This is a vile vampire. Punish it while you can!
This is a vile vampire. Punish it while you can!
Ur flat
Pachira game when?
Seismic is a faggot
Stella is a vampire?
Nah, I'll just go back to my kawaii kawaii Liru santa.
No, but she's still a semen demon.
That hook looks dangerous
She'd have to split in half up to her tits to reach the hook. Look at the wooden toblerone bar under her.
I cannot do that
Why? She even donates blood. She's fine in my book.
This is a ferocious beast
but who is the butcher?
For the Light!
I want to tame this beast.
I bought it at launch
She already knows she isn't Aiko. What could I ever do that would be worse than that?
I don't mind Pachira. She is number 2 to Liru though. Good luck honestly on your thread.
Are you an oldfag?
Original. Then wwoec, then usenet, than BBS'S.
I am Liru's greatest fan. Though I support all Magipoka endeavors and content.
I wanted to confirm my hypothesis that most of us oldfags are conceited and use passive aggressive approaches.
That which can be labeled can be hated.
I really am for all magipoka stuff. Seriously, any and all pachira would be great.
Tonight's a bad time with work tomorrow though. I'd love to help stimulate a good magipoka thread soon.
Here is a newish picture of a modification of Max Factory's pachira figure. I have 3 more.
Well? Post them.
Tomato juice is OK too.
I want to "hunt" this beast for it's "meat"
How about another bodily fluid?
Be careful user, she hunts the most dangerous game
I have a thing for blond loli vampires, I punish with the penis.
Furrrryyyyyyyy begone.
But user, it's furry friday.
I dunno, ice cream doesn't seem very dangerous to me.
It sure is.
Pachira is worst girl.
>had the best line in the anime
Nah. That would be Aiko.