Fuck Meme. He should have let Araragi kill Episode.
Kizu thread
Meme should have fucked Araragi.
But then he'd lose his humanity :^((((
Which honestly doesn't sound like a bad deal, being an immortal bamf and getting mad bat pussy forever and having a totally non sexual friendship with cat seems a pretty solid way to go.
>implying you can lose your humanity
It's a meme
Just reread the last fight and the final.
Maybe one the best finals ever. Hype is so strong. I hope there will be anons from Japan to tell how was Part 3.
When they will air it nipnongchingchong land anyways?
6 Jan 2017
Would have been better if it ended with Araragi walking in on Kiss-shot eating Guillotinecutter. that shit would have been amazing. Also, I dont give a shit about spoilers you people should have already read the novels.
spinoff AU when
any new PVs?
Not yet.
I think if there will be new PV it will be tomorrow.
some event in nippon or what?
>getting mad bat pussy
He can still have this, if he mans the fuck up and stops being in denial for fucking how long now.
Did ragi kill him with the tree thing or was he merely pretending to be dead?
10/10 best girl still holding that #1
It's spoiled above you , user.
I've been out of the *monogatari loop since the season where snek wanted to kill everybody, any particular order I should watch the new stuff in?
and why the fuck are there so few new shinobu doujins!?
I'm still mad.
No. Just time. One week until premiere. They can't wait any longer.
Actually the first PV looks like they gave up after bad box office and don't care about ads anymore.
Eating doesn't necessarily mean killing.
Go away Kanbaru
> any particular order I should watch the new stuff in?
Kizumonogatari 1-2 are prequels.
>Eating doesn't necessarily mean killing.
Nigga, that's not how it works
Shinobu ate that abomination thing in Owari after it was killed iirc.
There's also Tsuki and Hana.
Why would you ask Sup Forums to spoonfeed you on such a basic knowledge instead of just googling it in 10 seconds?
Nevermind, you are either new or retarded.
During fight with Araragi Kissshot said that she almost forgot about times when she was human. Is it true? Events of Princess Beauty and Acerola Bon Appetit are hard to forget.
This version of Shinobu makes me rock hard no matter how many times I see it.
If Araragi stayed a vampire do you think would Kiss-shot have eventually given him a new vampire name?
And her dress is transparent.
It should of had been one whole movie to begin with. Also them waiting so many years to finally release it when it's obvious that after many years that the franchise would slowly decayed and splitting it into three incomplete parts is stupid. The Animation quality is very good, but it's obvious the story is being stretched beyond it means.
>it should of had been one whole movie to begin with
>the story is being stretched beyond its means
Perhaps nips saw that The Hobbit will be getting 3 movies out of 1 book as well, and thought to themselves they could do the same.
I only saw how cancerous 1st part was and didn't even bother with the other ones, but didn't the jews at Hollywood manage to produce a 2h+ movie out of like 10 final pages of the book?
Too bad every normalfag in the world is going to buy a ticket for Hobbit to be "le nerdy xD", but not so much for Kizu.
They are big
>dat hand
masturbator spotted
She probably remembers at least some events quite well.
We will see Shinobu in the end of Part 3.
She'll be unnamed at that point.
What could it mean?
Stop being a fagot Araragi and just do it.
why is her butt so big?
Is there any number or repor of how many vertical kizu is sold?
Because her farts are deadly.
why did they go to the effort of hyping him up and giving him the best character design of the three vampire hunters?
>Ougi with irises
Looks weird
Kizu 2 stream with subs at
Still waiting
Why would anyone here need to stream Kizu 2?
They split it into three for the sake of pure milking the fans out of much money as they can get. They thought people would be blinded by the animation to suddenly just be ok with seeing and buying an incomplete movie three times which obviously ain't working out because their fan-base isn't as exploitable that they think they are. The only good that came from it is the animation being way above the tv series.
Waiting for what?
How are Commie's subs for #1?
