Well, this has just gone extremely gay.
Just finished the Part 2 of Hokuto no Ken anime, pretty wild ride and was a major improvement from Part 1.
I assume it gets better? Although it definitely won't be the same without Rei.
Well, this has just gone extremely gay.
Just finished the Part 2 of Hokuto no Ken anime, pretty wild ride and was a major improvement from Part 1.
I assume it gets better? Although it definitely won't be the same without Rei.
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Right forgive me for posting at all, I forgot nu-Sup Forums only likes memeshit like JoJo, OPM and whatever new slice of life moeshit, carry on.
>muh pre-2000 anime
Also Otokojuku is better
>generic high school shit
>better than anything
Just because it's older doesn't mean it's not almost just as trash as nu/a/ high school shit
Thanks for confirming that nu/a/ is completely underage though. I really need to stop coming to Sup Forums.
Not even worth a .....
>not having 4chanX installed
Yep, underage alright.
Having finished the Souten no Ken anime, and I've noticed a couple of things:
1. Unlike the manga, the anime had Kenshiro Kasumi force his superior in Towa Women's University Vice Principal Kondou into giving a ride to find Li Yong-Jian.
2. All references to Nazi Germany were omitted.
SnK anime is notoriously shit, why did you even watch that garbage?
Also, the anime is shit. Manger is better.
>Also, the anime is shit. Manger is better.
Said nobody ever.
The only thing the manga has going for it is the artwork.
Direction is vastly superior in the anime, as is the addition of soundtrack and voice acting.
The amazing direction where they stretch 3 chapters into nine episodes ayy
You sound more like a faggot than the guy you quoted.
That doesn't happen outside of Shin arc which objectively is fucking terrible in the manga.
You do have a point, what with Yang Meiyu instead of the Old Taoist helping Pan Yu-Ling get her memories back in that church, but the music was good.
Both are good. In my opinion.
Just wait until you meet Juuza. Shit's gonna be crazy user, enjoy the ride.
>Just finished the Part 2 of Hokuto no Ken anime, pretty wild ride and was a major improvement from Part 1.
You didn't finish part 2. There literally is Hokuto no Ken and Hokuto no Ken 2. 2 is dogshit outside of the Falco arc.
With the second half of the show I recommend you strap in as not only is Raoh the best character, but the tension, drama, stakes, and action all increase tenfold.
juuza is overated.
This, he's a dickhead. He also gave up on life because he couldn't fuck his sister.
The reason Part 1 wasn't that good was because half of it was filler to pad out the Shin Arc. Part 3 is great, although it definitely isn't as strong after Souther. Once Part 4 gets rolling it's incredible.
What are you talking about? Hokuto no Ken is split up into 4 parts. Part 2 starts after Shin, Part 3 starts after Rei's death, Part 4 starts after Ryuga.
A question about the lore: What exactly did Ryuken's students do for a living prior to the nuclear apocalypse? I get that Toki would have ran a clinic, but what about Kenshiro, Jagi, and Raoh?
>Well, this has just gone extremely gay.
Because Juda was the only straight male in the series and now he is dead?
I can relate to that.
Hokuto thread? Nice
They were assassins, dude. That's literally the point of Hokuto Shinken.
IIRC, weren't those studying Hokuto Shinken not allowed to use them in fights until one is selected as successor and that for those not selected to be the successor, they get their memories erased or arms shattered, with Toki post-nuclear apocalypse as an exception?
Literally no one refers to Hokuto no Ken in parts the way the wikipedia page has the anime listed.
I really like Otokojuku but it is in no way better than Hokuto no Ken apart from having better humour.
To be honest you can't really compare the two, one is a epic love story and tale of destiny between brothers whereas the other is an over the top tournament arc after tournament arc.
>Literally no one refers to Hokuto no Ken in parts
>I don't call them properly so nobody must be doing it either
Go back to Sup Forums perhaps.
It is very gay.
The manga (ie. the best version of HnK) is only in two parts.
Good thing we're not talking about the manga then, retard.