Why does Sup Forums turn on anime the general anime fandom adores?
Why does Sup Forums turn on anime the general anime fandom adores?
You don't want to have fun together with newfags do you?
Nobody likes casuals.
While I can't speak for everyone I didn't "turn" on anything, I simply didn't care for them from the beginning. I stopped watching SAO after the second episode when it became clear what type of character Kirito was and the only thing I liked about Kill-la-Kill was Nonon.
No fun allowed. It's in the rules.
They are legitimately enjoyable and well-animated etc depending on the show, but they attract casuals to the board and encourage repeat threads. This can clog up space that threads about the current season would otherwise fill. Since most of us spend a lot of time watching anime and have seen these shows a long time ago, we would much prefer to talk about current shows.
>the general anime fandom adores
because they're shit
>Sup Forums is a collective consciousness with a singular opinion
>klk is disliked
>re:zero is completely disliked
>SAO is good and enjoyable
Only SaO is generally disliked and even then faggots like you popup.
Weak bait, given even the most casual lurker has seen threads from the shows youve listed.
>>SAO is good and enjoyable
You make it sound like we hate everything popular, when a handful of popular anime are enjoyed by the majority of us
Because contrarian hipsters, you would notice the opposite also happens (Sup Forums latching onto shit on one likes ie samural flamenco, sora no woto and recently flip flappers)
Sup Forums isn't one person and a lot of those "this is the AOTY!" seasonal fags say that about all shows. There are legit bad critisms about shows airing but no one usually wants to respond to it and circlekjerk the latest screencap they took.
It just appears that Sup Forums hates everything that completed airing because 90% of the people praising it forgot what they watched last season
The same reason Sup Forums hates all popular games.
KLK is the only decent show on that list
It's pretty objectively bad though. Kirito is ridiculously overpowered for no real reason, plot points are introduced and dropped for no reason (the item that can revive the dead, the whole Black Hand organization, the fucking reason why Aiyakaba trapped them in the first place), at times it feels like the plot has no idea where it wants to go etc. I will say that, had SAO ended with the Aincrad arc, it would've been okay. Just okay, not good or bad. Afterwards it just gets worse and worse.
Haven't watched it, but I plan to. I've heard good things about it.
It's actually pretty good. It's mindless, stupid fun that actually manages to be funny, have some interesting fights and solid animation at times (yes, there's a handful of QUALITY moments but you barely notice them unless you actively look for them)
It's not bad, but it manages to be something worse than bad: boring. Hestia carried the entire show, without her nobody would care.
For the first seven episodes or so it's fucking excellent, then it starts a decline into mediocrity. By the end it's not bad, it's actually kind of good overall. Not a masterpiece, but enjoyable and certainly a show I'd recommend.
In the end, with the exception of SAO all these shows are hated by Sup Forums's anime pro's because they're popular and because it's hip to hate what's popular. And even with SAO I'm sure many people dislike it because it's popular rather than for its legit faults.
tips fedora
A combination of contrarianism, the average anime fan's shit taste, and the fact that Sup Forums isn't one person
SnK is the only good thing on that list, though it's only good because of Jean!
I don't really care much about bogeyman seeing as I'm not a small child
Might as well call this the Sup Forums prime directive and enshrine it at the top of the site
SAO is the only thing on your list that Sup Forums unanimously and genuinely hates
haven't seen these
these are good
t. normie
>Black Hand
Literally who?
That was a brainfart, I meant Laughing Coffin of course.
Good taste, I love you user.
I probably would've loved the shit out of Danmachi when I was 14.
But I felt nothing but contempt and eyerolls for the MC. Would've been a lot of fun without him.
Because the "general anime fandom" is cancer and has shit taste.
Those are mediocre at best, horrid at worst.
>96 Shots of Eggnog
Only have yourself to blame, desu.
Why did you deliberately not include Naruto in your post?
Sup Forums likes it now.
Danmachi wasn't even popular compared to the others. It's just that Hestia attracted some masturbating teenagers and cosplay sluts.
SAO is controversial pretty much anywhere in the anime fandom, and I think Sup Forums liked Danmachi and KLK, but anyway the answer to your question is that this site (not just Sup Forums, the WHOLE site) is a cancerous contrarian shithole.
People who normally just wouldn't care about the show or would be mildly annoyed by its flaws have to hear about it constantly, so they feel a need to stress every flaw that it has and try to come up with more.
Occasionally the explosion in popularity comes along with a theme shift in the work. This isn't as common with anime as other stuff, but I'm pretty sure it's what happened with SNK.
Nah SNK was so big, it transcended the initially "We hate normie shit!", now it's Sup Forums core, and because of how based and red pilled the manga has been it's now Sup Forums core.
Sup Forums is den of hardcore otaku. Why would otaku like what normalfags like?
Sup Forums likes NGE. Why not list popular shows that aren't shit?
I have no awareness of what this nebulous fandom likes because this is intrinsically not a social hobby. I don't know why people come here expecting to talk about things the same way they do on other sites
>Why not list popular shows that aren't shit?
Pick one
>mfw i have distanced myself from fandoms because of normies
>mfw i have distanced myself from fandoms because of people who get too autistically attached to shows
It's retarded and i feel stupid for doing it myself but i it's obviously natural.
It's all about how much control you have over your own autism.
I haven't seen the other two but SnK, KlK, and DanMachi are all bad. It's only natural to dislike them.
Heard you were talking shit kid
>objectively bad
Nice meme.
>and I think Sup Forums liked Danmachi and KLK
They did. KLK was basically AOTY up until the moment it ended and everyone realized Reddit also liked it.
>this site is a cancerous contrarian shithole.
KLK is the only good show on that list.
I am genuinely surprised anyone would like Danmachi over SAO.
SAO has a lot of bullshit, but I always have fun watching what the hell that shitty mind of an author comes up with.
Danmachi is literally "nothing happens, the show"; the only good thing is Hestia's feet and tits.
> enjoyable and well-animated
SAO is not enjoyable
Really? I remember KLK was really popular and well-liked here when it was airing, and even until now.
To answer your question though, it's because those shows are popular even with casual audiences and a significant portion of Sup Forums's userbase is contrarian and hates anything popular.
Even the girls. Asuna, Hestia, Rem. All very popular everywhere but hated on Sup Forums.