Do you like the 12 episode format?

Someone still prefers 24 episode over 2 seasons of 12?

No one else misses 51 episode series and long running series?

So many good shows/adaptions could have been infinitely better with longer episode counts. And vice versa.

I think a lot of it comes down to not wanting to risk that kinda investment.

Yes and no. In some ways it cuts out some filler episodes that shows that are 26 episode have. Code Geass had a few filler episodes in R1 that really didn't do anything overall (cat steals the mask episode, etc).

Comes down to how much material there is and what is being adapted.

Is there any better porn artist than Ghettoyouth?

>No one else misses 51 episode series and long running series?
No, anime has enough pacing problems as it is. Most long series are too repetitive.

Anime doesnt have enough longevity/episodes
im not asking for the simpsons, but 50 episodes in the lifetime of a show doesnt seem like too much to ask

why are nip cartoons only 12-25 episodes long where american shows run for years

>No one else misses 51 episode series and long running series?

The current pace of most are fine. If you like the material, read the source.

Why is it that shows like Dragonball, Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, Precure, Naruto and One Piece still go on for hundreds of episodes then?

I've never seen a good 2nd course, 2nd seasons sure, but the 2nd twelve episodes always look rushed, choppy, and repetitive because the staff is too beat down

I hardily ever feel like 12 is enough.
Call me old fashioned but I like stories to have a beginning, middle and end.
With proper depth and build up put into characters and the world they're in.
I've never felt any series could properly develop a world, characters and story in a 12 episode limit.
24 is a perfect norm in my eyes, though it can be pushed to 51, just leave out any filler.

I think fillers are not that bad, one or two leisure episodes with random adventures to see how the characters behave in other kind of situations is nice.

Problem is when half the series is filler.

>Most long series are too repetitive.

Manga are even more repetitive, they usually have lot of chapters with basic antics, if its about a samurai guy it will show 100 hundred random encounters with other samurai, if its about a harem it will show 1500 missunderstandings before the plot even start to move. Adaptations usually remove most of those.

So most anime, compared with the source material are pretty "light" in the repetitivenes department, at least when it comes to manga adaptation

You are a wise man

I miss when anime wasn't 90% LN advertisements with no real interest in finishing the series.

I dunno, there are some shows that work well with 12 episodes. Drifters is probably one of the better recent examples, but because the author didn't do alot of source material there isn't much to miss or be cut

Most anime doesn't have enough content to justify 24 episodes. A definitive cut of Chrono Crusade, for example, would be 12 episodes long.

In the ancient past, shows used to go on for longer than 12 episodes because they were more or less ordered by the TV stations to fill airtime cheaply.

Home video made its entrance in the '80s and various animation subcontractors saw an opening to make their own money by selling OVAs to rental chains.

Video rental died with the economy at the turn of the millennium, and 12-episode shows replaced the OVAs.

I think the closest to emulating american eternity shows would be to have a yearly 12 episodes of the same show. Every year.

I prefer 12 eps in general. A good anime should feel like they end in 4 and adapt 3 different major arcs in the 12 ep season.

I think it depends what the show is being taken from. There are a lot of shows that could use 2 seasons to properly adapt the manga, light novel, or if original the authors work.

S;G was something that in no way could have been 12 episodes.

>ep 01-02 - plot, action
>ep 03-10 - fucking nothing
>ep 11-12 - rushed shit ending
No, thanks.

Casual: 12/13 episodes
Contrarian: 50+ episodes
Patrician: 39 episodes
Pleb: 25 episodes

2 cour shows are just as shitty if they struggle to cram in enough content for each week and have to substitute in random filler episodes or make the plot advance at a snail's pace.

It really depends on if they even have enough material to justify such a long show in the first place.

I'd rather have twelve one hour-long episodes, like western series. Episodes having only 24 minutes at most is pretty restricting. You always need to have a hook for next week's episode every time the episode is about to end, so the frequency is higher and more tiresome.

Are we thinking of the same anime?

Hahaha this is so true

>fags try to whiteknight it by saying the 6 episodes SoL were for character development

Fuck you I would rather have 1 less episode of SoL shit and get a decently paced ending in return

But that's because they adapt it when its still ongoing and there is not enough material.

For example if CC had been adapted after it was finished there was enough to 24 episodes.

This is probably the problem with 12 episode series, not the final lengh but how they distribute the time.

You can tell an story in 12 episodes perfectly, but if you waste half series doing nothing then at the very end try to put lot of content into two episodes just doesn't work.

I understand 12 episode series are less risky, I understand some of them are just advertisements for the source material and they can't show much content or no one would buy, but JESUS, at least distribute the time properly and don't put all the development in the two last episodes after an entire season of nothing.

Pic very related.


Implying that only applies to one anime

No one was implying that, that's one of many. Do honestly think ANYONE would believe that is the only one?