Lol he's gonna sue the Jew York times for millions
wheres the ADL?
There hasn't been an actual right-wing mass shooter. They tried to go out and make one.
>The site "goyfundme" — a crowdfunding website catering to the far-right — has drawn more than $8,000 in donations on his behalf.
>What are Oklahoma bombers and dylan roof
>a bomb is a gun and happened under trump
>dylan roof happened under trump
Whats it like to live in this reality?
Thanks for bringing this to my attention friend.
I donated on goyfundme.
Truth is a defence against a libel lawsuit here in the US. He won't get a dime.
Scenario 1:
>Article posted about white man who has personal and political views considered 'extreme' by some elements of society (e.g. white supremacist), supports one group (i.e. white people)'s growth and development while being apathetic towards others
>Receives death threats to his home, his place of business, etc.
>"Well he deserves it, hateful piece of shit!"
Scenario 2:
>Article posted about woman who has personal and political views considered 'extreme' by some elements of society (e.g. 'modern feminist'), supports one group (i.e. white people)'s growth and development while being apathetic towards others
>Receives death threats to her home, his place of business, etc.
>"What the fuck! This brave wxmyn is fighting the patriarchy, and people are destroying her livelihood? That's fucked up!"
Scenario 3:
>Article posted about black man who has personal and political views considered 'extreme' by some elements of society (e.g. Black Panther), supports one group (i.e. white people)'s growth and development while being openly hostile towards others
>Universally praised for his racial pride and personal strength in fighting back against 'the system'
>"I'm gonna donate to this dude's patreon, he's so revolutionary!"
How and why is peoples' cognitive dissonance so fucking strong? How is it that Scenario 1 is okay, but 2 and 3 aren't?
I'm not even saying any of them are correct (frankly, sorry, I'm not redpilled enough, I think any non-equalist movement promoting ANY group over others is wrong), but still, it doesn't make me a nazi to realize that it's fucked up that this dude is getting fucking shafted.
First amendment, right? The same thing all the BLM apes scream whenever people tell them to fuck off? But it only applies to one race and gender mix, got it.
Okay, I fucked up what I was trying to say, but you get the point.
3 as written would be okay to the mass media sheeple.
Good job op your doing the world a solid.
Neither of those happened under Trump RETARD
aaannnd realized I also fucked up my shitty copypasta. Goddammit.
Scenario 2:
>Article posted about woman who has personal and political views considered 'extreme' by some elements of society (e.g. 'modern feminist'), supports one group (i.e. **WOMEN**)'s growth...
Scenario 3:
>Article posted about black man who has personal and political views considered 'extreme' by some elements of society (e.g. Black Panther), supports one group (i.e. **BLACK** people)'s growth...
I really hope y'all can read between the lines and see where I was going with this, though.
You are correct. If you were smart enough to read a comment chain, newfag, you would get the gist of the conversation.
They didn't really ruin his life though. It's not like he had kids, and it's also not like his wife is leaving him. And he was on TDS and said he doesn't really care, none of his friends or family are disowning him or anything. He has to get a new job and he has to move, that's literally it. And by the end of the donation campaign he'll probably have upwards of $10,000 to help him out with the transition, which is a lot of money for a guy who was working at a bar. This unironically might have improved his life.
Honestly, why the fuck would he agree to be profiled like that?
He had everything to lose and nothing to gain.
I'm not saying it's right that this happened to him but he should have at least had a contingency plan in place in the event that the inevitable occured.
I get it bro, no worries. Work on it a little bit. You got to understand that leftist see nothing wrong with your original scenario. A leftist does whatever they need to do to gain power. A leftist will rape a child and then give a press conference espousing the idea that children should be protected. A leftist will talk about taxing the rich and then exploit loopholes so they don't have to pay as much taxes.
At least he had a job and home to lose. Can you say the same?
If loosing your job being labeled a racist and having to move doesn't ruin your life why don't you do it then user?
>why the fuck would he agree to be profiled like that
It's good propaganda. If you can show leftists that white nationalists are just decent, normal white people, then in their insanity they will start to suspect all decent, normal white people of being white nationalists. And when they start with the maligning and the accusations, they actually will become white nationalists.
The guy is a fry cook, do his beliefs really effect his ability to make a hamburger? I'm sure 50% of the people that make me my food at restaurants are full on La Raza / Azatlan but who cares?
