What went right?

What went right?

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pokemon overshadowed it
pokemon was more natural
pokemon had better designs
pokemon had better writing


wargreymon, damn evolution was rad as fuck.

As far as I'm concerned, only the first anime exists, and it was perfect.

fuck you op

I just spent the past 30 minutes looking up digimon because nostalgia

It explored themes that no other kid show did at the time not only in Japan, but worldwide.

The Ost was great, both the japanese and american.

It also, unlike Pokemon, had a goal that could be acomplished in a reasonable amount of time, even it that one was far greater.

And lastly, it had a compelling cast, with character arcs that were benefited by the interactions between the kids.

me2 lol


for anybody who can't find it. many of them are without video

did you see tri btw? I think it was quite ok, but not so much focus on the actual digivolutions unfortunately and too much on drama shit.

>pokemon had better designs
>pokemon had better writing

The evolution sequences are better than tri's.
I liked the kids' character arcs.
Vamdemon was a charmer.
The ost was great.

Am I the only one who loved Frontier over Tamers?

> What went right

* Monster designs
* Narrative direction
* Characters
* Worldbuilding
* Villains
* Environment/background design
* Games/Manga

> What didn't go right

* Character designs (lots of quality)
* Dialogue
* Evolution bloat (criss-crossing lines and too many stages)

writing was apples and oranges

pokemon does have better designs though

I did

but I was a kid when I watched Tamers and 02 so I should watch it again to reaffirm how good is the former and how shit is the latter.

stop baiting son. what is the point? look at this thread, there aren't even that many people posting, just true fans. have you no shame?

Tell me why Appli monsters is the absolute worst thing ever to happen to the digimon franchise.

I would rather watch fucking yokai watch.

I never did finish Digimon World 2.

kinda want to play it again.

problem with it is that shitty-ass transition section that happens every time you leave and return to the city.

takes too damn long

I watch it for the plot.

>As far as I'm concerned, only the first anime exists, and it was perfect.
Then you are missing out dude, Tamers is atleast just as good as Adventures.

I liked Hikari and Taichi's relationship, because the relationship I have with my sister is so bad. ;_;


Tamers is the most fucking overrated piece of shit ever. The entire first half of the series is half assed and generic as shit. The ONLY thing that keeps it from being trash tier is impmon. Hell, impmon ends up saving so much of the series that it's insane.

D-Reaper while a bit overdone, was admittedly pretty good, but you fucks forget that tamers was more than the d-reaper and surrounding arcs.

Biomerge, gallantmon and impmon were two of the only good things to come out of this shit. I personally liked Cyberdramon/justimon, but I'm generally alone in that opinion.

>obligatory leomon

Ruki was painfully generic/tedious and I cannot begin to understand how people liked guilmon.

Lee wasn't bad though.

>pokemon had better writing
>hamfisted "evolution is bad!" message episodes to shill cutesy mascotmons, even though most kids wanted to see them evolve
>writers are too retarded to tell the difference between Rock and Ground types, and ignore Ground's Electric immunity anyways most of the time
>pretty much every single gym battle was pure bullshit in one way or another
>the series rushing through the first six gyms (while doing 4-6 out of order), then suddenly going into filler hell to shill Yellow and spinoff games like Snap
>major plot events and locations (Game Corner, Lavender Town, Silph Co., etc) glossed over for more Jessie and James antics and Pokemon of the day
>characters catching Pokemon on a whim, then nearly never using them (Brock's Zubat, Misty's Horsea, Jessie's Lickitung, etc)
>Ash losing the league to a weaker clone of himself just because his Pokemon fell asleep
And that's just the very first season.

I'm convinced that the people who praise Digimon Adventure haven't seen it in 15 years. I'm currently rewatching it and it's bad in so many ways.

I watched it again around 2 years ago and loved it.

For me, the kids got swapped out, so even if there's a particular faggot that was being faggier than usual (Miyako), you could breathe in relief knowing they weren't coming back for the next season, unless it was Adventure. The mons also talked, adding a layer of personality and development if done right.

The less popular something is, the better the quality. Digimon phasing out in the US means you get actual people who took the effort to look into it from there on and not be faggots.

I'm starting Tamers soon, I've finished 02 and loved it. Subbed Digimon is vastly superior to the dub, but I give credit that the dub from what I remember actually handled things decently. I already know the kid on the left is a faggot and I won't like him.

