Red pill or blue pill?
Red pill or blue pill?
What if I take both, blend them and mix them with a shot of moonshine?
>taking drugs from a nigger
>Falling for the marriage trap in 2016 when judges are starting to throw away and disvalue prenups
>Throwing your life away by falling for the reproduce meme
wew lad
I'm already redpilled af. Cyanide.
Cyan = blue?
Kill yourself pill, you faggots ruined Sup Forums
>I-I'm a retard who c-can't find a wife, s-so I choose anime as m-mine!
>I'm scared to raise a child because I know that I would do a very poor job and probably make their childhood more miserable than mine was
xd bro
>the fucking movie actually has "marry and reproduce" as a subliminal image that the man is using to control people
>use the same image to say that marrying and reproducing is something that you must do
Imagine being such a normalfag you need "Anime" in title text to know K-On is an anime.
>not travelling the world, bribing women in poverty countries to raise your children, then fucking off without letting them know who you are
$100 is like a fortune some places
>Being so naive you can't comprehend that people can live a happy life in solitude
You Sup Forumstards are really the dumbest cunts on this entire site.
What's wrong with not reproducing? The one's in charge want us to reproduce, so that we can create little workers for their machines. A truly redpill man would see the futility in reproducing.
Who are you quoting?
Spook pill
No, they don't.
The older you get without a family, the more miserable you become.
t. former nursing home employee.
People living in nursing homes now had a lot less options than we have now, buddy.
I'm beyond hating or blaming my parents, I hate the very idea of family.
I would rather turn into a zombie than turn into my father. And I mean it.
>Being so naive as to think you're actually happy and not just convincing yourself you are so you'll never have to confront the truth
You ret/a/rds are really the dumbest cunts on this entire site.
I'm not talking about them living there.
I'm talking about their outlook. They are extremely lonely individuals. Either they latch on to whoever they can as substitutes for the family they never had or they're some of the grumpiest people you'll ever interact with.
Its not hard to see that they regret being alone.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
try harder you worthless retard
>implying you need to marry to reproduce
>implying you need a woman to reproduce
>imply my best bud Devaughndre wouldn't impregnate a female of my choosing for me to rear the child of
How can you be this naive? Underage, millennial or both? Bless your heart young one.
How is that? In previous generation you pretty much weren't allowed to be unemployed. The whole place was set up so only hardcore stoners or bums were without work.
Nowadays income is a privilege, and even if you've got a degree it still doesn't guarantee you enough to afford even a single room apartment.
5/10 bait, I almost replied seriously. Heres a (You) for you.
The ultimate redpill is to forsake 3DPD and go true 2D, 3DPD is pure shit.
low-quality bait
>I'm unable to choose who I become
what anime taught you that buddy
What are you talking about?
>Reproducing traditionally
>Not just waiting another 30 years, then getting a genetically enhanced clone of yourself made in a lab in the developed but lawless parts of asia
>he didn't unbox his own custom (You)
what is it like to be poor
Trust me, you don't want a copy of somebody who browses Sup Forums unironically (aka u)
>not StatTrakā¢
poorfag alert
Stop blaming anime for your failures, whiners.
But you can't ctrl+f and I can't see them. So, it serves no purpose and you can't give (You)s anymore.
all women are sluts
red pill for life
wtf your dad do to you mate?
>all women are sluts
But that makes them even better.
Get out of here mizuryu kei
Why can't I just be a selfish prick who doesn't want the extra responsibles?
This is what happens in countries with no-fault divorce, alimony and child support laws.
This here is classic feminist provocation on manhood. Don't fall for it; you have nothing to prove.
The liberal state system has done its wonderful job with you.
Sup Forums is mad at me because I'm making completely legitimate discussion there as well :D
Keit-ai is the ultimate red pill.
Even George motherfucking Clooney is getting divorce-raped.
>only happy families exist
Shouldn't it be "never marry OR reproduce"?