true anyway

>someone talks shit about miyazaki movies
>ask whats he consider great anime
>says some shit like Gantz or Kaiji

whats your favorite anime OP ??

kiki was good (not a lolicon)

He's built himself up as a brand and something of a conservative pioneer of the medium from the 'good old days' that earns his works more respect than they deserve.

Some of his stuff is good, but he's really just an old fart living in the past; making conceited remarks about the medium that's leaving him behind.

Oh nothing, he just made the highest grossing Japanese film and anime film of all time.

Seirei no Moribito.

This would be a lot easier to explain if you weren't totally illiterate in the medium you're trying to discuss


Disney dominates the charts with animated works and they pump out shallow but emotionally manipulative shlock with 0 substance.

We dont need this thread every week, use the fucking archive nothing you have to say nor the rest of Sup Forums hasnt already been said/discussed. Fuck off


I'd agree if you said Dreamworks or Pixar but Disney has never till this day produced a bad movie. They're simply the best at anime.


Shinsekai Yori

No that's not remotely true, the fucking true is, he shat on the filthy disgusting otaku culture, and Sup Forums is super salty about it, that why thread like this pop up everyday and you fucks can talk shit and feel better about yourself.

Shittaste Sup Forums.

>Look! I made this thread again!
Please put general in the name field next time.

>I'm watching the cagliostro shit right now and 25 min in all we know is fucking nothing. a bunch of stuff happened but who knows what's relevant or not, what has to do with whom and why. it's just a bunch of shit happening randomly.
You sound kinda dumb desu, since when is Lupin III hard to understand

>good, comprehensive story
What makes a story "comprehensive," exactly?

nothing, his movies are boring

Disney has quite a few films swept under the rug per se that if you asked any cunt on the street, they'd probably not remember including:

-The Rescuers
-Fox and the Hound
-Oliver and Company

Nevermind some of the others that lets face it, are going to be footnotes in history

I don't have much of an opinion on the man himself, but I hold Nausicaä as my favourite animated film of all times.
And while speaks the truth, he hasn't done much to contribute to anime in the last years, other than those intros for those Animator shorts, and they don't add much

He's a master animator and easily one of the greatest animation directors from any country and time. His works are so much more than mere stories translated into animation, but take advantage of the full capabilities of the medium. Many of his films can and should be considered classics or masterpieces of the art form, having inspired millions worldwide. Even besides his films, he's extraordinarily influential and has done a great deal to advance animation in Japan. Obviously I'm an idiot for responding seriously to such a retarded thread, but fucking seriously dude you know nothing about film or animation if you're sincerely making posts like this. If you don't get why, say Cagliostro for example, is a good film, you can fucking google it. His works are already established as great and there's a ton of writing on them available to you.

Space Runaway Ideon
Fuck Miyazaki. Hail Tomino.

I didn't say that everyone of them was a blockbuster. I said they never made a bad movie which is true.

Last years? He hasn't had a good movie in like a decade.

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita did a better 2deep4you than any Ghibli film

The wind rises is better than your favorite non Miyazaki movie.

Wind Rises and Ponyo are magnificent.

>talking shit about Kaiji

>doesn't mention a single quality of his actual work

>can't name a single title or any reference of any kind, "google it"
no title has even been mentioned twice within this thread yet, let alone explained what's so good about it, jesus fuck his work must be memorable

He's so great he just mindblowned everyone into forgetting it so they can experience the greatness of remember his movies after searching on the internet.

Buddy when his fucking Wikipedia page will tell you why he's good, do you really need to whine on Sup Forums about no one hand feeding you reviews? You're doing the equivalent of asking Sup Forums why Welles or Fellini are good, or asking Sup Forums what was "so great" about Hendrix's guitar.

That's because this is a bait thread, people came in to call out the cancer that is this thread, not to defend Miyasaki, no matter what people say, you will just shit on it, why bother?