>I already know the kid on the left is a faggot and I won't like him.
What Jen is pretty cool though.

I think the faggot is in the middle.

just not adventure enough

Hey Takato maybe a beta usually, but he always mans up and takes the lead when shit went sideways especially later on.

out of all the one's i've watched


fight me

01 > Xros Wars > very end of Xros hunters > 02 > tamers > savers > frontier >>>> applimonsters

>the show with with based KENKA BANCHOU that low
I will

You still need to watch Xros Wars, Tri and Universe.

Come back when your training is finished, otherwise your comments shall not have a valid point.

Forgot that xros hunters should either be behind frontier.

Fuck the insane fan service at end of hunters was so good.

Adventure and 02 were the only series worth a damn. That retrospective they put out was great


No wonder the ratings plummited after 02 and the franchise is dead. It just lost the magic and went from one gimmick to the next. I can see why Pocket Monsters stuck around. Pokemon only got better as time went on Digimon got worse

Bracing for the 02 hate train because their favorite character got shipped with someone they didn't like in the last 5 minutes.

new 02 characters kind of sucked aswell.

Magnamon was one of the best evolutions in the entire show.

The entire ken plot was great.

They used multiple types of evolutions and none of them were bad.

The setting. Being a digital world let it get away with a certain level a surrealness that I loved.




Daisuke and Ken were good

Iori and Miyako had a few good moments but were otherwise forgetable

Adventure=Xros Wars>Frontier=Second half of Savers>last few episodes of Hunters>Tamers>First half of Savers>02>The rest of Hunters

Not ranking Appmon, it started off alright and I'm hoping it can still be saved.

Him, he was the biggest faggot out of those six. Everyone shits on Daisuke, but Iori managed to be the little shit without being a little shit. Kudos to the writers for that one.

>pokemon overshadowed it

>pokemon was more natural
>pokemon had better designs
>pokemon had better writing


02 is bottom of the barrel of the digimon franchise though.

So how's everybody liking Tri? I'm enjoying it so far, but I'm kinda upset about the new digivolution to champion/adult animation because of how weird and floaty they look.

Also I was expecting the third movie to have some sick moment with HerculesKabuterimon but instead got feels, which I'm a tiny bit upset about

I literally started it for the first time in years tonight and it's comfy/10

I dropped after the first episode because of how obvious of a cash out it was.

what the fuck? how is he just punching mega level digimon?

Well considering Pokemon literally copied digivolving and called it megaforms now... I'd say they got the concept of temporary power monster evolution right lol

>t. Taiora shipper

Mega level is dub only name though ardtard

Also Sun and Moon are retconning Mega Evolution out anyway

They piggybacked off of pokemon but added sci fi twist.

More characters to like too.

Less pokemon = more humans.

Shipping is literally the least of 02 many, many issues.

Pokemon designs are rooted primarily in their animal analogues. They are generally logical in their progression from starter to final evolution. Generally from cute to progressively more badass. Digimon follows a similar pattern where the Child/Rookie is generally cute and takes inspiration from a real world animal or plant, then digivolves to become larger and more badass versions of themselves. But the designs quickly become lazy. Digimon lines either become more humanoid or adding machine grafts which culminate in the final form being completely machine or armored, sometimes both. Very few digimon lines avoid this fate such as the Tentomon line.

The haphazard use of Christian symbolism and mysticism creates a certain disjunction in an otherwise very Japanese series. This culture clash makes Digimon feel less cohesive than Pokemon.




Mimi is a miracle of the universe.

Using Kouji Wada while he was still alive.
Well yeah, overall I prefer the aesthetics of Digimon over pretty much anything Pokemon puts out.

They hire Yasuda Suzuhito to do the designs for their games. Unfortunately they didn't let him design for the anime because it would be too lewd for the kids.


ow digimon needs pander to sell somenthing

Hell, the peak of Digimon evolutions are usually just super robots.

Not that I hate it though. Actually, I absolutely loved it.

I'm convinced you are just a foolish hater.

>pokemon had better writing


Just a guy with common sense.

>There are people on this board
>Who had to hear Digimon Champions over and over again

Never bothered me.

Digimon is surprisingly well written for a kids show. The character development for all 16 characters (8 kids + 8 digimons) was incredibly well done, something modern anime fails to do with 3 or 4 characters. The story and villains were pretty good as well, and damn the few episodes of Taichi going back home are incredibly impressive and the entire Wizardmon arc was great.

