Why are the whitest states the most liberal?

Why are the whitest states the most liberal?

they don't have the first-hand experience of living in a black state


good answer

Yes, and because Social Democracy can work in white areas without immigration. The Scandinavians were seen as having model states before the refugees came in.


sanders is left economics, clinton was left social this time

reasonable center-left economics are good. whites want a safety net and social security like entitlements. not handouts.

The number one cause of racism is dealing with other races.

WV really hates that bitch

Low IQ shitskins are easy to dupe into voting for Clinton. They know the name and she’s not “a racist republican” or an old white guy.

>everything is based on race
this is why the republican party will die or reform to match the present when it'll be too late for them.

Social security is a meme though, redistributing money from poorer young workers to richer old retirees
There should just be a barebones universal minimum income (maybe NIT) and nothing else

Because the Jews own the minds of whites. They are excellent idiot worker-bee consumer-drones, but the Jews have pathological hatred of white societies, so they're steering them off a cliff.


living in proximity to any minority is a massive redpill, you realize equality of races is bullshit

Literally this. They don't understand what it's like so they just let their (((white guilt))) control them. Fuck em.

t. Texan

This is a shill/slide thread for those that can't tell.

>literally living in future blue state
no where to run big boy

Lefty ideas kinda work when everyone's the same race

They have no contact with subhumans.

>The Scandinavians were seen as having model states before the refugees came in.
Could it be that an exceedingly cushy life without significant threats or obstacles to overcome since it's all provided for you by big daddy gov't actually be a bad thing that creates simpering little cucks and entitled, ravenous whores who desperately need to be put back into their place?

If the Scandifags actually had a model state at any point, they would still have some kind of a future.

I live in Maryland, it’s like a third world country in many parts

As a Republican both are terrible at least go with like a Joe Biden lol. Liberals make it way to east for us to succeed!

Like hell there isn't, I'm goin to the panhandle of Idaho.


its easy to be the cool hippie state when youve got an amazing border state like texas

Yeah exactly, the democrats are the most kind and tolerant party. NOT ONCE did they make the election about race or race relations or about how evil and hateful and bad and privileged the white male is and how he needs to say sorry and die away and give everything he has, including his future to the other races. Not once, because the democrats are the party of LOVE. Say no to hate.

Liberals are far more racist than conservatives. Conservatives will live near anyone as long as they're good people. Liberals only want to live in heavily-white, wealthy areas. They gentrify black/hispanic neighborhoods while complaining about the lack of diversity. Once brown people move into liberal areas, the whites flee.

also, blacks and latinos aren't liberals and don't show up to liberal events in any signifigant numbers. beyond the social welfare programs, most of them could give less than two fucks about the SJW bullshit.

Because only rural and suburban retards voted for Sanders.

All the intelligent people in the cities voted for Hillary.

It's a self answering question. Once you're state becomes heavily 'diversified' you realize, oh fuck, this sucks. Time to go right wing zealot on their ass. If you're living in a mostly white state, things are peaceful and calm, violence and theft are extremely low, everyone gets along. That leads to liberalism.

WV dems (which are like 5 people) voted Sanders because of Clintons remarks on coal. Simple as that.

>t. mountaineer