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You liked VividRed Operation.
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I do like it.
I did not watch it though.
The ass is nice.
probably should watch it
I already did, faggot
Still waiting for S2.
there is no shame in liking butts
I think VividRed Operation is super interesting.
I've seen a series of pictures that made me want to watch it. I think I'll do that now.
eps 1 & 2 & 12 were great
the rest were a fucking mess
>s2 never
No YOU are a fucking mess
I liked it. But of course I was going to like it, I like all mahou shoujo. And asses. I like asses too, and this show had that in spades.
The dialogue and plot writing were so overwhelmingly bad they overshadowed the good parts of the show and made it hard to watch.
Even cute girls and butts couldn't redeem this.
I admitted it 4 whole years ago.
They end up banging right?
Imagine the possibilities if they could fuse with the other girls instead of only with Akane. Imagine Wakaba and Himawari. Also, still salty at no VividPink.
Only with Pink.
It had its moments. Pretty disappointing overall though.
>he likes shows about little girls, frilly dresses and magic
Supreme taste.
Should get another season instead of strike witches
it was SW done right.
too bad japan has shit taste.
Best vivid
I liked the butts but that's about it.
VividRed was pretty good but VividBlue is always going to have a special place in my heart because CHEST EXHAUSTS
It was a budget Strike Witches, but it was fun to watch. Shame their fused forms looked so damn goofy, the marching band costumes were 10/10.
Yellow best transformation.
DAT smile.
It had great backstory.
Aoi why dont you like yuri
Fuck yeah I do, but only because it's basically strike witches in the future.
This, kind of.
As long as it was just fun and interactions and monster of the week it was great.
But when plot happend it got atrociously bad.
You mean when not-homu got arrested and eaten?
I never denied it in the first place.
It's a massterpiece.
Who came up with this stuff
Of course I did.
I rike it
These threads never last long.
It wasn't even that bad by anime standards. People often don't realize that they're watching a medium that exists to fuel doujins and pander to otaku manchildren. As such this show was in fact an underrated masterpiece.
Sure did.
this shot pissed me off more than anything about this anime
nobody runs like this
even people with zero running experience (babies) dont run like this
it's just a thing you do that your arms move
I liked it. But that's pretty much all
Are you complaining about piss-bottle-chan running without moving her arms? Some Native Americans used to run like that as they regarded the arm movements as a waste of energy.
Easily one of the worst shows I've ever finished.
Generic monster of the week with generic butt shots on generic little girls.
>unironically liking a fat neckbeard """otaku""" show
Kys. I bet you watch the harem of every season, too
Yes, yes I did
I did
It was a great ride
Me too. I never saw any reason to deny enjoying a show this good.
Best thing of the henshin was how they put on the gloves.
That was Hyper as shit.
Could watch the Henshins only for how they put on the gloves.
No sir, I don't like it. Although I do try not to put down those who do, but wish they go elsewhere.
I know vividass is Sup Forumscore but I actually dropped it at the first episode.
It didn't have good action besides the final battle. That was the main problem. The stupid plot was better than most anime. One reason why Strike Witches got popular was having good action, the other was excessive fanservice and fapbait.
Does anyone still have that vector of not-homu's butt?
It was better than Strike Witches 2 and Brave Witches, that's for sure.
The characters were cute, green and yellow's relationship was especially endearing, and the fact that by the end of the episode that focused soley on them having an argument and making up at the end, that they then couldn't fuse to signify that and instead Akane had to be involved, that still pisses me off to this day.
>no season 2
Not even Urobutcher could write such suffering.
This show has comfy EDs.
what a fucking hot retard