How much influence does Sup Forums have on the industry?
How much influence does Sup Forums have on the industry?
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We are the industry.
Sup Forums made watamote real but since Sup Forums doesn't buy anime it failed
zero is a good answer
None at all.
My dad is CEO of the anime industry, and he browses Sup Forums all the time.
I think one or two of our threads has been tl'd for 2ch consumption. That is the extent of it I think.
Little-to-none since we aren't Japanese. LH's author used to post here on occassion before his tax evasion issues.
Not much.
We have a little. Sites like reddit have none at all.
Until you start buying anime BD's, Manga, and LN, you have no voice.
We have an effect on the culture. Futaba users come here a lot more than you'd think.
On the industry, no. We don't spend enough money.
I'm John Kyoani and every morning when my subordinates and I come to work, we browse this board to make sure we're doing alright.
We have made many kickstarters successful such as Sup Forums funding almost all of LWA and LWA 2 and Sup Forums and /m/ funding the bubblegum crisis BD. There are a few other things but cannot recall what they were exactly.
None but 2chan probably has a decent influence right?
None. Maybe if you shitpost on Japanese twitter 24/7 you could have a small amount of influence. But the discussion that goes on here has no effect.
Those were reddit though.
>Sup Forums funding almost all of LWA and LWA 2
Keep telling yourself that.
All I remember is that a chan (can't remember if it was 2ch, Sup Forums, or both) forced KitaEri to quit Twitter due to dickposting.
Just look at the highest grossing movie of all time in japan
It's in the negatives
The only time I can think of Sup Forums influencing anime is the anons translating Monster Musume helping it gain a western following.
The author and some comic companies acknowledge that fact that MonMusu has a big western following when normally their concern and notices end at their borders.
LWA and Watamote got popular on Sup Forums, but I'm not sure it's done much of anything else.
I browse /a/ often to look for ideas.
Even if you're an user that identifies as Sup Forums and nothing else on the whole internet and you buy enough stuff for your money to make a difference, I don't think you could say that Sup Forums itself did anything. It was just you and your shit taste at work.
Absolutely none. Do you honestly think marketers from japan browse fucking Sup Forums to listen to what some foreign weeabos have to say? If they look at anything is foreign, I bet they look at reddit or MAL. Explains why everything is shit
Catgirls fucking. Go draw my porn now, slip eyed ching chong bomb survivor.
A little.
Its biggest influence is probably helping to make anime and manga incredibly easy to pirate and man hours put into fansubs/scanlations.
Anime's popular in the west because it's free with an internet connection, but it's also a terrible business venture for the same reason.
Watamote got an anime because of Sup Forums but since nobody buys anime here it flopped. The producers were literally meme'd into spending resources to make a financially doomed anime. So Sup Forums in fact has a negative influence on the industry.
The manga still sells well, there won't be a season 2 but I doubt they care much.
is there is a non-negative quantity less than 0, it would be that.
Seven Seas watches us like a fucking hawk.
>AX Panel
>"So why the How to make a Dungeon Manga?"
>"Well, I was browsing Sup Forums and..."
They are probably in this thread at this very moment.
that's kinda cute, actually. It's nice to see there are actual Sup Forums users with anime/manga related jobs helping out the industry.
Does Japan even care about their Western audiences at all? I thought we were treated like black sheep.
Do you care about Japanese publishers?
Relationship is mutual. If you want to improve it, be proactive
Not measurable.
Through the power of collective will(memes), things can be influenced, but there's no way to show 'how much".
For the past ten or fifteen years I'd say no. The last couple years a little bit given what happened with space dandy but nothing like space dandy has happened since so I'm going to go with a big fat no. They do know theres fans here which is why funimation is finally dubbing series again but its still too damned slow for the way fan subs work. To meet demand more shit needs to be simul cast or what ever the fuck its called.
anime? little to unknown
manga? small, slightly more than anime
VNs/LNs? also small, around the same as manga
honestly if Sup Forums banded together more often they could make more niche series/media more popular
>Sup Forums
>having an influence in anything other than shitposting
>is there is a non-negative quantity less than 0
No, go back to school.
And it's nice to know they're as unproductive as you'd expect
Okay, so a boy, a girl and a cellphone walk into a bar, and
They're aware of it, but we're never taken into account when they make decisions. Reason is because Western audiences never pay for anything.
>bunch of losers who master the art of shitposting and rather pirate their stuff
>influencing the industry
Made me laugh.
I think you mean Sup Forums.
Except I guess YP DMCAs when they get angry that anons are better and faster at TL than YP is.
You "support the industry" with a CR sub. 99% chance that's a lie. I know you don't have a CRsub and if you do You buy a plastic model to cum on you're waifu. Not much there because it's probably less than five dollars.
No one on Sup Forums buys discs or more expensive items - posting your disc collection is just anecdotal evidence: dont. Just look at the cheap shit that anons buy in the buyfag threads.
Anime is a hobby, but only when it's free AND cheap enough for below the poverty line folks on Sup Forums to buy.
Absolutely none.
None, any good Sup Forumsnon pirates their shit, which is for the best probably
Can they really fucking blame us? $60 for 3 episodes? I would be happy to pay for an anime I enjoy if it was something like what Netflix charges.
The industry itself? Fuck all. The most the internet can do to influence it is as a gauge for reception. The only thing we're good for is the occasional viral sensation.
Oh I feel ya
very little unless Sup Forums bands together. authors get a lot of Sup Forums OC sent to them on twitter and shit though so they probably just know of the board as american 2ch
It was 2ch iirc.
>we invented Keit-Ai (Kimi no na Wa)
>yuri won in Hibike thanks to Sup Forums
A lot.
Can't you download unlimited number of 1080p anime and manga from crunshyshit for $7 month? Plus anime thats close enough to broadcast time(1 hour after air time in japan)?
Old argument is kinda invalid these days. If you really want to support, crunchy shit helps out. Since they give money back to studio based on who downloads/watches which.
But ofcourse, thats not the type of argument people want to hear. So torrent it anyway.
>crunchy shit helps out. Since they give money back to studio based on who downloads/watches which
>>we invented Keit-Ai (Kimi no na Wa)
You really think some forced meme that only a few who care to get it makes Sup Forums matter? Oh the denial in this post is rich.
You're better off buying digital raw manga of the anime you like. More money goes back to the creators and you also increase the odd of sequel being adapted since the source material's sales is being boosted by your purchase.
Supporting the industry via CR is the least efficient way.
>we invented Keit-Ai (Kimi no na Wa)
Isn't the "least efficient" simply pirating?
Still trying to pretend that it was Sup Forums that sent those dick pics?
Hakomari just got an official translation because it's only popular in the west. English not your first language or are you just not very smart?
Is it not a valid question? Or are you respondint to another person?
The interview the CEO of crunchyshit has stated that majority of the revenue from the subscribers goes to the creators. They stated their revenue from ads/other sources mainly keep them profitable.
I actually went to that panel.
He fucking did say he got the idea to release an official English translation after reading 4 chapters.
Same reason that Seven Seas grabbed the rights to Monster Musume.
They keep seeing them here.