What musical instrument/s do you play, user?

What musical instrument/s do you play, user?


"used to play" is more accurate, though


Nice anime thread.

none because i am a talentless, lazy hack

My mouth as a beatbox

I play my vocal chords, but I don't do it well.

muh dick.
wish i could play drums though.

Muh dick

I was learning flute when I was 10

used to play guitar in a band, and i was also able to play play bass and drums
i haven't touched any instruments in 6 years now

Gentry tier:Viola,Cello,Harpsichord
med tier: Violin,Piano, Acoustic guitar,Drums
Shit tier:Electric guitar,Bass, Everything else.
Autistic bottom of the barrel tier: Keyboard

Am I too late for penis jokes?

I must be asshat tier then. I play the Clarinet and Tuba.

Who the fuck even play harpsichord exclusively.

Piano. Learning guitar.

Well I attempt to.

>pic related

Patricians. Honestly everything below Gentry tier is for uneducated imbeciles and peasants.

The best instruments are the ones difficult to master with the highest potential.

Harpsichords are anything but hard, at least comparing to piano, just that nobody owns one to play because they're like 20 grands for the cheapest maker.

What the fuck is your problem with keyboards?

Guitar, bass guitar, piano, violin, banjo, mandolin, bouzouki, drums a bit, and I just started learning theremin

Exactly, thus uneducated Neanderthals and low dirty peasants like you can't own them.

When was the last time you even took a bath?

Most keyboards have a harpsichord setting though

Oh so you're just shitposting, nevermind.

Refined man and a fan of strings.