Regardless of what you think of the guy's beliefs, how big of a crybully faggot do you have to be to feel good about yourself because you got some 30 year old sad sap working a job meant for someone half his age fired?
Important to take note here that no one would EVER be fired from their job for being a committed Communist activist. The Times has a bit of a thing for Communism, actually.
because nazis aren't intelligent?
You got a point. I don't get it either. Of course this :
We need to work on that.
Because I'm a different person with a different life situation? You realize this guy was one of the founding members of TWP, right? He was not some random dude who was trying to remain lowkey, he was an active and well known pro-white activist. Hence him not having to worry about losing friends or loved ones over this. The consequences for leftist tard rage for him has been mostly monetary in nature, and like I said with the crowdfunding campaign even that will be mitigated. The guy is fine. And him being fine is a great thing, because it proves the kikes can't shut people down so easily.
>Wrong thinking intensifies...
>a bomb isn't a gun
>White Supremacists are SOCIALISTS.
Let me open my notepad of shit I have to repeatedly say:
In 2016, 68% of gun homicides were committed by Democrats. (Sources; The Center for Disease Control WISHERS Website, US Department of Justice’s Homicide Report, and Cornell University)
In all American History, mass shooters are Dems/Leftists/Socialists. If you say something about the white supremacy shooter, white supremacists are SOCIALISTS. Everything for their own race. Leftists.
>One post by this ID, but still;
Refute me.
Most of the actual holders of power in our society (so not the government) are rather big fans of Communism, if and only if they get to be the Nomenklatura of course. At least Communism isn't racist!
>master race nazi
>works as a fucking cook
Fuck this guy and guys like him
Oops, was meant for
>Gets in car crash
>He wasn't really hurt though, it's not like he lost both legs in the car crash, just a foot
>And after insurance he'll probably have upwards of $10,000 to help him out with the transition
>This unironically might have improved his life
i cant even
Wait, his WIFE and BROTHER IN LAW were also fired because of his crimes? What's next, North Korea tier "put your family and the next 5 generations in a labor camp"?
Yeah everyone gets fucked equally .
Good. Punch nazis.
If Americans want to have their Nazi ideology they should support each other, one man alone can't win.
New York Times didn't fire him, they just wrote the article, maybe they just told some boss Jew to fire him, but that's a question for interconnected Jewish influences in USA, good luck proving that.
>were also fired because of his "wrongthink"*
Why would you agree to an interview with Jews if you're an actual National Socialism adherent? They're going to slander you and you know it.
The fact this guy didn't know it makes me question his legitimacy.
>implying the third Reich didn't need fry cooks
I don't see what you're getting at. Not everyone who believes and supports the notion of the ubermensch is an ubermensch himself.
>comparing losing a fry cook job and a starter home to losing a foot
Jesus, you guys are really committed to this sympathy angle and I have no idea why. It is a far greater propaganda victory for our side that he was not significantly affected by jew antics than if he had been.
Because the article was powerful propaganda to normalize the Nazi next door. This doxing also makes the left look bad.
This man was a martyr
It’s a good start. Fuck nazis
You fucking guys.
You're a fucking idiot.
His motivations are certainly suspect. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Especially if we start seeing a lot of him.
Your oops is accepted. I agree with you that white SUPREMACISTS are stupid, but there is nothing wrong with worrying that whites are going to be the subject of the next genocide and we should work as a group to prevent that.
>being edgy as fuck, with horrid optics and being oblivious to the public backlash of YOUR volunteered participation of this piece
>expecting to still work at job and them not caring about their reputation
user, I...
>I don't see what you're getting at.
For a master race dude, maybe he should have applied himself to a trade union or at least a fucking truck driver, not some job reserved for niggers, women and teenagers.
Checked. I agree. Why would anyone with those beliefs do that? Why would a "literal Nazi" talk to the NYT about that and trust them. There something.... jewish going on here...
>with horrid optics
The entire article was based around how good his "optics" are. The whole point was that he was a nice family man and indistinguishable from any normal white american. What do you want him to do, walk around in a suit and tie all day to appease your WASP-core fetishism?
Go fund me for this guy?
To push the narrative that white nationalists are normal people. To induce paranoid hysteria in leftists and make them suspect every vaguely conservative white person in their life of being a nahtzee.
-and agreed.
>revealing your power level to the NYT
Hahaha faggot got what he deserved.
I hate the jews.
Gofundme is kosher certified.
But I am the Buddhist Nazi. We ascended now!