How would you improve this character?

How would you improve this character?

Make him stop spinning.

By giving him a third season.

He said improve, not ruin.

Why does he look angry all the time?

With a bullet

>How would you improve this character?
Replace him with Gino

because he thinks that makes him sexy

make him britannian, so he has at least a reason to defend that shit

Takes away from the "Lelouch and Suzaku are both fighting against their own people" thing.

make him spin more

Wtf was his problem he was always Fucking mad. It got annoying fast

His best friend was his nemesis putting a wrench in Suzaku's plans with his viva la revolucion, turned Suzaku's qt3.14 idealistic princess waifu (his own little sister) into a genocidal maniac, killed her, then pissed on her and the shattered ruins of their hopes and dreams.

Killing him off

His life sucks, man.

personally, I'd say he's a pretty good character. He's good at what he's designed to do, which is to piss you off at the inconsistencies in his reasoning and his naivety. Is he an autistic, whiny little bitch? Absolutely. But that doesn't really make him a "bad character" per se


He's a character that pisses off autists and self-insert fags. He's a good character in my book

He turns out ok in the end

Not him, but I agree. Suzaku has always been a better character than most on this show due his naivety. His weakness is what made his character, but I do hope he gets some good development.

He lost his waifu

Making him die from the shot he took on the first episode.

make him a trap

If he's dead he stops spinning.. maybe.

That would be an improvement.

Have him join Zero when Zero saved him from execution

Have him die at the end of R1 because Lelouch was the one who won the gunfight.

This. People on Sup Forums don't seem to get that certain characters are meant to be flawed.

make him bang all of his friends sisters

I wouldn't. You only begin to hate his character the second time you see the series. Overall, when you realize he had no idea what or who was pulling all the strings he acted like a normalish person would.

It was only after I knew what was going to happen I started hating him

Make his development gradual rather than instant. I know nuking 35 million people has to fuck you up but I wish he had shown signs of wavering from his "change from within" philosophy.

>underage contrarian calling other people immature
Suzaku is not a likable character, but I'm not even sure he was intended to be. He's the antagonist.

He's perfect as he is. He was meant to be an anti-hero and carried out the role splendidly.

Lelouch is an anti-hero. Suzaku is a deconstruction of the hero archetype.

Suzaku is fine in R1, but because Lelouch gets shitty in R2, Suzaku gets even shittier

>le r2 is worse than r1 myth
shut the fuck up with that already

if anything, r1 is a thousand times worse with this bullshit

some fag cock blacked him by killing his rich and politically influential gf

Increase the spin speed.

Too many viewers seem to think that 'character I dislike' = 'poorly written character', and 'character I like' = 'well written character'. Which then turns into 'pointing out flaws in something I like is an attack against my beliefs and everything that represents my life', and we end up with non-stop online crusades on Tibetan mountain doodling forums.

they totally shitted on his character towards the end of s2

End the show in Season 1 because he gave just retribution to the friend who lost his way and betrayed him, and used that retribution to get what he wanted without having to compromise his morals and beliefs.