Damn, Shuu. You didn't have to deny her THAT hard. Better be careful, she might jump ship because of that.
Oh wait.
/our boy/ an heroes his own ship yet again. Truly a magnificent display of adolescense. Bravo KyoAni
Damn, Shuu. You didn't have to deny her THAT hard. Better be careful, she might jump ship because of that.
Oh wait.
/our boy/ an heroes his own ship yet again. Truly a magnificent display of adolescense. Bravo KyoAni
So after 13 episodes, can we still say, that shoeichi is, dare i say it...
This is the real tragedy here
Let's watch Tari Tari guys.
>This is the real tragedy here
No Ribbons as president was.
I'm not even mad. It's like watching my buddy sperg himself into a rejection. Let's have a drink with the other lads and have a big laugh at his well deserved misfortune so we can move on. huehuehue
>2017 calendar begins with ReinaKumiko; ends with AsukaKumiko
Really makes you think.
Why are the OPs and EDs so top tier? I'm really having trouble picking any single one as a favourite.
If I can fap to it, why would I be mad?
>those lights
>Punished Kumiko
>A Fallen Eupho
>you'll never get to touch the octopus fluff like Asuka did
>begin with Kumiko/Reina
>end with Kumiko/Asuka
Shut gets to be legal husband but he allows Kumiko to sleep with other girls.
What the fuck. Someone translate this properly for me. Fucking HS.
"That semen demon is bamboozling us one last time"
He said あの人完全に面白がってるなぁ・・・
I kind of want to die right now desu
"She's absolutely getting a kick out of this whole thing"
What was that?
That translation doesn't have enough memes.
I can´t believe my crackship won in the end
Asuka x Kumiko is OTP
Kumiko agreed. Don't bother her about it.
Kumiko got BTFO.
>no more Kumiko sounds
You're just talking out of your ass.
>asuka will hear them every night
>tfw hetfags and yurifags are fighting while your otp becames canon
>husband is a workaholic
>older daughter stopped studying because she wanted to be a whore
>youngest daughter is a meme haired dyke that makes weird sounds and jumps from special vagina to special vagina instead of settling down with the nice boy next door
Being Mumiko is suffering
Shuu can get every Girl that he wants he doesnt need this Girl at all
>bitch taking the piss out of us ayy
He can't get these 2
Reminder that the third year players will be replaced by shitters from the Monaka team and noobs that will have to learn from 0, making Taki waste a lot of time.
Reminder that they will never get the gold at the nationals.
Reminder that Reina will never be able to set Taki free from his promise to his dead wife.
well there a different story
>Reminder that the third year players will be replaced by shitters from the Monaka team and noobs that will have to learn from 0, making Taki waste a lot of time.
That's sort of how teaching works, did you not watch the end of the episode?
Honey, I'm home and I had a hard day
Pour me a cold one and oh, by the way
Rub my feet, gimme something to eat
Fix me up my favorite treat
Kumiko and Asuka have much better chemistry. Why did /u/ prefer shipping Kumiko with the jailbait autist?
Motherfucker's making fun of us.
>not watching this show for the superb background girls
Because they had a ton of chemistry in between the Mountain and the fireworks. I bought it, and I'm not into /u/. They were acting like they were in love with each other.
All the MGS memes will only cause me pain till the end of time remembering what MGSV could have been.
"Fucking normie is laughing at us."
Just watch Iron-Blooded Orphans.
No matter what the game turned out like, I'll never forget the hype.
fuck off.
The new first years they get can quite easily be on average better than the third years they're replacing.
What about the background ships? They are all beauties desu
>implying they won't run away as soon as reina has an autism attack, or Kumiko drops some truth bombs on them, or Roboe do a roboe thing, or Ribbon takes a biased towards her friends decision
Twintail x Shoe
Drills x Trombone leader
Glasses senpai percussion x Knuckle
Already am, Mika is the only one getting crippled though, every other orphan just gets outright killed. I wanted to see Orga lead a band of crippled dogs.
