>all dat Nihei cheap shit
>free Nihei shit
>new Nihei shit


Sidonia was such a let down fuck that series.

When the fuck is Habanero going to complete their Blame! re translation?



>Blame! re translation
There something wrong with english official translation?


This is pretty tempting, but what are the odds it'll reach enough to unlock the art book?

wth is this? I actually like Blame! and would like hard copies

Shame, our release have fantastic translation

Already pre-ordered vol. 3 which will be out soon

Well never get to 100k though

Digital copies.

Ni chuja nie mogę zdzierżyć Gward i Pustelniaków. Mogli zostawić Gauny i tsugumori w Sidonii

Sidonię wydają lamuchy z Kotori

>Digital copies

FFS I want that art booklet, even if digital.

Więc mówisz że Blame ma spoko tłumaczenie, a orientujesz się którą wersję mają? Redraw czy oryginał? Zresztą i tak kupię czy siak, ale chciałbym wiedzieć.

Watch some one just upload this shit when it all unlocks.

Digital copies are ok, but Blame! should be properly bought physically, Sidonia a fat ugly shit.

>only two volumes of Blame!
>all of knights of shitonia



So there was going to be a follow up to that.

Obiously due to the fact that only volumes of the remastered Blame edition are already out at the moment.

*only two volumes

So is blame good? KO's looked like shit so I never watched it. My normalfag friend watched it in Netflix and liked it so that's two more reasons not to watch/read it.