So i finally ended watching madoka and i must ask

So i finally ended watching madoka and i must ask.

What the fuck just happen?
Literally what the fuck was this?

Lesbian version of Faust

Watch it again.

You want me to suffer more don't you? you guys betrayed me when telling me i should see the movie immediatly

Homura saved the world from the incubators is what the fuck happened

It was love

Nothing wrong.

Did homura's wish negated Madoka's wish?


Urobuchi didn't even realize he was alluding to Faust until after fans pointed out that Inu Curry inserted direct quotes into the backgrounds of witch barriers.

Yeah, at least the "with my own hands" part. Likewise, Madoka's wish negated Homura's wish.

What do you mean, you dumb fuck? Homura didn't make a wish in Rebellion. Her love and despair collapsed into a singularity when she became a witch, causing her to become more powerful than Madoka or the Incubators. She then brainwashed Madoka and rewrote reality so she could have the Incubators to power the law of cycles.



Don't think too deeply about it. It's meant to look stylish and vaguely deep, while the director has long lost control of whatever was supposed to be the story of this shipwreck of a film.

It feels like they ruined the franchise with this yurishit movie.

It is considered canon?

You just have shit taste.

>but it was actually despair
>Homu is insane
>and demon ruler of the universe
>and the universe is inside of her witch barrier
>Everyone is brainwashed
>Incubators BTFO
>law of cycles is a ship without a captain

love and despair are two sides of the same horseshoe, just like comedy and horror or liberals and conservatives

also homura somehow repurposed the incubators into powering the law of cycles, which means she made them feel emotion or came up with a new scheme altogether

so in the end, homura did nothing wrong and madoka is a naive child who needs to be protected

>Literally what the fuck was this?
The Flip Dandy of Kaiba.

No, the Law of Cycles still exists, it's just that Madoka was separated from it

In the trailer of the new movie it is show that Incubators are forcefully taught what human emotions are through examples and tortured

so whats the problem?

Sayaka's plot had a better resolution than the show's ending did.

she got NTRd hows that better?