Do you like knife ears in your Chinese cartoons?
Do you like knife ears in your Chinese cartoons?
Other urls found in this thread:
this beautiful supple body, I want to lick every part of it
No, Deedlit is the only good one. They are useless fapbait, there is nothing interesting about them, they miss the elf aesthetic most of the time and are the worst offenders of humans-with-pointy-ears.
(Chinese )TRIGGERED is mongolian cave art you piece of uncultured swine
>Draw a human with pointy ears
>Call it a new race
even the penis?
>draw a human with black skin color
>call it a new race
That's a gun, though.
>Draw a human with pointy ears
>Call it a new race
>Draw another one with tanned skin with light-coloured hairs
>Call it another new race
Elaborated for you.
>100% translated
>100% edited
Come on MG. I am waiting.
>draw some lines
>call it a person
Does anyone recognise this art style by the way? I feel like I've seen it before but can't place it.
B-b-but elves are pure!
Only when raped/killed by Goblins or Orcs
Why does she have blonde hair if she is black?
Why does /tg/ make the most cancerous memes?
>fuck elves amirite, muh dorfs
>r/eat all te eggs
The problem isn't the memes so much, but people getting directed to 1d4chan where they absorb these memes that should have died a long time ago. But funny enough, Sup Forums spouts the elf-rape meme way more than /tg/ these days, as least as far as I can say.
I don't want japanese elves. Heck, I do not want japanese to touch anything.
It's like corossive acid touched your soul, that's what it feels like when a japanese touches stuff he or she or it shouldn't
>elf detected
Back to your ghetto knife ear.
Reminds me of the touhou tentacle prison ones
Who is the cutest elf?
Post pictures of yourself so I can silently judge you.
Second guy on the left.
You are not the cutest elf.
But now I'm the saddest.
You're cute, n-no homo.
How do you feel about Aoi Nagisa knife ears?
>elves with big tits
Already shit.
They are not anime and manga.
>What is a bayonet?
Where the FUCK is my VQ2?
She was the only decent character in that stupid show, and even that wasn't enough to keep me interested.
Elves are made for removing with extreme prejudice.
Nice meme.
Finns are IRL elves.
Deedlit of course
>draw a human with an electrical socket for a face
>call it a god
Fuck you
Nice bump, great contribution, we really need this thread.
elves are lewd
Why are you even here?
They also have terrible fashion sense.
They are alright now and then.
Never why quite sure why she was an elf but I'll take it.
Waiting for the thread to talk about anime and manga.
And you didn't contribute either yourself and instead opted to just be a baby about some non-issue?
Only faggots get off to gangbangs and rapes by the way.
Because she isn't an elf.
Isn't that all you need?
I already answered the OP.
And left it there? Fucking hypocrite.
She doesn't have elf ears.
Not exclusive to elves.
Is that all? These superficial traits are everything that constitutes an elf? What about her lifespan? Is she from this world? Does she have a different way of life? Culture? Mentality?
>She doesn't have elf ears.
Nobody replied to my posts and there were barely any other posts I saw worth reypling to. Here is basically no discussion going on, nothing to talk about. This is why I thought it was stupid to bump this thread. It's just another "elves are for ____" plus /e/ pics and kuroinu. Only doujin pages and saucefaggotry is missing. It's a worthless thread.
And you insist on staying?
He's obviously retarded or blind.
Yes. According to you this guy would be an elf as well.
These kind of short, pointy ears are common in japanese culture for supernatural beings. For that reason they gave their depiction of elves these really long ears, which that pic is missing.
>These kind of short, pointy ears are common in japanese culture for supernatural beings
Kissshot has them too.
It's just another tab.
Close it
And she isn't an elf.
>draw a human with a dick
>call it a woman
I sir are a m/a/n of exceptional taste
No, you posted an elf from anime and manga, so there might be something from anime and manga to talk about.
It was mostly meant as a joke user but her ears are quite pointy and she you could argue the culture thing due to her backround.
It's just strange they made her look very elflike.
Her ears are still too short in my opinion and nothing about her reads like she an elf. I guess these ears are supposed to show us that she's magical, because she's a witch.
Why must elves suffer abuse? It's so sad.
They just became a strawman of things people don't like and are jealous of, so they get abused to serve as a power-fantasy.
Elves are usually pompous unlikeable faggots. Combined with above post's point.
> These filthy-knife-ear subhumans! They are below us and deserve only the lowest!
No raifu no laifu
boku no xebec
>meh generic moeblob
>dick is now diamond
They are basically prostitutes :^)
Should've picked this up, didn't know there was a trap.
I thought it was just some gay show.
>a vampire
You are baiting, right?
I thought it was gay too, but nope not gay at all. Just lots of sparkles and stuff but no boy on boy action, just comedy
>pointy ears
isnt that what this thread is about?
Pointy eared vampires > Elves
You know I'm right.
Especially the penis
No, this thread is supposed to be about elves. See this Really, how fucking simple is your udnerstanding of elves if pointy ears is all that they exist? No wonder japanese elves are so bland.
>how fucking simple is your udnerstanding of elves
They aren't real user.
And? If a thread is about elves, you should post elves. They don't even have the same pointy ears.
I live to serve.
>pointy ears