If the anime were only more for adults and they would stop spoiling every fucking episode in the OP the anime would be almost perfect.

How were Zudomon and Atlur Kabuterimon mecha?

>better writing
>better designs

>episodes of Taichi going back
I think this is what the folks on Sup Forums call kino.

It was incredible and really surprising because you just expected another Digimon episode but you got something special. I have read that they did the first Movie (great movie) under budget and used the left up budget for these episodes.

Most anime struggle with something like a going back to the real world arc, but Digimon did it exceptionally well. I loved the original anime, 02 was alright as well but the rest is pretty much just standard kids show stuff.

Bless Hosoda.

Tamers was awesome shit once the kids matrix evolved with their digimons.

Suddenly Takato and Guilmon were the fucking awesome white knight Dukemon (or Gallantmon, as we know him in the west), having an awesome bout with Belzemon.
Then Jenrya and his Lopmon transform into the fucking huge Gargomon and shoot missiles and shit.
Then Ruki and Renamon become the supersexy waifumon Sakuyamon in a gorgeous transformation sequence.

Man, I loved Tamers.
Adventures 01 and 02 were good too.

My nostalgia

Each of the kids somehow managed to feel unique as opposed to the simple stereotypes they could have been.

The OST was amazing.

Dinosaurs with missiles.

His Ki- I mean, his Digi Soul is that big.

Anyone else who rewatched it recently surprised that Mimi and Sora hitched a ride with a pedo?

They put more effort into it than the people who did or are doing the Pokemon shows.

Compared to most kids shows, the Digimon ones are pretty good overall (with the exception of 02 that is considered the worst).

Hoping that in the future, Digimon will actually still be around.

Having a Eva writer on tamers

>Mother D-Reaper is essentially Lillith

I just discovere this week that digimon champions also replaced BRAVEHEART during the digivolution sequences. fuck that's rough, Here in huehueland we had an digimon champions version replacing Butterfly for the opening, but at least during the actual episodes they kept the original soundtrack.

>pokemon overshadowed it

Only the games

In terms of the Anime Digimon was better but it was hard to follow. They kind of screwed themselves with the animation style.

It was great up until they introduced the new digidestined. People weren't ready for that which is why they brought back the original but was too late to help it.

Digimon is still great but they have tripped over themselves to much to sustain its greatness.

I don't see anything wrong with that.

Kouji Wada. Too bad he's dead now.

even 02 wasn't actually that disgusting, the biggest problem is they had a bunch of interesting ideas that they didn't manage to develop or wrap-up properly, but concepts like the digimon emperor, blackwargreymon and the dark seeds are pretty cool. Also, Sup Forums has a deep hatred of it because shipping.

Tamers and Frontier have the best evolution/transformation sequences

Don't forget the fanfiction tier ending

the only thing that kept consistently great during all the series was Wada's songs. May Kami-sama bless his brave heart.

Thank God for reboot complete.

that whole last arc was a mess

Yep. And that's what it was the worst Digimon show.

It had too many ideas put into it. The Dark Ocean and the Demon Corps had potential. BlackWarGreymon also had good potential. The whole stuff with the towers also had potential.

HELL, I DARE SAY THAT EVERYTHING AFTER THE KAISER ARC HAD POTENTIAL, but because they had to fit into the quota they couldn't flesh it all out to be good or memorable.

The Kaiser Arc was the only good thing about the show (along with the OST), but it dragged too long hence why the later part was half-baked.

The 02 Kids, except for Ken and Iori, were wasted potential.

Daisuke never advanced in character development while Miyako was pants-on-heads retarded due to the fact that the authors probably didn't know what to do with her. They should've made her simply a ditzy, energetic rule 63 version of Koushiro.

The ending...it didn't left any continuity and was unnecessary.

We still gonna need to know if Tri will actually retcon all this mess.

Digimon won't be the same without him.

Fucking cancer had to kill him. I blame F.D. Roosevelt.

He was the victim of the 2016 grim reaper.

Yeah, but cancer is fucking common in Japan.

All because Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And poor Wada died of cancer.

I really feel hollow now.

Japan has one of the lowest cancer rates in the world
Although the cancers that they do get more often tend to be the more fatal ones

So I finished watching Tamers today, I've watched what was before it and Xros, is there any series I should watch next?

Savers, if you want some punching