American mongrel 56% mutts BTFO by Varg

americans have appealed to the jews starting long before the civil war (up north) and then the infection spread down south, after the civil war ended.
they love the jew so much that they destroyed Europe for its sake, they killed millions of German women and children, as well as unarmed soldiers who had surrendered, they destroyed historical European buildings, western culture and the will of the German people (and all of Europe as of today).
the 56% american holds his 3rd world shithole in high regard, he thinks he's "successful" (to the american mutt mongrel mind, having more $$$ and subhumans in your country is called success) because of his own accord, but little did he know the jew he defended so vehemently has stabbed him in the back, like he always does.

americans shat on Europeans after WW2 (they hated Germans before WW1 as well, "No death is too good for a kraut",etc), they didn't care at all about allowing communists to murder millions of Easter Europeans, as well as terrorist paramilitary groups in western Europe, etc. But its ok! because they had "the 50s" right? degenerate rock and roll music, trashy jazz "music", and mad consumerism, the american way of life after all (cultureless, rootless nation they even have to coin the term "white race" because they hold no identity at all, like a jew). But the jew never does any good, even when it looks like he is, its nothing but a fantasy,and glory soon turned to misery, now they are being invaded by subhumans. They can't do anything now, numbers are at 56% (30% probs really white) and going down, you cant save a nation with a shitskin majority, and thus they cry out to their "European brothers" , PLEASE!, TAKE ME IN! I AM WHITE!, after shitting on European (and humanity) for over a a hundred years.

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Plz stop posting this fucking gay welfare leech that married a mentally disabled woman

the american, suffers from eternal love toward the jew, theres nothing an american likes more than pleasing a jew, all he does is for this sole reason: the benefit of the jew. He knows his mutt negrified jewish life is useless and thus uses it to serve the jewish overlord, so as to try to find a meaning to his materialist superficial life. americans posses nigger, jew and mestizo DNA, so they will be offended when someone points it out, even their """whites""" have some non white (native to america) gene.

Sure sure. Stay white my brother

You already have this thread, faggot.

wrong attitude. i love this country, and so do you. blame the people responsible for this. hate the people responsible for this.

hate the people who have subjected you to ostracization and demoralization.
hate the people who shame you for what you are.
hate the people who have caused your wages to depress, hate the people who have caused your jobs to leave.
hate the people who have forced your mothers and wives to work.
hate the people who allow criminals into our country, and criminal sexual predators to legislate morality in YOUR life, being paid with YOUR money.

hate them, and use their tactics against them. demoralize them. destroy them.

they must leave or be destroyed. they must be outbred. they must be thrown out. they must be imprisoned. they must suffer the consequences of their actions.

you must prepare for the inevitable. you must will it into existence, and your will to see it through must be absolute.

Who cares if he is a welfare leach in this day and age, beats paying for Muslims and traitors with your tax dollars you retard.

t. ex-Norwegian convict

Oy Vey goy I think you should hate each other because you're weaker that way.
Remember the amerimutt memes goy

>be attacked as Whites regardless of le European/American difference
>hurr durr Europe is best

The quicker we win back our lands the quicker we can argue this.