>asking Sup Forums why Welles or Fellini are good
I would probably get a lot of great replies

stop saying "google it" you weaboo

someone will always bother if they actually have anything to say or have any dignity

what are the fucking titles that are so amazing

I will watch them and decide if he's amazing or not

being animated sort of well like castle of oregano is not good enough, it's not amazing and the story isn't interesting or credible to an adult

even reading the wikipedia synopsis is fucking weird
>"The Castle of Cagliostro follows gentleman thief Arsène Lupin III, who successfully robs a casino – only to find the money to be counterfeit. He heads to the tiny country of Cagliostro, the rumoured source of the bills,"
ok so far makes sort of sense maybe? I mean he literally has no reason to do that but the things he does are sort of related to each other I guess.
>"...and attempts to save the runaway Clarisse from the Count Cagliostro's men."
wait what? who? why? he just sees some broad being chased and now his life revolves around getting this chick out of some aryan super castle that has AI weaponry and shit, cause idk maybe he would get something out of that? maybe he just has nothing better to do? what are we supposed to even care about in this story?

I guess if you can animate you can make anything happen on the screen (like the protagonist simply climbing a flat wall cause the story demands it) but that's not automatically compelling when we have no idea of anyone's motivations or why anything is happening at all

>I would probably get a lot of great replies
Sup Forums is a trash board that loves spoonfeeding. Have fun over there.

no they just actually have stuff to say about their favourite works of art and storytelling unlike you autistic weaboos

You seriously should just google that shit, you aren't getting anything out of Sup Forums, now this is just a recommendation thread, you should just gtfo and never come back.

How old are you?

>expect Sup Forums to actually have constructive conversation about anime

how new are you?

Chicken Little. :^)

Miyazaki is a fucking asshole, don't get me wrong, he's the most overrated person in cinema history, but i have to agree with him whenever he criticizes "otaku culture"
Anime was a fucking mistake.
Anime is not of any value.

>X thing is shit
>hur dur, what do you like
Not an argument

Because he has an in depth understanding of things like color theory, story structure, shot composition, perspective, line, and the actual process of animation

>Anime is not of any value.
Purely a matter of perspective. Saying that anime is not of value is like saying that entertainment is not of value
>b-but muh books and muh movies! Art!
Sorry to disappoint you but value isn't a objective concept, what constitutes whether something has or hasn't value is personal perspective and criteria.
>But there's things that are universally accepted as being of value and things that are not!
First even if that was true, It wouldn't really apply in this case because only extremely simple matters and concepts are universally agreed upon. Second, using this as an argument is like admitting that majority's opinion is always right.
>But muh arguments!
Again, any argument that you make trying to explain what constitutes value will fall upon your personal bias.

Reminder that "anime was a mistake" and the like images were shooped.

You know that Miyazaki values animation a lot, right?

They've made ALOT of forgettable stuff in the past decade. Chicken Little, Meet the Robinsons, Home on the Range, Bolt, nigga even The Hunchback is only known for the meme shit with the priest dudeds reaction.

Frozen was the only thing going for it and thats because they sucked it up and appealed to their bread and butter crowd; little girls and grown up white chicks

It's hard to take you serious when your criticisms are so shallow, OP. What you're doing is basically
>Why do ppl like this shit??It's shit!Tell me why it isn't shit
If you want constructive discussion you need to make a constructive post to begin with.

Same person.

Miyazaki's works are in the tradition of the myth and the fairy tale but transcend both those mediums; in his best films, like in all great works of art, the highest human ideals are expressed and brought to light in a way that is unique and meaningful, and parts of the human condition which are most valuable are elucidated in a unique and beautiful way - which, really, is the project of all good art.

I'm neither a little girl nor a white chick but Frozen is my anime of the decade. It was magical.

He makes comfy kids' movies older people can enjoy.

