How Exactly will you prevent the 60s from happening again?

History repeats itself so it means if you create the 50s then it means your kids will create the 60s.

Our beliefs should be based off of evolutionary psychology instead of religion/Christianity. We have scientific explanations for why leftism is bad.

We dont want to recreate the 50s, we want the belle epoche.

We aren’t living in the world of TV anymore
The world we are creating is based on the internet, and truth rules the internet. Mostly in the form of autists trying to prove anyone wrong

In the 60s many of the leftist radicals had parents that were communists in the 30s. Some having communist meetings in their homes in the 50s. These were called the red diaper babies and Obama was one of them. So today's SJWs could be raising their kids to be similar.

But you can get many different views on the internet though. It's not going to be necessarily your views.

Plus the internet didn't exist in the 1800s and the 60s never happened in the 1800s. Just playing the devil's advocate.

No one wants to recreate the 50's, we want an Eternal huWhite Space Empire.


Also people don’t realize the 1950s were the beginning of the ((ki ntrolled culture))

The lack of resources and world wide ecological destruction and disaster will make comfort non existent. The lack of comfort and ease will make sentimental egalitarianism impossible.

Its been the 60s since, well, the 60s.
Why worry about stopping it from starting again when we still cant escape it?

But many do want that. What will you do if your kids look up to the current SJWs and then becomes a cross between the current SJWs and the hippies of the past? Because it's probably what's going to happen.

Why do you think this will be the outcome?

I'm a libertarian personally who doesn't agree with either your side or the SJW side. Just playing the devil's advocate.

It's irrelevant, mass starvation, warfare, disease, resource scarcity, etc.. are going to make such sentimentalism cease to exist. Your kids aren't going to be agitating for gender equality and egalitarianism when people are stabbing each other for canned dog food.

But won't they be agitating for the next 1917 Bolshevik revolution then?

Me personally? I think people should be able to do almost whatever they want regardless or gender or nationality. I want a free for all.

No, because there aren't going to be any Jews.

The massive population explosion in the third world, they will be incapable of feeding themselves (not that they can now) when countries like Nigeria will have a billion people. This will cause them to flood into Europe in even greater numbers than they already are. The massive growth in resource consumption especially in Asia, will result in resource scarcity. Drought from climate change is already leaving countries like Yemen with extremely low levels of water.

With this number of violent migrants moving into Europe and America will empower the "right" even more than the pseudo "right wing" victories of Trump. This will force all racially European people into returning to old ways soon or facing extinction. It's easy to be a liberal when you live in a gated neighborhood and have access to clean water and food, but that is not going to be here for our grandchildren.

Well that's what we are doing right now, but that mentality goes against the laws of nature. What goes up most come down, and this civilization is on the verge of crashing into the ground.

Bait & switch.
We create a society where commies and other degenerates feel safe promoting their bullshit, all while quietly identifying them.
Then after a year or so we round them all up and make an example of them.

People aren't smart enough to comprehend just doing what's right, naturally, so we have to attribute these things to a source that is external, to religion. We need to spread Christianity to stop these blue haired faggots from further ruining our country. They can't be expected to do what is right, naturally, so the fear of hell may compel them to do so. Is it ideal? Not really, but it's the only thing that'll work.

It's Belle Époque you uncultured swine.

it repeats itself, approximately

day and night

yin and yang

the 60s will happen again and again, be cool

now tho? now is war time, yang time

get ready to get out of the cities

By not giving women any type of political power. Woman's Suffrage was a fatal mistake.

I care about my freedom more than "society".

No one will be 'free' when this society collapses.

Did you grow up with a fear of hell? My parents talked about it all the time and how easy it was to get there.

Pretend French faggot that's the Victorian Era you're talking about.

OK. But that means you are not going to survive either physically or spiritually, which is a good thing. We need less people like you. Keep enjoying your freedom.

democracy sucks

Why wouldn't I physically survive?

You don't have much a command of the English language, but I'm not actually Québécois, just smarter than you.

Because your weak. Any children you have will inherit your weakness and wont survive the coming resource scarcity, which is a good thing.

You wont survive spiritually because a dishonorable man will not be reborn.

Laws that protect the 14 words, and cannot be changed.

No Jews, no 1960s. It's simple.

how indeed

Yeah, kind of. I don't really fear hell, though. I think being infinitely punished for a finite crime is goofy as hell and honestly, I probably have a more Sikh/Taoist view of things, but I cling to Christianity as it has been a huge pillar of traditional values and of Western civilization. I don't think we should preach Christianity because it's the "right" religion, I think we should preach it because people are a slave to trends, and we need to get cultural traditions and a stricter sense of morality and personal responsibility trending again, and the biggest and most obvious way to attain that is to spread Christianity, because it is easily accessible and has roots in our nation's history. That's not to say our government should intervene, it should be a cultural thing, a Jesus movement from within. How do you think Trump won? Do you think it was due to him just being different than Hillary? No, a big part was meme culture, which created a trend of nationalism that spoke to those on the right and the disenfranchised white people on the left wing of the political fence. The Meme War happened, and we helped elect a president through memeing an instilled sense of nationalism through aesthetics.

the point is to create early 40s

We are recreating the EIGHTEEN fifties, user. The sixties that follow will end a little differently.

>I'm a libertarian personally who doesn't agree with either your side or the SJW side. Just playing the devil's advocate.

No, you're acting as if you're morally superior by not taking any confrontational position and declaring everyone else wrong. You can't be a libertarian without promoting the ideals of law and order, yet by not confronting the leftists you help them through complacency.

And yet it is that society which helps ensure your freedom against assault and aids you in pursuit of your goals. By not grasping society's purpose and making it stronger for your betterment, you guarantee that you have no effect or say in whether you remain free. You want to be truly free? Go inawoods. But you won't do it because you'd like to build yourself on what others have already created- society, culture, civilization, economy. You just don't want to make the same contributions that others have.

Fourth turning time.

Daily pre-emptive tear gas.