Aniplex look to be doing yearly releases so #3 will be out in 2018 which is a bit too long to wait.
Fuck off herkz.
Commie in general is hot garbage.
An user with N1 certification subbed the first movie, and another user subbed the second one with decent enough subs.
If your options are Commie or something else, pick the one that isn't Commie every time.
Sub-par. Judging by Herkz comments he has either gone into uber shitposting mode or has forgotten how real people speak.
commie's SS subs were good
best VA too
Yes. They had good SS subs because they had a talented translator who cared. Then the translator quit and everything has been okay to bad since.
use sephs, commie's subs are terrible for #1
Thanks guys.
that's snake
Except for the fact that, you know, he'd have to eat humans? Which would make him crazy and probably drive him to suicide. Hell he would have killed himself if not for Hanekawa saving him.
Kiss-Shot already said that vampire instincts would make him not care after the first one.
Araragi not caring about killing people? Are you mad? "Vampire instincts" is utter bullshit. He's still Araragi. Did you not read the gym shed scene?
Why yes I did. I still think that someone who has lived through the transition from human to vampire knows a bit about how it goes.
need more webms and snapshots of kiss-shot
is it appropriate to call her shinobu in kizu while she's a loli? i figured not because she's not given that name til later
You can call her Shinobu basically whenever. It'll get the message across.
honestly, he was going to kill episode. araragi is not a moralfag
I feel like a retard now.
>not screenshotting every frame she was in the day rips were available
What a casual.
no bully
I get hanekawa
>RRRG can't kill Episode because muh humanity
>but Maymay can let Cat get skinned and take his sweet time telling Gagagari how to save her just to get more shekels out of him because ________
Because he's not the one doing the killing :^)
>that part where he starts to try and stuff her intestines back in
But then he had broken the pact and Guillotine Cutter would have killed him. Things work like that way in the Monogatariverse.
>killing anyone
he couldn't even kill the cat
I'd marry Ararararagi
It's not about danger to Araragi, it's about not breaking his side of the deal so that negotiations can continue. Also, Episode ended up saving his life in Owari so it pays off in the end.
She was not nameless when she was 10 years old. She lost most of her personality when she was 8.
>She lost most of her personality when she was 8.
Sulking is not the same as losing your personality.
That hand. Jesus Christ.
It is implied lots of time, that her 8 years old form is not kiss-shot. But her 10 years old form is. Even araragi asked himself she is acting childish, because she was effected by him.
Yeah, because she never lied to protect her dignity before.
>tfw fanart is canon because her butt is canonically huge
How did Meme fuck up and let Cat get captured?
>implying the timeline wouldn't have changed if araragi had killed episode
I was wondering where I had heard the name "Acerola" before then it hit me
They should have made two 2hr long movies.
I've been waiting for this since the very first time it was announced and I feel nothing but being fucked in the ass by Shaft. My second bluray is on the way and I wanna throw it in the garbage as soon as it comes in.
They cut out the fucking plant talk so it only looks like he became a tree because, well, why the fuck not?
About two lines exchanged between Shinobu and Araragi.
Fucking cat did NOTHING. At least in the book she tries and gets him some manga so he gets some ideas. She did nothing anyway but tries way more things than just show him her fucking underwear, besides from the fact the nigga gets calm around her and doesn't lose it.
So anime-only people should expect that he considers her a savior during all the series and have her that high on a pedestal just because she showed him her panties twice? Ah, right, I forgot she was also in the fucking way of that Episode fight.
The fight with dramaturgy was shit.
The cringe-worthy cuts of Episode laughing.
But that fucking conversation at the end with Meme took the fucking price. I applaude and give them a trophy, to all SHAFT staff. Great movie, best adaptation
>raragi you habe 2 lose humanity
>ok thank
>*turns into tree*
FUCK SHAFT. I tried to like their shitty ass studio but if they did this with the whole series I might as well learn Japanese and forget the anime ever existed. Fuck this crap, I'm outta here.
>Japanese movies
>longer than an hour