What are the scariest things in JoJo ?
Pic unrelated
JoJo Thread
It makes people gay, fuck you Araki, i was a strong and straight man before and now i fap to twinks getting fucked in jail
Was it a stand?
Not even close.
No, you weren't. Fuck off back to tumblr.
Stone Free kinda reminds me of Hierophant Green
Bohemian Rhapsody was fucking stupid
prove me wrong
you cant
Fuck you man i'm serious
>prove you wrong
I can't
So am I. Go away, you degenerate.
Tubular Bells freaks me out. Seeing a cuddly balloon animal trying to crawl on you only for it to turn into a goddamn railroad spike and impale you right there.
Before i go, can i lick your eyeball? just one's fine.
Jojo doesnt make anyone gay, it only makes gays in denial discover their true ways
That makes sense, maybe i was gay before, fuck.
That's what i decided, let me lick it while your eyelids are open, user.
Why is Okuyasu such a good boy?
Narancia getting shrunk and put in the bottle with the spider. Fuck that.
I want to be Gyro's teddy bear
pic related had me visibly shaken
The point that the story always goes the same way and you can't escape it was an important detail in the ongoing theme of 『fate』.
Also, this is a bizarre adventure. Not a normal one.
Ssshhhh, Gyro is sleeping!
That was kind of hot desu
He's a thug!
Sup Forums sings Great days when?
This webm has always disgusted the fuck out of me. I don't know what the fuck is up with it, but it's just fucking gross.
What a good friend
Kiss yourself
Japanese or English version?
Is Part 2 and 8 the only ones where fate doesn't isn't a factor?
Japanese version
honestly this fucker is probably the scariest
The abysmal dip on quality of the series after part two
Is this a new meme?
It was fate that Joseph saw Lisa Lisa naked
>not wanting to rub your face in DIO samas groin
who the fuck are you
it was fate that Gappy made Doc happy.
Honestly no death is as good as Caesars was
Part 3 looked amazing. Part 4 is the real dip.
Which part has the best character interactions?
You were supposed to leave after part 4 aka the new pleb filter
Oh, and part 1 already looked horrible.
I wasn't talking about the animation, vapid shallow graphic whore, but okay
birds are fucking evil
Abbachio, Gyro, and Weather say hi.
>BTfags are here
2012 was years ago.
Nobody cares about your input.
Character interactions are arguably the strongest aspect of SBR.
7 and 5
I would argue SBR just for the incredible dynamic and narrative of Johnny and Gyro's relationship alone.
However, I personally love the relationships in 4,5, and 6.
Part 5's existence
I think it basically elicits the same emotional reaction as witnessing a beloved character being raped. His values and agency are being completely violated.
is jolyne an exhibitionist? seriously she always makes surprised faces when she finds out that she doesnt wear underwear, but i know shes doing it on purpose
>Okuyasu has a fucking kickass theme for the adaptation
>Gets used so little
Damn it. Curse of being best bro.
Isn't it obvious? She wiggled her ass in front of old women.
Name a better stand
>tfw no more Jojo fridays
What are you watching next season? Give me a winter anime to watch before I kill myself.
This is pretty scary
Tumblr. Not even once.
>Used to love Part 4
>Now I don't anymore because of the awful adaptation
Fuck you DP
Guaranteed replies
delete this
Where's Bites the Dust when you need it?
In terms of power? Ignoring GER and other broken shit, none.
Aesthetically? Soft & Wet.
I can't name a better villain than the priest it's attached to, though.
Here, I made this for you.
jotaro looks good
Also, Bruno's.
My favorite character died and simply could not feel sadness, only an immense feeling of accomplishment, victory and chills all over my body.
Doppio is DIO's property.
>Pucci uses MiH to create a universe where nobody is white
Not him but that's amazing
>implying better stand than C-Moon exists
why can't these racist tumblrites just accept the characters as they are
Bruno was such a great character. Really wish he got to talk with Trish under normal circumstances though.
Killer Queen is, and forever will be the best desinged stand in jojo
this stand makes me mad, all this chapter is just retarded
>Bruno gets lifted up to heaven by angles of god
>Abbaccio has to take the bus
There's gotta be a Doppio version of shrek is love shrek is life out there
avdol became even more black
It's really amusing how they make Ermes black even tho she is already of hispanic origins.
So whats his motive?
favorite part 5 character, hands down
That's because black people are the most racist of all.
Save his son without having to see his dad or his wife die for it.
Because he's the part's respective Jojo
To revive zombie jesus/JOhnny joestar and gain his power to cure his family,make them all rock humans,and raise more wall eyes
>Araki talking about his toaster oven
>picture of a toilet
what did they mean by this
araki is such a fucking weirdo
>Mista and Trish rushing Giorno to go back to the Coliseum heal him
Is he genuinely serious with these dumb stories or is he just goofing off?
I laughed my ass off when this happened in the manga but, thanks to the build-up and delivery, I found this to be legitimately frightening in the anime