What do?
>This brain-damaged qt comes up to you saying she wants to be friends
I legitimately met a brain damaged girl in my university last month. She thinks we're long time friends even though we have never met before. I'm not sure if she's schizophrenic or what but she's now my only friend.
Sorry for blogfagging.
I tell her to stop posting korean comics on Sup Forums - Anime & Manga
>but she's now my only friend
>user posts a summary of flip flappers and expects no one to notice
Same difference
Where am I supposed to post it then, I got yelled at for posting on Sup Forums
Korean shit is not Sup Forums related, fuck off.
I promise that this happened. I haven't even watched Flip Flappers, I'm trying to finish my backlog first.
My University (Not american) is next to a river so I usually eat there lunch. She was incredibly excited to meet me and started a conversation with me. I didn't know wtf was really going on because she said that she was so excited to meet me again and that she missed me.
She started rambling about "our" high school adventures even though I didn't go to that school but I kind of played along because I was scared of her.
So now she always finds me and joins me. It's kind of creepy but I think we both don't have any friends so it's ok. She studies music.
Daily reminder that manwha is allowed on Sup Forums and has been confirmed by mods.
Just don't neglect Yayaka, my dude.
Have you brought this up to her?
Lucky son'bitch
Fuck her and make more autistic children.
DO IT user
>*awkward wink*
lol gookshit, here nobita for you
> She studies music
what is mods? can mods suck my uterus?
This comic may be on Naver's Webtoons, but it's western, not Korean.
I feel that I should tell her that she's crazy but I enjoy having a friend. I wouldn't say she's slow but she just kind of makes up a whole lot of bullshit and inserts me into it.
Not sure if it exists in America, but it's music theory to become a teacher I think.
mods = fart, fart = mods
So they are like double not Sup Forums related. whoah
This comic may be on not Sup Forums related website, but it's not Sup Forums related, not Sup Forums related.
I dunno if a false-start friendship is even worse than a false-start romance, but either way, you have to settle the score before she ends up finding out herself if you want that to be legit.
As long as she's doing it consistently and it's not just one mix up with your old school. If it's that one mix up then you look like the loser for not being like, "oh I don't remember you" and then chatting her up anyway.
This gook sound like gookshit is allowed on Sup Forums lol
I wasn't arguing for its presence on Sup Forums, just clearing the air.
Shhhhhhhh, anyone want some of this dank shit?
It definitely wasn't a misunderstanding, I think she's legit brain damaged. For example, they build a new attraction park with a huge roller coaster in my city. We went there together when it opened and she started rambling again how we used to go to this attraction park all the time together when we were children. I told her that it just opened but she ignored me and continued with her stories. And it's not like I'm playing a different person, she knows my name (even though I think that's a little bit scary) and I act like a usually do. She's kind of cute, but I'm scared of dating her.
Try to contradict her and see what happens.
Like literally act boneheaded and arrogant on some fact you know of your past and don't let it go.
Take your shitty webcomics and please kill yourself.
Why should he? She clearly has a condition. I am a few beers in so I can't remember its name but it's a textbook case of something or rather.
For science, obviously
Ah, now I see the apprehension. Telling her she's crazy would just sour her mood. Maybe you can prompt her for details of this supposed "past" she knows and convince her she had some things mixed up?
That literally won't help. Get her psycho/psychia help or just let her be.
Well Bill, I was gonna tell you it wouldn't help but when you reply to me like that
>Try to contradict her and see what happens.
He did?
>> I told her that it just opened but she ignored me and continued with her stories.
The scenario he gave was her associating outside things into her narrative; I was thinking that if she was asked for the story directly, there'd be a way for him to lay things out.
Sup Forums - 24/7 toll-free psychologist helpline
I wish, I can't even remember what it's called. It's killing me, just sitting there on the tip of my tongue.
I enjoy being around her so I don't her to go into a psycho ward or something. I've never had many friends (or any at all) and having someone to talk to feels nice, she seems happy to have a friend as well.
