Why does Japan worship cowtits so fucking much?
Why does Japan worship cowtits so fucking much?
Especially when DAT ass is so vastly superior
Because they give LIFE, you twit.
If you don't like big tits you want your children to starve.
Nothing to do with breast size, it's just that they both had the only canon love for the MC. You should've seen this coming.
>Why do men like breasts?
Nice repost btw
Because they hold within them the hopes and dreams of all men.
Kaoru from Kenshin and Chi-chi from DB got with the MCS and they don't have big breasts user.
The average cup size is very small in Japan.
The countries in RED dont really care about large breasts since almost every female has large breasts.
because cowtits are rare in nip land
so rare they made B cup here a C cup over there and so on and so on
Because only kids love shonen shit garbage.
Because most of their women don't have large breasts.
Same reason why so many anime characters have wierd hair and eyecolours.
It's something they donĀ“t have in their country, so they fantasize about it. Perfectly reasonable.
Nips don't have wide hips or good fat distribution for ass. So they fetishize tits more.
I just want medium size like B to D.
>if you dont love ovee exaggerated DD+ breasts your a pedophilee lololol
t. every thread about breasts
Because nips have shit taste.
>bitching when unprovoked
From what I've seen, there are 4 types of breast threads. The first type is a clean cut war between the large and flat factions. The second and third types are victories for either faction. The last type is simply posting them. People who like medium sizes tend to simply standby.
>Nice repost btw
>being this fucking new
C is :
large enough to have a definite shape
Large enough to fill a guys hands
Looks aesthetic
Anything beyond:
Tell of post-pregnancy/old age/fatness
Causes back pains
>why do human males like healthy, fertile, voluptuous women with tender personalities?
How paizuri not on your checklist?
Automatic failure.
Ultimate symbol of femininity. They're the #1 thing that a guy, no matter how feminine, does not have.
They make better moms
Hinata used to have ass until The Last made her a skinny shit. Orihime however...
>look down
>see this
wat do?
Contact a doctor for you an urgent breast reduction surgery due to the chronic back pains.
Grope them gently.
Hinata ended up being a pitiful mom but I get where you're coming from. We haven't seen Orihime as a mom so the verdict is still out on her.
Have you seen the japs, they are flat as boards.
Who wouldn't like some big ole' tats
You do realize not all women with large breasts have back problems right?
They would have bigger breasts if they weighed more than 100 pounds.
Remove them due to fears of breast cancer then.
Because some of them are god-tier.
>Orihime however...
if you're implying that Orihime doesn't have an ass then think again
But user, both are healthy as fuck.
Moderately-sized breasts don't translate well into anime and most people aren't fucking pedos, OP.
You must also realize not every woman with big breasts gets breast cancer either right? I mean you're not that retarded, right user?
>Hinata ended up being a pitiful mom
Wait, how?
That's what I was saying. She got even more thicc after having a baby too. Orihime gets better with age. Hinata just gets uglier.
Boruto movie. She is too passive and lets her family walk all over her.
>Hinata just gets uglier.
I think she's still very pretty.
If they don't lactate I feel like there's no point
Orihime and Hinata are not that popular compared to Rukia and Sakura. Sakura most popular pairing is with Sasuke so it makes sense on why she is paired with him along with her loving him in canon. Naruto got his pairing mainly because of Kishimoto having his idea to do Boruto sometime during his time doing the original manga before it ended. So Hinata was the most logical choice in the context of the story to have him pair up with.
Rukia and Ichigo didn't happen because the author simply didn't see their relationship in that sort of way.
People want what they can't have. Japs are a small, puny people so naturally they covet large things.
How do you know? What if they're just hiding the pain/discomfort?
I started developing at a young age so they've always just been there. Some days I get bad back pain, these are usually the days when I'm up and running from morning till night-but most of the time I'm fine.
How big is too big?
That doesn't sound fun at all
That only happens if you're pregnant or gave birth and continually milk them.
Well, I don't know.
Large breasts are loved all over the world. What's with people looking at something everyone does and then asking why Japan does it as if they're the only ones?
She isn't my type, that's all. Kishimoto doesn't draw her pretty and never cared to give her a personality. Her anime counterpart is cute at times.
Its pretty miserable being a woman.
Because C isn't big enough family
Lactation can be stimulated by enough sucking from any source or just being around babies long enough
Orihime is literally one of the least favorite females in Bleach. Their winning of the MCbowl had nothing to do with cowtits and everything to do with them being the only ones lusting after their dick.
I am a woman, I just don't have big breasts.
It's because Tite Kubo likes her and created ichihime as his own ideal pairing.
>Orihime is literally one of the least favorite females in Bleach
Huh? In the last JUMP valentine poll, she was second right after Rukia. She's always second after Rukia.
She was 5th in the first poll, 12th in the second, 10th in the third, and 8th in the fourth. The second poll is the only time she was out of the top ten.
Not that.
Because this board is full of retards that have never set a foot outside but think they know better than everyone else. It's a typical re/a/ction.
You can go bigger then those
Its only going to get worse as you grow older.
She's hated in the west for some reason. Yet Hinata is loved. I'll never get it.
>look at these two shonen female leads, fucking all of Japan people this is it here
That's still pretty 'least favorite' tier. Let me remind you Kubo had to defend her from nip fans on twitter who called her useless and pathetic.
>all those tsundere girls with modest busts winning
>Rukia is the most popular Bleach girl
>defend her from nip fans on twitter
The people you are talking about are not fans of the series, they are insane IchiRuki shippers.
Cow tits are disgusting and bad, just like the people who like them. Anything bigger than a C makes me puke.
>I think she's still very pretty.
That was when Boruto was still a little kid
She doesn't look like that anymore
Perfect sizes before getting too big
Is this why Korea split up?
Like the other user said, they were shippers. They wanted her killed off so she wouldn't get in the way of IR.
The fat virgins who spend a lot of money on anime like it because they know they could never score a girl like that
I'm a fat virgin and I prefer flat.
I think because their national average is really small, such that had to put the japanese B equivalent to A in the rest of the world so their women wouldn't suicide as often because of lack of self-steem, but their general society will do that anyways, with their overworked husbands and boring house-keeping life.
Then you're a pretty cool guy
more like girly shy cowtits who threats well and actually loves the MC
>just being around babies long enough
Stop acting as uf you know what you are talking about.
Fun fact that you probably don't care anyway, Orihime is just 5'2" and 108 pounds, meanwhile Hinata is 5'4" and 99 pounds, so they are just thicc by japs standards
How tall is Ichigo then? 5'6? I always thought he was around 5'11, I guess most bleach characters are manlets then
Breast cancer comes from the glandular tissue, not the adipose tissue. The amount of glandular tissue is not related to the size of breasts, neither is the risk of getting breast cancer.
she got breast reduction, so she doesn't count
Nope, you are correct, Ichigo is 5'11", and most Bleach males characters are rather tall, Grimmjow is 6'2" and Shunsui is 6'4" for refference
Any cup size is acceptable but there is no comeback for a flat ass.
Dated a girl with Ds. They had a mind of their own. Still nice an soft though. However, I do agree that Cs are the best
Genetically speaking, their women (and to the extent of wanting women to have them, men as well) are starved of the large mammary gene, like really bad, naturally big breasted women certainly exist there in Nipland, but they are many times rarer than in say, europe or america
The sad part is that it's true, we are that predictable