Is this normal behaviour?
Is this normal behaviour?
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>stream quality
Its normal for retarded niggers like you.
They're not blood related so it's not normal.
>implying that being blood related makes it not normal
He's implying being blood related would make it normal.
Oh yeah now i see it. I fucked up
They are not blood releated siblings... they don't have same parents even.
Why would OP download this piece of shit?
If you are suffocating and there is almost not oxigen, it was the best way to survive and win
I dont think kissing a 13 years old is normal.
No because he's not kissing best girl aka Steph.
12 is legal age in Japan
Is there even a prefecture that uses age 12? I remember most set the bar at 16, but I don't remember any going as low as the minimum
Fucking a 12 year old isn't legal anywhere in japan.
When did this happen?
Everything is fine in space
Shiritori against Jibril. They only sharing air when they said atmosphere, oxygen, or something like that
They are literally exchanging air. Eventhough I would not doubt that his sister was trying to push her tounge in.
I remember the battle now, for some reason I don't remember the kiss though.
Wait, didn't they just eliminate all air?
I don't remember exactly, but I think at some point they tricked Jibril into saying air, and that made everything disappear, but oxygen to appear since it wasn't there.
I could write a whole essay on that "battle".
The best explanation you can get to make sense of that whole mess is that whatever they eliminate it doesn't eliminate stuff that are part of their bodies or connected to their bodies.
But then there is stuff that openly contradicts that, such as Jibril's magic circuits or the removal of clothes and nipples.
Another slight variation is that you can eliminate stuff from your opponent's body as long as it doesn't directly kill him\her.
The "Coulomb Force" move otherwise should have killed everyone instantly as it would have affected the atoms in their bodies as well.
>I could write a whole essay on that "battle".
please do
I'm glad garbage like NGNL has been forgotten for the most part already
It was said explicitly (at least in the LN) that you can remove other people's parts of the body as long as they are not necessary to stay alive or keep playing. So no contradictions there.
It had cute girls so it wasn't a loss. From LN spoilers and pictures there seems to be even more lolis which would be nice to see animated.
how old is the guy again?
If she is 13 and he 16 then it isn't that weird since there would only be a 3 year difference.
11 and 18.
oh that is kinda weird.
God passionate kissing turns me on so fucking much
>The Japanese Penal Code sets a minimal age of consent of 13 regardless of gender or sexual orientation.[44] However, the Children Welfare Act chapter 34 forbids any act of "fornication" (淫行) with children (here defined as anyone under 18 years of age)[45] with prefectures and districts specifying further details in (largely similar) "obscenity ordinances" (淫行条例) like adding exemptions for sex in the context of a sincere romantic relationship (typically determined by parental approval).[46]
>The age of marriage was 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental consent in the past, but is now 17 for both genders.
>It has been stated[47] that there are two territories of Japan that have their own local age of consent laws - Marcus Islands and Okinotori Islands - with an age of consent of 13. However both of these Islands are tiny unpopulated Islands.
I thought that the trick was that she can survive without breathing but was unable to speak without air around (and unprepared for this).
B-but user, that isn't sexual. It was all part of the keikaku.
>implying sexual was ever distant from their keikakus
Jokes aside, it's normal to kiss your sister like that.
Isn't it?
If you don't kiss your sister like that at least once a day, you are a terrible brother.
>Marcus Islands and Okinotori Islands
The loli islands?
are you a woman?
here in colombia kissing is legal at all ages, and fucking is legal at 14 so its nice to live here with cute lolis and cuddle with them
Nigga in my country you can still "buy" a girl at nine years old and have her as your wife, sex and all, legally, you just need to cough up a lot of cash for her family, the documents and to build your own mansion on the hot desert/the mountains where nobody can see you defile the poor child.
Shame they're all shitskins and the few brown/blonde haired girls with pale skin and green eyes are basically smelly, uneducated rednecks whose narco brothers would shoot you on sight if you dared to approach their domains.
>tiny unpopulated Islands
No wonder the age is lower
Also About Marcus islands, Russia dont wanted?
It is if the girl is 2d
Marcus island is a giant doritos
Does age matter in anime?
>Okinotori Islands
Its jus a subaquatic loli dungeon rape?
So everything thing except penetration is allowed? I can get a blowjob from a 13 year old if she consents?
Did the artists for this anime trace the scenes from other anime, or was it all original? The BR tracing nigger did not deserve an animation at all for his shitty LN.
IF you want to utilize local Age-of-Consent law:
Get a fucking Lawyer.
Some Laws extend to the Acts of their citizens ANYWHERE ON EARTH.
Going into international waters is also complicated.
There are also auxiliary laws that could impede the legality of the "Act". Like that addition to the penal code in Japan mentioned above.
(But there could be loopholes, for locals, but you would not know as an outsider. Age of consent is 13 but for the penal code to apply somebody has to press charges. Or constructs like that. But on the surface this is squeaky clean.)