Is this serious?Disney films are the bottom of the barrel in terms of boring, commercial blockbuster movies that can't stimulate anyone beyond a superficial level and only appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I'm not a huge Ghibli fanboy, but at least character interactions in Ghibli films feel real, their reactions seem real and their struggle seem real and thus the message of the film generally feels more real and has more impact. Miyazaki doesn't make use of fast paced animation, characters talking, singing and moving non stop in a cartoony unrealistic manner to mask the lack of depth of his story, unlike disney.

You've to be really high on your nostalgia to actually consider disney anything but mediocre.


>he literally just makes bare minimum quality animated unintelligible children's films
Read the Wikipedia page on Spirited Away. It'll probably blow your feeble fucking mind away.

What of Golden Age Disney have you seen?

Nigga I dont think you read the reply properly, I was trashin how they make forgettable stuff over the years/ Disney is basic white girl tier shit that people only remember from the 90s.

Almost everything. I was a huge disney fanboy as a kid and had most of their movies in VHS

Bizarre opinion then

Spirited Away is actually one of the deeper anime in terms of how the narrative themes are written into the movie. You don't so much as recognize the themes as much as feel them, because they're hidden beneath several layers, and even conveyed in things like the musical score. Very simple things like a lone chord sync up with the scene masterfully. The themes themselves are relatively simple like growing up, indulgence/greed, or nostalgia, but they're cooked in so thoroughly with everything else that you simply know you saw something profound, even if you didn't realize what it was at the time.

Friendly obligatory reminder:

Miyazaki did NOT say "anime was a mistake." That was a shoop and the phrase is literally the forced meme of all alleged forced memes. I also suspect the image in OP is also shooped. The original Japanese doesn't seem to mean what the English says.

Hercules and Aladdin are better than shit like Pom Poko and Grave of the Fireflies, you no-taste faggot.

I think he's overrated in western society, but that's just because they don't know any better.

I think he's rightfully respected in Japan though. I mean he literally influenced a ton of directors, and animators through his career, and probably continues to do so.

I thought he originally was saying how otaku driving the anime business is bad because it means anime producers/directors have to pander to them instead of creating actually good stuff?

I don't really see how you could have a problem understanding such a straight-forward, family-friendly adventure film like Cagliostro. If you genuinely think it's "unintelligible", that says a lot more about you than Miyazaki.

No but I do think that its safe to say he's disgusted with the current trend of things within the industry. Miyazaki always said anime was merely a medium for telling a story, not the other way around

well does any board? it seems either boards don't care about anime at all or it's all autistic weaboos who can't form proper thoughts

>story structure
what does this mean? in castle of cagliostro you don't even know exactly what the characters are trying to do or why until like an hour into the piece of shit, when it's properly stated that the thief wants to save the girl... although they don't say why. he just wants to, cause he happened to see her I guess. and the white man stuck in the 18th century wants to marry the girl so their ancient goat blood can mix or something. retarded and racist to be honest.

howl's moving castle is mostly random stuff happening. the protagonist had a fine life but kinda low self esteem, then she randomly got cursed by a witch, wow much plot, and went on a random magical journey to get rid of the curse. then she felll in love with some wizard character we only have a surface understanding of, cause he always does secret things and acts weird and we don't really know who he is. also war is bad cause characters say it's bad and we see fire n stuff. what a great story.

what does "an in depth understanding of story structure" mean here? yes he can animate normal animation, fucking fantastic, the stories are not worth it this far

and you're the same person as everyone else in this thread, or what

if you like something you can tell me why, there isn't even need for discussion per se you just need to actually add information to a post, I don't really need an argument to not understand why people like something

that sounds great but it's not very specific. even if you are right and all his works express those things, it doesn't automatically turn them into interesting stories

if we just consider them children's films it kind of makes sense I guess

watched that twice yet completely forgot it. maybe one needs to be more emotional to get them.

>Western bad Nippon numba one
Fuck off
You'd have to go a lot earlier in the catalog of Disney to find something better than Grave of the fireflies or Only Yesterday.

