I just watched both seasons for the 2nd time. The drop in animation quality...

I just watched both seasons for the 2nd time. The drop in animation quality, music quality and complete change of cast for the 2nd season is so jarring that it's still hard to assess the quality of it. It was compelling enough after adjusting, but I can't tell if it's only nostalgia for the 1st season.

Please let me know how I feel about season 2 Sup Forums.

Season 2 is acceptable, but season 1 is amazing and when you rewatch it you'll only rewatch season 1

>hyped for s2
>subs group got dmca'd/series licensed in the middle of it and dropped
Fuck that shit.

I've only seen season 1 not 2.

The S1 art style was something special

>Season 2 is acceptable

If the budget and everything else was carried over to the 2nd season, would it still only be acceptable? Is the weakness the content or loss of everything else?

Think carefully if you want to preserve your 1st season memories or taint them.

Sad that we wont see the final arc in the nuclear plant animated.Those deaths are really something.

i haven't listened to the s1 op since having partition problems on my old drive
had r1 discs on there too
i should stop being lazy and try to recover that shit

haven't seen s2, didn't know it was the mushishi studio

The manga is worth reading, despite its ending.

Gunslinger Girl is a textbook e ample of why manga pjs should just take their license cheque and be grateful and never, ever, be let anywhere near the anime studio. Yu Aida's control freakery (he's credited as "Total Supervisor" of Il Teatrino) meant only some cheap studio would tolerate him and made the show the stilted disaster it was.

>if everything was carried over
It would only be slightly worse (because Henrietta is best girl)

there's no season 2 you fucking tool.

S1 2003-2004
S2 2008

>didnt get the dick
I'm sad


Thinking about the ending still hurts me nowadays.

so I heard best girl had a baby, did he fuck her previously, or he picked her lady cell and got the kid in vitro?

>he picked her lady cell and got the kid in vitro?
Yeah, cant remember whose sperm though. Might be her handler.

They both died, but their sperm and eggs were preserved by the SWA. The woman who loved Hilshire raised the baby born of Triela and Hilshire's genetic union.

any pic of triela jr?

Was it confirmed it was Hilshire's sperm? Pretty sure it never mentioned in the official translation at least.

Is it really possible to read, knowing that the girls you love have no future?



Here, pre and post timeskip.

Huh, maybe it wasn't confirmed. It's not mentioned in the last chapter, anyway. I wonder why I was so sure of it. Was it perhaps in his letter to Roberta?

fucking short-haired nerd bitch.

Not Roberta, the woman who's still alive. It's been so long since I've read this.

I was devastated reading the last twenty or so chapters but it was still a great read. I highly recommend the manga if you enjoyed the anime (S1 or S2)

Pic related is from near the end of the manga.

Second season was okay.

At least Claes finally got to be badass.

Claes was always second or third best girl.

Triela > Henrietta > Claes > Petrushka > Rico > Angelica

Yeah, she has always been stealth badass but that chapter really made me respect her. Triela will always be the number one for me though.

I preferred Rico to Henrietta, and Angelica was a sweetheart.

Triela forever.

What made you fall for Triela?
For me it was one line in S1 when the investigator was talking to her in her room and trying to figure out the nature of devotion and she said that she didn't know where the drugs ended and the love began.
In that one line I saw a thinking creature who could engage in self analysis.

When I saw her sternness toward adults contrast her gentle, uplifting nature toward the younger girls. She is wonderful.

Her uterus.

I enjoyed watching her relationship with Hilshire mature over the course of the series.

Triela getting angry with Hilshire when he carries out an assassination without her help and gets injured was maybe my favourite part in the manga. I also love how self-aware Triela seems to be yet accepts her fate, as cruel as it is.

Just skimming through the whole manga again is making me tear up ;_;

shit son

The fact that she's so mature, nurturing and has so much self-insight while being so vulnerable. I like her relationship with Hillshire and I loved the chapters about her backstory, and the way she handled it. Plus delicious brown and longcoats suit her.

My absolute favorite moment in the manga right here. Petrushka was my 2nd favorite.

Blame the manga author, he fired all season 1 staff because he think season 1 sucks.

>manga artist gets the staff of Madhouse fired
u wot?