why does huffpost write like 5 year olds?
Why does huffpost write like 5 year olds?
Because it suits their audience.
Don't talk about 5 year olds around me I'll get an erection, either gender.
Shlumpf will pay for this.
thanks obama
I can't even imagine what kind of a fucking sheltered subhuman you'd have to be to go ''ew, a house has mice and cockroaches! EW!''
A normal person sees that there's an infestation and they deal with it. It's a perfectly normal thing you have to deal with when you live anywhere. All those parasites will try to get in and you have to keep them out.
Jesus fucking Christ, these people should be put out of their misery.
>eek eek icky trump has icky bugs
what a bugaboo
Seroiusly, you had niggers living there for the last eight years. They're probably still finding chicken bones under the seat cushions.
Well, it's Washington DC. It's basically a giant bathroom thanks to blacks an Asian tourists.
Proving FPBP
How dare they refer to the Turkish and Israeli ambassadors like that.
This was my first thought. Black people live like animals. The shape they leave rental properties in when they vacate... EVERY TIME. It's literally EVERY TIME. The last property I saw left in a complete mess (blacks, of course) they had left over a dozen coffee cans in the kitchen cabinets. "Why do they like coffee so much, and why did they leave it behind?" I wonder. So I open one. Filled with fucking used cooking oil. That entire property was disgusting.
Because that's the age of their writers. They just get kindergarden kids to write stuff as they can't afford to pay anyone.
Because libs are smarmy and smallminded. All left wing sites employ this tone.
White house has a problem with Turks!?
Wow, a 200+ year old building has some easily treatable pest issues!
How will DRUMPHF ever recover
We had a solution the lastime the place was full of undesirable pests :^)
In all seriousness though, it’s a building that is centuries old. I’m not surprised that there’s a few vermin in there.
Blacks are animals that live like people.
I have a buddy that has rental property problems with them as well. Dumbest thing he says he's ever done was take the section 8 check and let the cockroaches move in. Same story, they leave the place looking like it was ransacked by gremlins every time.
Because its for women.
Literally this; thanks Obama.
Fucking black family moves out of the fucking White House and you gotta get Terminix on the scene to clean the place up. They should send Obama the bill.
Really upset the FP isn't just a picture of all the Huffpo editors. You know the one I'm talking about
aimed at a female audience
my brother has a few rental properties in wisconsin, where we grew up. in wisconsin cockroaches are basically unheard of. you can generally leave food out overnight and not have to worry about attracting roaches or anything. never a concern for me growing up. but my brother rents one of his properties to two arabs and after some time one of them gets arrested for some bullshit fight and they both flee the country so my brother has to go in and get the property ready to rent to someone else. fucking roaches everywhere. he said he couldnt lift anything without roaches scurrying away. fucking animals.
This. The bulk of the audience love to eat up shit like this.
What are you racists talking about Obama treated the White House with respect and-
EWW! America Has A Problem With Niggers, Spics and Kikes
I'm surprised he's not grabbing his crotch in that picture, crack smoking homosexual tranny marrying nigger.
And then there's Uncle Joe over there sniffing his fingers to see if they still smell like that little girl's hair.
I know somebody who owns many properties that they rent out, and they rented out to an African refugee family. The house ended up with cockroaches in it and needed to be fumigated, they completely fucking trashed the place, tons of damage that needed to be repaired. White female Clinton voter, naturally. At the very least, they said they won't ever rent out to refugees ever again.
Of course it does. Niggers lived there for 8 years.
Shit, beat me to it.
you wouldn't know how to feel otherwise
>finger gun
What did he mean by this?
They're glorified bloggers just like every other "journalist" nowadays
pic related is why theyre going bankrupt
Not surprised -- a bunch of niggers lived there for the better part of a decade.
Niggers attract roaches...
How do you really deal with cockroaches? 99% of old homes have a cockroach problem. My house is like 2 years old and I have a feeling in a couple years we'll have cockroach problem too.
Never had this problem with Obama. Drumpf is just a dirty scumbag and he attracts the worst of all types of humans and apparently insects too.
>clicking on huff post....ever
Ya done fucked up
My house is 40 years old and there's never been a roach in it. They attracted to shitskin. Nothing you can do.
I wonder if it has anything to do with their diverse community of editors
>implying you're not a shitskin yourself mr. 56%
Stop pooing on the floor
You could start by pooing in loo and wiping your shitty ass like a normal human being.
>White House has pest control
Is this how retarded the average "journalist" has become? They don't realize there's such a thing as a monthly service to prevent pests from appearing in the first place?
journalism in general is now a woman dominated occupation. take a peek into any journalism course at your nearest university and it's all girls and the only thing they care to report on is "women's issues". you could probably chart the rise in women in journalism with the decline in trust in the media.
because the are mentally
Because they are writing for mental 5 year olds
Because they don't want you to be able to think