PLOT was a mistake. Let's just say the show ends at episode 9.
Flip Flappers
I liked the last episode.
But the last few episodes were great while the worst 2 episodes were 7 and 4
There were good ideas but they were put together very poorly by the end.
Did it have a yuri end?
I agree, the show was a lot better when everything was mysterious and unexplained. The worst part is that the revelations from the latter episodes kinda ruin the earlier ones.
The only parts that felt particularly bad to me were the end of episode 12 and episode 13. I actually thought episode 10 was fine.
>tfw the not even top 3 this season actually became real
i should've stopped at the mad max episode
I didn't pick this up because I was following more series than I had time for. Should I watch it now that it's done? Or was it only fun because you guys watched it together?
DESU this show should've just been a one shot OVA based off of episode 3, since that's the only episode people care about.
how does this make you feel
Why did they rip off of Evangelion for the entire second half?
Watch three episodes and decide for yourself.
I think the early episodes were pure magic, they fucked it up in later episodes by adding drama that got nowhere. But it's still a nice series.
you mean when the show loses all direction?
but ripping off eva is a direction
>focusing on a relationship between a mother and her child is ripping off Evangelion
There were other things that ripped off Eva like the mecha world but in general it was not ripping off Eva.
>I fucked this
I thought mecha world was mostly a Gurren Lagann riff.
why did they change the writer again
the first half is no doubt better than the second half
The whole "city under siege by a massive alien" felt very Eva, and the big enemy looked like Unit 01.
>not realizing it's a code geass riff
cmon son, know your classics
>Code Geass
>implying it's not a Megas XLR riff
Real talk
What does Jacob Chapman of ANN (the guy who made the show popular in the first place) think about the grand finale?
Salt is such a lady killer.
>the guy who made the show popular in the first place
You fucking what?
>that feeling when you can't tell if these posts are trolling or not anymore
I want to believe it's mostly joking around but I can never tell anymore either.
>the last thing Mimi says to Salt is to stay faithful to her
>Sayuri exists
>Sayuri rides with Salt
>she falls off
>Mimi rides with Salt
>Salt falls off, into the depths of Mimi
You can't fool me. I fought in the Meme War of 2016 and have over 500 confirmed kills. I can identify over 2000 different kinds of bait and your OP is one of them. Arrest him immediately.
No. It really hits the shit during the home stretch. It's sad really, because everything before that is top-notch.
seems to be too busy having a twitter flamewar about pedophilia atm, ask again later
then again he liked 12 but dislikes the general direction the show has been going, so it's probably that, this will probably get ANN's coveted "B+ it's shit" rating
You're replying to memes laddie.
A a rare beastie to be sure but memes nonetheless.
There was a war?
not enough jojo references
End Of Pure Illusion to stretch out and fix the last bit when?
She was crying in that scene, user.
She knows. She already knows.
>Oshiyama during episode 12
How did she get the blush scratches on her hands?
>seems to be too busy having a twitter flamewar about pedophilia atm
Excuse me?
You're excused
We're making a thank you image! The card will be a collection of images into one big image sent to them via Twitter using imgur. The due date for submissions is 12/30/16 at 9:00 am pst. Send all images to [email protected]
600 by 600 pixels
>Why not here? it's an imageboard after all. we'd just have to reply your post.
Its hard trying to shitpost 24/7 to have to go around collecting images
>Why not real postcards? I want to send one. But there needs to be a campaign for it to mean something.
I'm not sure how this would be accomplished so I'm limiting it to digital.
>Who are we sending it to?
@binobinobi the directors twitter
How many do we have so far?
She drew them on.
Fuck man, Megas XLR was sick. They should have actually had a Megas XLR episode. They do know that chicks dig giant robots, right?
looks like he named super lovers as his worst anime of the year and now super lovers fans are really salty
if you don't know how this related to pedos, look up what super lovers is about
>Grey PI world
>Everything is dull (definitely PI belonging to adult)
>Butterflies (the only connection between adult Salt and kid Salt)
>Cocona lives with Sayuri, and Sayuri plays a role of mother (yeah, more like older sister, but whatever, that's because Sayuri is much younger than Salt)
>Cocona is Salt's daughter
>This PI layer was created by Salt
I want to use this as I send the images to them is this fine?
Sup Forumsの海外ファンからのメッセージです。名無しさんたちがそれぞれ作ったカードはここにまとまってあります。フリプフラパーズをありがとうございます!
(A message from the overseas fans from Sup Forums. The cards each user created are collected here. Thank you for Flip Flappers!)
I liked the rabbit.
Fucking pedos, thank god Flip Flappers only has healthy relationships beetween similarly aged people
>that was Salt's PI
Fuck me how did I not realize. That's like when watching the marathon I didn't realize the connection about Yayaka and not making any choices, and regretting it.
really makes the cortex do the vortex
sounds good
so sick of her stupid fucking face
I guess I should mention that I didn't spell this. Can you help?
I thought the last few episodes were just as bad as the rest of the series.
this is great user
The actual spelling for the title is フリップフラッパーズ, like in the logo, not フリプフラパーズ.
So who was Bu-chan?
I'm going to find where you live and kill you for insulting my beloved daughter.
To be fair, Super Lovers is indeed extremely creepy to a degree few other shows can even dream of. This drama is extra funny because now Super Lovers ultrafujos are now all "you're clearly just a HOMOPHOBE, Mr. Jacob 'Yuri on Ice is basically the best anime in forever' Chapman."
Basically a gigantic anime bumfight.
yayakafags on suicide watch including me ;_;
She actually says something more along the lines of "It's ok, as long as I'm always your number one," so I sort of took it as being permission from here to move on (with Sayuri maybe,) so long as he always holds her as the love of his life in his heart.
Put that on the collage's header for the benefit of future generations.
to intelligent
my self-insert
Also, this. Though I think the point will get across either way, this would sound better for Sup Forums.
>not being happy Yayaka is happy at last, free
She's friendzoned, but she's cool with that.
I mean, she's stuck in PI with no way to return and he's stuck in the real world with no way to enter PI
They may love each other but unless they like exchanging mail through their daughter, they're basically separated forever.
At some point Mimi has to appreciate the fact that Salt has needs and she can't fulfill them unless she uses her daughter's body. Better just to face reality and cede that ground now.
come closer
Imagine them sexting through their daughter.
that's what she says before proceeding to cry herself to sleep every night
Too close!
>At some point Mimi has to appreciate the fact that Salt has needs and she can't fulfill them unless she uses her daughter's body.
Don't give the doujin artists any ideas, user.
But then we will never get Mimi
don't be afraid
look, it likes you
She'll move on. Now she's free to get more friends and find a cute cat to cuddle with, like one of Cocona's other friends.
When's futanon's doujin coming out?
But it's where the show becomes retroactively good by starting to make sense.
Nah, she's gone straight for PI Uexkull now.
Mimi has a real body though.
A grave loss at that
>has needs and she can't fulfill them unless she uses her daughter's body
>look up what super lovers is about
ughh, no. Just because I need to figure out how glory hole works doesn't mean I need to go to where glory holes are.
I love Papika!!
But she gets her real body back tho? She was close to Papika's pipe-house in the ending.
Maybe Salt's surname is "Trump" or "Drumpf".
so the imaginary world still exist, she can still visit her mother, she is not aware who her dad is, how did Papika rejuvenate exactly?
Was she still the that world?
There's 3000 seeders for HS 720p ep13, that means ir's not a flop, r-right?
>Press Flip to pay Flaps
Exactly the kind of person I would expect in a FliFla thread
A 16 year old gets an 8 year old adopted brother who he uses to fulfill his sexual fantasies.