Cenk Uygur of TYT or Alex Jones of InfoWars

Cenk Uygur of TYT or Alex Jones of InfoWars

Who is the true /King/ of online political news media?

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Lol - As if this is even a choice.

>ben claims to be 5'9'' but is almost definitely shorter than that


If it wasn't for Saudi money TYT would be already bankrupt by now.

Cenk is an idiot. Alex is crazy. BUT, Alex is honest. Cenk watched his lord and savior Bernie whipped, beaten, and raped by Hillary and shilled out for her. Pathetic.

Alex by far. Even though he knew about the JQ years ago. Call it survival or selling out. I think AJ is mostly a good guy.

Surely you need to be on the winning side in order to be the king...

alex jones with his gay buddy paul joseph thotson both are controlled opposition shilling for kikes

Virgin Cenk
Chad Jones

I dunno about PJW but AJ isn't shilling for kikes, he shills for himself yes but if you pay attention to his videos it's clear he's not a kike puppet and if not for him literally living in a military compound he would be dead

I've never heard anyone mention TYT in real life. Lots of people talk about AJ.

Why would they take that picture on the left? They look like weebs trying to LARP for the camera.

Haven't heard about the TYT in a long time now, thought they folded to be honest.
AJ gets talked about a lot, though, clear winner here.

Make it

working on it,


none of those idiots

Can someone post the clip where a wild alex jones appears with a cheeky cunt grin and completely destroys whatshisface’s anus?

>a leaf

When you dont have muslims raping your women and fucking your country up you get a say German fag

does TYT have viewers other than hate watchers? Alex Jones has genuine fans.


Funny, i thought exactly the opposite

Apples and Bananas
One is the Armenian Genocide denier
The other is a humble online water filter salesman.

Ever episode of TyT in a


This guy.

neither, james corbett is a real alternative news reporter

Can someone explain the appeal of Alex Jones to me? He spouts off about stupid conspiracy theories, is regularly wrong, and has basically admitted that he just plays a character. How does he still have a major following who takes him seriously?


It's shit

I'd actually fuck Alex Jones. He was gorgeous when he was young and I'd still smash.

this thread is retarded, there can be only one!

>Ben is literally a giant next to him
Holy shit how short is that goblin.

Self reported 5'9

It doesn't. He is as you've said is a character. Someone we can all laugh at.

Whatever you think of Alex is irrelevant, since Cenk yogurt is a sjw faggot. There isnt even a competition.

Anyone MSM lies about so badly and so often, I'm in favor of. They fucking fear Alex Jones. IF he was a kike or controlled opposition, they'd never mention him.

MSM has done a successful job on you.

low IQ people need their entertainment

Cenk is a non-white, non-Christian whose parents moved him to a white christian nation cause they view it as superior to their own homeland.

That will be a part of his identity for him and all his descendants in perpetuity. The only way back to dignity is to move back to where they belong, or the scarlet letter of Self-Hate will be tattooed on them by virtue of where they live and what culture they choose to supplant their true culture with.

Jones is a Water Filter Merchant
Uygur is a Water Buffalo

top fucking kek, is this some trick of perspective? How much closer is Shapiro to the camera than Chunk? Lil' Benji is only like 5'4 himself.

there was that one time a few months ago where he said that people should stop taking the Daily Stormer's domain away, that was pretty unexpected

The fact he is mentioned means he is controlled opposition.

>mfw when alex busted up cenk's show and cenk flipped his shit...

Can chunk oogyer even compete?