ITT: Times we've shown our power levels in public

ITT: Times we've shown our power levels in public.

I attended Charlottesville. Yes, I was a tikifag.

I have a serious problem with going on drunken very loud rants about niggers and Jews to women I'm sleeping with, and squeezing drinking glasses so hard that they break. I actually LIKE the feeling of being angry though, it makes me extremely productive and also it makes you get addicted to lifting.
When I go to the gym I listen to podcasts talking about what's happening in Europe and it just makes me so like white hot rage level of pissed off.

At thanksgiving dinner with my family my mother commented on the state of modern society or some such. I said "we wouldn't have all these problems if it wasn't for all the niggers and faggots and Jews ruining everything ". She said "damn right. You want some more potatoes "?

>Listen son! Your great grandmother was a jew.

What podcasts do u like

LOL, classic white trash. Cover his car with his ideology like some one give a fuck

would have a beer with

You sound like a pretty cool guy, desu.

I'm unironically ancap and I think it can work to preserve the white race
fite me

>Step aside girls, the Alpha Males are back

TRS, Grandpa Lampshade, Azzmador's stuff
I know a lotta people here hate TRS, but they got a lotta really solid shit on there. Intersectional Alt Right is my favorite on there but they only air every 2 weeks.
Beyond the Wall is also good which is crazy to think about because it's run by these high IQ Castizo spics that are doctors and lawyers and whatnot in Latin America.

Thank you, user.

>The alpha males are back

I am become cringe, destroyer of self awareness

Congrats, you're the reason a fucking tranny is in office.


Imagine the key marks and shit that truck must endure

I don't mind most these stickers but
>that fucking Calvin sticker
Pisses me off every time I see one of those

If that guy lives in a state like Alabama will it still get defaced?

I attended Charlottesville as well. Had the Identitarian flag. Hail Victory.

What a cringey faggot.

Alabama is not immune of niggers and liberal filth.

I'm sorry to tell you friend, but you destroyed the white identity movements for a while.

In five years ISIS will be driving around in this truck.

That's a really cool send up of the coexist bumper sticker.

i love that pic

do you have moar?

If that is really your truck how many tries and mirrors have you had to replace from vandalism?

In my sjw private school we watched schindlers list. At the end i did a roman salute and yelled "HEIL HITLER"! They went fucking ballistic



>Blue lives matter


cringey as fuck

putting bumper stickers all over your truck is a mental illness

Im hunting antifa!

You’re a good man my friend

Are you me!?

THIS is the kind of shit that cause the people think you are crazy. Just put ONE thing.

>Pissing Calvin sticker
Literally 75 IQ confirmed.

I also did this
Accept i would just browse Sup Forums for 20 minutes before lifting and that was enough to make me power through any workout

Im joining the marines so i will get ripped and be a chad whether i want to or not

I've publicly challenged affirmative action, and I've red/jewpilled many of my friends and relatives, almost all of whom are part of a group that would normally be offended by my comments.


God bless America

America died in either 1812, 1840, 1861, or 1913. not 2008

Yeah I do it all the time in front of the wrong people,but I always win the argument and they become scared or mad. Sometimes both. I haven’t directly lost friend from this, but its definitely driving people away. I never pick the fight, but always finish it. Sticker bonging your car with politics is distasteful.



>I attended Charlottesville
Same, who gives a fuck.

>I try to intimidate people off weights at the gym and have no self control

No, dude. He's an alpha male so he doesn't care what your beta bitch self thinks. Don't make him grab the crowbar under his seat, okay?


yu a cop killer?


Whatever, Greg

almost always since I work in highrise construction with exclusively redpilled men.

I do have a habit of drunken rants though about the mongrelization of the western world

You licking boots, faggot?

>Step aside girls
>The ALPHA MALES are back

Women probably spit their drinks out laughing at you.

i bet you're below 5'10 arent you

I mention Israel too often and the disappearance of Palestine. Among friends I will directly call out the jew but in public, I won't directly call the Jew but I'll say Israel is dick move.

Fuck you bongs, you shouldn't have done that.

Bears no relevance, my grandmother was a jew, my mother was a jew, technically I am a jew as well but if you think I'm going to stand up for cretins like Soros and those jewish pro-islam apologists from the UK, you're mistaken.

I live in Europe and sure as hell don't want the continent to become an area where the only way to keep relative calm is he military, like it happens in Israel.

Alpha males never left. Having that display is pretty try-hard beta or any lower echelon

>Listening to podcasts while lifting

Based sheriff.

Few years ago I worked a shitty wagecuck job in a supermarket, a 6ft 3 tranny walked past while we were having a 'team talk' on the shop floor with a few staff and managers and I looked at the tranny and tried not to laugh but couldn't hide it and everyone turned around to look what I was laughing at and the tranny saw them looking at """her""" and then she complained to the manager and I got a warning
if those faggots didn't all turn around and stare there wouldn't be a problem.

I helped facilitate some rallys

I name the (((influential demographic in finance, entertainment, and media))) fairly regularly, have brought up racial differences in IQ among my friends and family, and am seemingly the last person in my demographic group who doesn't support "trans rights."

I also nod my head with a lot of what Marx wrote and make that pretty well known too. Adorno is my nigger.



Hide your powerlevel you fucking reddit newfag

We hate Richard Spencer

I just can't get past those THICK beany accents on Beyond the Wall.

I like their message and content, but fuck man it is like nails on a chalk board.
