Goblin Slayer

It's a mirror spell isn't it?

A [Gate] of sorts.

>I hunt goblins or nothing

Fucking hypocrite about to kill ogre instead of goblin right now.


>no opening with this
You suck.

>audio is not allowed on Sup Forums
He would if he could user.

I don't get it. What reference is this?

It's a portal that'll spew out high pressure water, effectively extinguishing the ogre's spell while simultaneously killing him.

So you would rather he do absolutely nothing?

A D&D invincible roll, the one that makes sure the bullshit you are pulling out works and the ultimate trigger of any DM.

An action where in order to succeed, one would have to roll a sufficient score on a 1d20.

Is it too early to call harem for GS?
Because Priestess is in the lead imo.

1. Priestess
2. Childhood
3. Receptionist
4. Elf


So are tsundere elf, lizard face, and fatfuck officially part of GS's squad?

You forgot the Wannabe Paladin and Blind High Priestess. At the very minimum, there are 3 female characters that like him.

What do you think?

Cowgirl will win.

Priestess is too young for GS. How old is GS again? Isn't he like 24?

I'm not joining your autism.

fucking sapanda, why is the tag:
so bad? like 5 good doujins the rest is shit.
if you remove loli you only end with a bunch of fat cowtits elves and gay shit.

You are already here.
Embrace it.
10 years ago he was what?

Priestess is 15~16. That aside, this is practically middle ages in the setting. They aren't bound by modern day laws about statutory rape and whatever else you may be thinking.

Considering this series has rape, does MC get laid in this.

No, this is a light novel, not an erotic novel. The rape was only there for worldbuilding and hyping up the little goblins for how dangerous they truly are. We are now officially past that.

Why do you love this meme manga

He's murdergobosexual.

GS is to insane for that and the girls know it, they instead focus in healing his madness, each one takes a different approach.

Get out shill!
We smell you!

Huh? Ogre? That's definately just a big goblin until he kills it and realises it isn't.

Because the setting is a big game of D&D between a God of Order and a God of Chaos.

Is the scroll (even if foreshadowed) an aspull?

not such thing as too old for a young girl.

We were literally notified of its existence and how powerful it may be, so it wasn't pulled out of nowhere.

If is foreshadowed, is not an asspull

I have never played D&D and even I know what a natural 20 is mostly thanks to Order of the Stick


>they had this instead of rape

It's D&D adventure time from this point on, sorry.

What are you, a filthy fucking goblin?

>post YFW they say it.

Elf Sinon is cute.

Why are you even still here?
Go Raep Nemek or picrelated or something.

Why does the bow always drawn thick but not wider in media?

Cuz you probably don't want it to obstruct half your vision cone?

Stop responding to an avatar-faggot.

Someone name a scene and I'll try to turn it into Fantasy and Reality arguing.

GS pleading before adventurers in a Guild Hall before Gob Lord attack on CG farm.
With witch fazing the crowd with smoke'n'shit.

Priestess uber spell or GS surviving ogre smash.

GS's origin story

>What do you think?
No? iirc they just paired up with them for this mission

Why there is no tank in this party

These two sound promising. If not one of them incredibly short.

He's the warrior. Not the warrior they were expecting.

Goblin Slayer is just a prequel to Aria.

>Not using dodge tank instead
You don't even need a healer since the tank never got hit

>no tank in party
Well GS can tank once


Hey we have muslims posting on Sup Forums now, welcome to the community!

>tank never get hit
>no aggro
>gobs go for second line

Tanks are for plebs.

Her back must be hueg to draw such thick bow
Why not? that user won't get any (you)s anyway

They should focus on the dwarf and the reptillian, Priestess and Ranger got enough characterization for now.

The idea is to not get hit so no tank needed, just go full DPS

>no (you)s
He will if he's got Sup Forums-X which is more than half of anons here have.
>hueg back
Maybe it's spirit wood or something that bends in her hands.
Exploitable for stress-relief in long quests.

I have no idea of what is Sup Forums-X, i just wanted to see user reaction to "rip and tear".

It takes after DnD where tanks and healers are basically garbage

Reminder that pic related will never happen.