This all of this desu. Especially the Ribbons & Reina parts, what if they talk about Taki and then Reina attacks them? That's not gonna attract people or keep anyone. Kumiko not holding back is good though I think
Double Dyke Strike!
Is called shit taste
The only good thing about Kumiko is that she will walk by chance on whatever is happening and she will fix it.
For fuck sakes, they were acting like good, close friends.
It is extremely common for teenage girls that are so good friends to get a little touchy and might explore a bit and maybe kiss each other and things. Specially if they do not have a lot of male friends. This does not make them lesbians.
I wish yurishitters understood that.
I am not reading this, I just started S2.
I will say this: I was not expecting it to be like this at all. I thought I was getting Gundam Wing again, but there it goes making me feel.
tell will never understand this people from /u/ can only think in their way
I love Kumiko so much.
I don't think you know much about women, user.
And you don't seem to know much about English.
Truly, Sup Forums is a place where people who know very little gather to speak a lot.
Has a show ever had such a lovable main character like Kumiko?
>kiss each other
>explore a bit
Right user I'll let you believe that part.
Is there any further novels of Hibike planned?
Despite graduating, will the graduated students have any part to play anymore you think?
If anything, it seems that their relationship is open ended with further development possible.
Just wondering how Kumiko will handle being a senpai herself with Asuka gone now.
KyoAni are experts at making top tier waifus.
Rikka when?
>Is there any further novels of Hibike planned?
>Despite graduating, will the graduated students have any part to play anymore you think?
Well, Asuka's popular, so maybe she might pop up.
Ribbons, Natsuki and all the 2nd years are basically doomed to lose gold, that's because all the 2nd years which left the band.
In other words the amount of students who joined the band that year was low, and now they'll feel the consequences of that, lots of newbies, very few experienced and talented people.
Now, when Kumiko and Reina turn into president and vice-president in their 3rd year, I can saw Kitauji having real chances, with the massive amount of student which will want to join these next two years because of the success of the band.
The stunt they pulled will most likely attract aspiring and talented players.
>fuck off
fuck off
You sound like an idiot.
Define loveable?
I'm still depressed the Keions aren't real. No sexual, I only want tea and cookies I swear.
I miss my friends.
I´m in love with Asuka help me
>Reina loves Taki-sensei
>Kumuko and Shuichi romantic relationship building up for two seasons
>retards genuinely believe Reina's and Kumiko's relationship is anything more than that of close friends
I really wish I could personally strangle all of the delusional yurifags and fujos. It's fine if you want to ship characters (it's stupid, but whatever), but don't force your retarded delusions on others like it's the truth.
She's graduating whether you like it or not, Kumiko.
Who hurt you?
Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?
I'm sorry.
Nah, I feel pretty good. No desire to strangle people or anything.
this is not enough
Senpais, how do they work?
I don't mind Takeda going full jew. I want more Hibike! thought we might never see them in anime form.
Well this is a good Question user Girls are working on a universal scale that depends on the universe
S-shut up
>Question user Girls
Anime about Sup Forums?
you dont want this at all it would be a huge mess
I want it user
Literally similar reaction when Hazuki asked out Shoe.
Yuuko's job as president is to maintain the club, motivate members and leading the practice which she can do it well and that probably why she is chosen to be president in the first place.
Choosing who will play in A-team and teaching new members is Taki's job. I don't think there will be any problem with Yuuko as president.
For now, making it to the national for many years in role should be the secondary goal. If they have a fame as a school that appear often in national, it will automatically attract experienced and talented people to their school. In other word, everyone need to work even harder this year to create the future for the band.
Since Kumiko's story is over. I why not have an aspiring and talented freshman be the new MC?
>You will never play at the Nationals
So this is what it's like to be a shitter
Nah. I cant' get enough of Kumiko.
Jesus christ that's horrifying.