Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Director change.
Bad ending.
Yayaka lost.
Not even top 3.
>okay we can make episodic PI adventures or we can go with that plot you wrote, we can't do both due to time constraints
And then episodes 10-13 happened.
Shit writing all around, but the last 4 episodes were especially embarrassing.
Nyunyu could have been even more useless. Aside from that and some minor QUALITY in the last episode was it gread.
Introducing PLOT after ep 8.
Real talk.
Why was Yayaka totally cool with Cocona fucking Papika?
Nothing you spaz, try making threads without shitpost bait
She's a NTRfag.
Sayuri's embarrasment at Salt going commando into the machine shows she is not his fucktoy
Sup Forums BTFO
She developed as a person. Can't force herself on Cocona.
Because Cocona never loved her or even liked her as a friend
Bad pacing at the end.
Doesn't prove anything. They did it in a dark room and under blankets, so it may be the first time she sees him like that
I'm joking. Sayuri is only my gf
wtf OP why you didn't put Flip Flappers in the subject field
it's not a proper general and we'll have two simultaneous threads again
what a joke you are
Nyunyu was deliberately an unfired Checkov's gun, they even gave her a literal gun. She is a Thomasson like many other things in the show.
She's still stupid though.
She saw how much coco loved peepee. Plus she has twins she can bang now.
Mimi. Remove Mimi.
It started out as a story about two girls going on fun adventures and finding shit about each other, ended as an overprotective mother's struggle to let go of her child or some bullshit.
>papika is a middle aged woman for no reason
>drama for no reason (all that buildup didn't get anywhere)
I still like the show and all, I enjoyed it a lot and been a part of the threads for months, but all that drama really lowered the quality of the series. At least the ending was happy, cute stuff.
Fuck off.
>Nyunyu stands up and shoots byu in the brain, reactivating him again
>byu shoots up in the air never to be seen again, while Nyu gets squished between the mammoth things
what was the point
Time to abandon threads
Be honest, if Papika didn't have this backstory, the adventures wouldn't have a reason to start in the first place.
The series started with Cocona dreaming of Mimi, though.
>yuropoors in charge of time zones
Really feeling that not even the top 3 of the hibike of phantom world
>Director change.
wasnt that the writer?
All gay girls must have an evil mom.
>wake up
It's 7pm here, Jorge.
These two are super-gay, right?
I'm not even gonna bother trying to understand what the fuck was going on
that was dumb, it started off as fun adventures and then devolved into some sort of competition between the likeable main characters and some child prodigy edgelords and then somehow further devovled into some melodramatic BS with plot twist after plot twist and YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE and honestly don't even know who was in the right anymore, none of this makes any sense
what the hell was this show evens supposed to be about? I initially thought it was just mahou shoujo for adults but now it's the sailor moon of evangelion of anime. It's just too much.
>mommy issues
>becomes yuri
You say that like show couldn't have worked just fine with a simpler story.
>Salt and his gang of wacky misfits try to reunite the legendary DRAGON SHARDS OF MIMI'S BALLS to get their wish while the KKK and their top agents do the same!
>Cocona is the unwilling latest addition to Salt's team and through her adventures in colorful, sakuga-filled alternate worlds along her new friend, the idiot savant Papika, she learns the meaning of LOVE and coming of age things or whatever!
Considering episodes 10-13, the show would have been better off like this too.
Because they spend their childhood getting dominated by their mother and resenting it.
Then puberty hits them and they realize getting dominated is actually kinda hot and the resent really gets them going. Then they go looking for surrogate mommies that can abuse them for being a bad girl and before you know it they're flipping stranger's flaps in the mall washroom and fiddling more beans than a coffee farmer.
*pachi pachi pachi*
that was literally 50x better than the actual story.
this post made me chuckle more then it should have
because she wasn't a fucking dyke
>not a dyke
So does that mean she can be my wife?
>fiddling more beans than a coffee farmer.
I swear, these past two episodes are so fucking weird. I'd rather they not address anything and just end the show on the two of them going on adventures.
Don't half ass an ending. God damn it.
>the plot changed because the writer changed
That's not how it works, retard.
Who are you quoting? Because he never said that.
The plot is fine. I'm sure the ending was a good idea on paper. It was just completely rushed, wasted time on pointless scenes and hurts the show as a whole because of it. Just end it on episode 9. I'm serious, I don't give a fuck. Just say "The End". It'd be more satisfying than what we got.
Nothing went wrong. Sup Forums went wrong years ago and so everyone who remains has shit taste
Literally nothing. Cry more, shitposters
I want a second season where they just go on more happy fun-time adventures but I guess we're not getting that huh?
>what the hell was this show evens supposed to be about?
It's about how love can take many forms for females, and how it's possible for the love to change form. Papikana used to love Cocona as her daughter-figure, but now she loves her as her girlfriend. Yayaka used to love Cocona as romantically, but she ends up platonic with her (i.e. a cuck).
Flip Flappers would unironically be AOTY if this were explicitly true. I just wish there were a sequel series about exactly this. Kind of like Sakura Trick with Cockona and Papika making out every three minutes except instead of them just making out and the show being about nothing like Sakura trick, Yayaka is there the whole time schlicking in the background. It would be called Flip Fappers.
I hope this post is ironic.
This show felt like 3hz too many ideas but couldn't fit it in to just 13 episodes, so they had to scrap a ton of shit.
I really hope there's extra footage in the BDs
i have no fucking idea what was happening for the last 5 episodes ! am i the only one who thought it was 2deep4me ? also who was cocona's grandma ?
grandma was just a kkk robot watching over cocona