>healers are garbage
>tanks are garbage
>but clericzillas are a thing
>healer + tank

Has chapter 8 been released yet?

You've just missed it user.
Now it's all over.
Kill yourself.

"Goblin Slayer is convinced by his party to stop being so autistic"

"He starts enjoying life again and starts getting lax on the goblin genocide"

"His goblin rivals are disgusted by what he has become, so they orchestrate the rape and killing of his childhood friend to remind him what he fights for"

>So you would rather he do absolutely nothing?

To be honest, kinda, yeah I would.

The appeal of GS is that he's insane - as in, actually, literally, clinically insane, and not just yet another OC DONUT STEEL edgelord with a oh-so-tragic-pity-and-mother-me-please dark backstory. GS was actually, genuinely unique. He really should just lose interest and sit it out whenever the enemy is not a goblin, no matter how insane it may be... because he is.

Maybe he could have just stood there mentally BSODing until the ogre whacked him like a 5-iron as an easy target, after which the primal survival instinct took over and he busts out the scroll. It would have been an interesting twist in the relationship the rest of the party has with him too. However, him jumping forward to attack the Not-Goblin makes him just another fantasy hero.

I dunno, GS doesn't seem so special anymore.


Yo, user, are you still here? I just realized Priestess isn't even in this scene, which means Fantasy has no player characters. This means she can't make any actions outside of meaningless commentary to piss off Reality. That fine with you?

A clericzilla is not a healer or a tank. They're monsters that can do anything. This usually means buffing the shit out of themselves to solo encounters. Tanks and Healers suck because they can't end encounters and that's all that matters in DnD battles. The last thing a cleric does in battle is heal or purposefully take a hit.

He wants to kill gobs.
Being deadened by ogre will stop that.
And gobocide crusade can't be stopped no matter what.

Do you even know how tanking works? Threat isn't generated from damage taken, it's from taunting and ability use.

Who's going to fucking remove goblins if he dies to an Shrek?

He's insane not retarded

GS wants to kill goblins. Everything he does is to achieve this goal. Dying to an ogre would get in the way of killing goblins

What ever happened to those anons that were going to form a game about Goblin Slaying

>roll for escape
>escape to astral plane

GS hates goblins and whatever they evolve into(like the hobgob) an ogre is just an evolved type of goblin so he'd probably hate it just as much

>from taunting and ability use
That's what GS used against Ogre

>an ogre is just an evolved type of goblin

If GS dies, he can't kill gobs anymore and the ogre wants to kill him, you think he would let that happen?

This isn't Re:Monster.

Citation needed

Yeah but he didn't use his evasion skill or riposte so he got smashed.

Then there is nothing stopping GS from just turning around, walking out and leaving the others to deal with the Not-Goblin now that his job's done. That scroll should have been flooding a goblin burrow, not being wasted on a Not-Goblin.

You think the ogre would let him escape?

>turning around, walking out and leaving
Ogre went full REEEEEE after GS mistook him for a gob.
He would be mincemeat in 0.05 seconds if he turned his back to an ogre.
He's also insane, not retarded to turn his back on an enemy.
He also accepted the quest meaning he has to see it through to the end.

Yeah and the Ogre is gonna sit on his ass watching hIm go away.

>ogre is just an evolved type of goblin

Killing an ogre != hunting an ogre

killing an ogre while hunting goblins is fine and necessary.

>You've gotta start ask some questions Matthew



He didn't even try.

Sorry, but Goblin Slayer has lost its spark. The rape has gone but that's not that big a deal, it was just there to establish threat; but now the insanity - the one thing GS had to let it break from the pack - Has been safely neutralised from an interesting and unpredictable status effect with real implications for his conduct into an entirely cosmetic irrelevance.

We used to have fantasy Doomguy. Now we have fantasy 8man.

Did she fucked a dog?

That's a hob, shaman, probably Goblin Lord and Champions.
Not a fucking Ogre.

But they become a goblin something, not a complete different race all togther.

>they mature
They don't evolve they learn you idiot!

Insane =/= retarded

Someone should turn this GS related but I dunno what characters to use.

The gobs became swole, learned magic, or put points into diplomacy and leading.

They did not evolve into an ogre. The hobgoblin is a different species too.