Disney films were astonishing in terms of animation, no question about that, but when it came to characters, plot, themes and everything else that constitutes a film they were actually pretty mediocre, even in their prime.

Try to watch a old disney film today, I can assure you nothing will catch your eye aside from the animation. Now try to watch Princess Kaguya, Grave of Fireflies, Mononoke, Kiki Delivery Service and Whisper of the heart and then tell if any Disney film can be compared to Ghibli's in terms of stimulating you beyond superficial levels.

What do you mean they don't know any better? Besides Takahata I couldn't name another anime director on Miyazaki's level.

Miyazaki's general problems with the industry are:
- there's too damn much of it
- too commercial
- changing role of the animator

If you get a chance, read "Starting Point" - I learned a ton from it.

the characters have no apparent motivation and simply do stuff cause apparently they want to, there's no real reason to care about them cause we don't know much about them, the story feels 100 years old except less clear, and characters just pull whatever out of their ass when the script demands it

Literally whitewashed the original story and fucked over a good part of it. It was an abortion with the sassy black pottery women being its only saving grace.

Robin williams carried that movie. Nevermind how tidied up it is since 9/11 threw the real muzzie world into the west's face

I watch my favourites regularly (Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, Snow White) and I think they're brilliant, so it's not nostalgia. I prefer my favourite Ghiblies to my favourite Disneys, but they're all classics and deserve the same treatment.

Your opinions are trash.

overrated or not, this old man has several oscars for fucking anime

but holy fuck talk about old ass man getting worked up about cartoons for children

>if you like something you can tell me why
You could just you know, watch his films and see for yourself. But okay, since you seem to at least put effort in your posts instead of being a lazy piece of shit I will tell you my opinion.

To me Miyazaki is great because he understands human emotion and psycology really well, especially when it comes to children. The movements, reactions, doubts and interactions that you see his characters having are portayed in a extremely relatable and although dramatic, realistic way. He doesn't resort to cheap, exaggerated and/or inhuman reactions in his works and he doesn't shy away from making slow paced movies with barely any dialogue in some parts, which is something that gives more credibility and immersion to the worlds and characters he creates.

Aside from that, I also like how his movies are pretty simplistic so that anyone can understand but at the same time have interesting messages and themes hidden whitin them.

Also,God-tier animation/art.

What's so great about shitty late night fap bait anime for degenerate losers? How about we answer that question instead of pursuing this vendetta again

Nausicca, but that was also 30 years ago

You are a fanboy. His movies are overrated. I know this because I've seen them. Half of the Disney films, if not more, are better than the Miyazaki films and I even rewatched them recently.

>within mere months, Kimi no Na wa (288 million USD) is on the cusp of going beyond the box office gross of Spirited Away (289.1 million USD), making it the highest grossing anime film and Japanese film of all time

Really tickles my synapses.

Then congragulations Loofah, you're a butt pirate

Your opinion is trash. Mine hold weight and can be backed up with facts

You mean opinions. Shitty ones at that.

At least I have the ability to judge a work objectively. I'll admit not many people have this ability, but I am one of the few who do.

literally all of your questions are answered in the following scene via blatant exposition from lupin himself

>I don't have arguments but you're still wrong
>I don't have arguments but the thing I like is better than the thing you like
>This makes you the fanboy, not me
Great argument my friend. Now go back into watching your 100 minutes of singing and exaggerated movements trying to retell some fable or legend that disney thought they should butcher.

literally laughted out loud when the female spy uttered those stupid lines, sounds like written by a five year old

castle that has deadly security everywhere has no security when the story happens to dictate it

main characters can be very near or even inside a GIANT fucking fire, no problem

just gonna keep listing these stupid things as I watch

>watch his films
I have, and I am watching one right now

>he understands human emotion and psycology really well, especially when it comes to children. The movements, reactions, doubts and interactions that you see his characters having are portayed in a extremely relatable and although dramatic, realistic way. He doesn't resort to cheap, exaggerated and/or inhuman reactions in his works
maybe I just don't relate to his characters. I'm not around children and don't really like them. I get that children or old people can enjoy something like totoro but why would anyone else? if I want to see a realistic depiction of children I can just watch some footage of children