I want to contact her family but she kind of ignores my question when I tell her that I would like to know her mother/father.
>deliberately ignoring questions on parents
huge red flag, OP
Having a mental disorder is a bigger redflag, nonce.
Hard to pursue that friendo. Without understanding who's around her getting more involved than you are could be trouble. Does she live with people?
>literally chicken scratch tier art
Fucking deviantart gook
What wrong with gooks and gookboos and their deviantart manga wannabe trash?
>when you can't drawn but still want to become famous mangaka
Just date her, it's not like you are going to get anything better.
Disassociative identity disorder?
Maybe she has schizophrenia and you are only in her mind.
lmao i'm surprised ckII portraits aren't more of a meme.
I've been thinking about it, I'm super autistic when it comes to dating though.
She lives at campus alone.
Just remember that if you date her and she has a sudden period of lucidity and realizes you aren't who you're pretending to be you're fucked and depending on which country you're in, probably going to be a retroactive rapist
>When you don't feel like designing a character so you just draw Ellen Baker
>implying it's an extended episode
If he isn't a complete faggot about it she'd be happy she had support while regaining her mental health desu.
Further he never pretended. He keeps saying she's talking shit.
What if the girl is actually his childhood friend and user is the one with brain problems?
Yeah I know she's the one mistaking him for someone else but the problem is he's already said he never tried very hard to tell her otherwise if at all
someone needs to make a copy-pastable of this Shutter Island premise and make it anime related
I don't think you have to worry to much about seeming autistic when you date an actual retard.
Queue the OP
What if the girl is actually user that believes she is user experiencing a relationship with her schizophrenic self. Shut-in Island.
Ok guys,
I had lunch and met my friend. We had a nice conversation again and I decided to ask her out, I'm no player but she started rambling about again on how she always had a huge crush on me in highschool and said sure. I have a date with her on Friday.
D-did I just end up dating a literally retard?
Stop blogposting and derailing this thread you retard.
Tell us more
What does she look like
Probably, either way, now you have to continue the story.
Answer 's question.
Is she cute at least
It's not like the thread was promising at all.
>tfw no forgotten childhood friend to reuinite with
fucking blogfags.
>gook webcrap
>thread turns into blog
Don't leave us hanging user, we want more details!
Is she cute ?
Call her up and tell her how you are thirsty for sex right now
She looks really thin and taller than average, she has super long black hair, as if she didn't cut it in 5 years. She likes playing the piano and is studying it, I think she wants to become a music teacher. She doesn't look brain damaged (like a down kid or something), just pretty normal. She's kind of cute but I'm bad with women so my opinion isn't worth much.
I don't have any friend since I'm born so I wouldn't care any of her flaws.
I would cherish that friendship.
If only it was real.
Nothing more cancerous than the gook shill spamming his gookshit everyday.
Plot twist blogfag is the one with brain damage all along and not the girl
don't fuck it up user
user, i'm a friend of the "brain damaged girl" you were speaking of. Please cut all ties with her as soon as you can. This entire act was a prank that we have been trying to make work for a long time, but noone has been gulliable/socially awkward enough to go along with it. It was funny to begin with, but it's gone too far now. I don't want you to be humiliated any further.
Do you have proof
Why does Sup Forums hate manwha so much? It's almost exactly like manga except it has color.
Manwha is fine, webtoons is pretty much just garbage for phones. It all looks like the same guy draws it all, and they have no clue when to trim the fat of big casts.
Tower of God was good in s1 with a small cast, now its like 20 fucking people on the "good" side and keeps rehashing "I am only working for the enemy because they'll hurt muh friends" which doesn't work out the way they think.
user, be on guard. Crazy chicks are dangerous. Sometimes way more dangerous than what you'd expect from them.
This. There's a reason why one of life's best advice is "Don't stick your dick in crazy".