Do you think castle of cagliostro has those qualities you mention?

what's an interesting Miyazaki message? I know the "war is bad" message, but I didn't find it very interesting

yes, 50 minutes into the film he simply states what he wants to do, although he still has no motive and we still have no reason to care

>Only Yesterday
Ghibli's best film by a long shot, and Miyazaki had nothing to do with that. Don't associate that with his name.

If you find Miyazaki movies unintelligible I'm shocked you've figured out how to use a computer
Kill yourself

It sounds like your problem is not knowing Lupin III. The film assumes you understand the basic set-up and characters of the series, so I can understand being a little put off if you don't know that much.

>. I get that children or old people can enjoy something like totoro but why would anyone else?
Personally I think that Totoro can be a pretty comfy and heartwarming movie for anyone of any age. Why, do you ask?Well, why don't you tell me the reason you think it's not.

>if I want to see a realistic depiction of children I can just watch some footage of children
Stupid argument, that's like saying that good animation doesn't matter because you can watch a live action film, which will always have more realistic motion/movement.

>Do you think castle of cagliostro has those qualities you mention?
From Up on Poppy Hill and Castle of cagliostro are the only Miyazaki films I didn't watch, So I can't tell.

>what's an interesting Miyazaki message?
Not the message itself but the way that is portrayed, that's what's interesting. As for his messages, it depends on the film. Environmentalism, pacifism and ambiguity are pretty recuring themes in his works but he explores a wide range of topics in his filmography, Spirited Away is about growing up for example(although it also has anti capitalist messages), Whisper of the Heart is about persuing your dreams and so on.

Princess Kaguya, Whisper of the Heart, Only Yesterday Day, Kiki Delivery Service

Mononoke, Totoro, Grave of Fireflies, Nausicaa, Spirited Away

Ponyo, Porco Rosso, Howl's Moving Castle, The Wind Rises

Already a thing.



>although he still has no motive and we still have no reason to care
get to the end of the film

Just to clarify, I do think that Miyazaki is overrated and that he doesn't deserve how people bestowed God status to him when his works aren't even close to the best the industry has to offer, but he also isn't even close to be bad either or worse than Disney.

yeah but

>castle has deadly security that kills you instantly and hundreds of guards
>but not at the exit of "hell" which is some big room where tons of people are thrown down to starve to death

>girl says "this place is horrible" or some shit
>literally never see anything horrible happen to anyone, the place seems fine if you don't walk into a trap which they obviously don't want her to

>henchman aims gun at good guys (cause suddenly they have guns that we never saw before)
>bad guy says "fire"
>henchman fires in a circle around good guys [!]
>nothing happens for a bit ?
>apparently bad guy didn't intend to kill them at all but said "fire" anyway because suspense xD

seriously what is that shit writing, they can literally write anything and make it happen cause they just draw it, for fuck sake

and why make a stand alone film where you have to know the motives of every single character before watching

>why don't you tell me the reason you think it's not
I guess comfy and heartwarmning isn't my thing

>Stupid argument, that's like saying that good animation doesn't matter because you can watch a live action film, which will always have more realistic motion/movement.
well, my argument for anime would be that you can do things that live action can't, or that you can do it very differently at lower cost... like creating a very fantastical and interesting universe for your story... but simply emulating the real world exactly isn't worthwile imo when there are so many good realistic live action films out there, there's just less connection with the characters in anime so what's the point?

some people never watch anime at all cause they can't connect to it

>Whisper of the Heart
maybe I'll watch this then

I keep forgetting whether I've watched Spirited Away or not and what it's about

I think I've seen it twice

and then the story makes sense? too late

I thought Hiro banned phoneposter IPs.
