JoJo Thread


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Funny _________



I want to marry Jolyne

St. Patrick


better tell us how to get a stand, annasui




just so you guys know, the anime director tweeted a part 5 drawing earlier
it's old, but still




I need pictures

pictures of best gangstar

Whats his end goal?


Nice four


she's so perfect

Are you a spy in disguise?

To get that Gappy fucker out of his house


Was Araki a ?

i just realized i put brunos name in the filename instead of mista
dammit, why am i so dense?

Exile the traitor



>it happened again

nah, he just has sympathy for misfits and outcasts, see the part 4, 5 and 6 casts

>file name
where the fuck is Bruno?


With this 4 i can finally enter your worl, MISTA!

JoJolion girls are much hotter.

Rohan must really have no friends if a kid he latched on to after trying to brainwash was the one he screamed to when dying

You mean this one?

Post your unpopular opinions.

New translations doesn't change the fact that Part 5 still drags so much early on (i.e Man in the Mirror)

Ringo Roadagain is overrated as fuck

I unironically think Diavolo is Araki's best villain, followed closely by Pucci

Part 7 has the worst stands

Sugar Mountain is the best JoJo arc bar none


You mean this one?

Not that one, THIS ONE.


why is morioh full of midgets?

abacchio fucking sucked

Jojo Part 2 was amazing.
Joseph was so comical and fun, and always found a way to bring things around for his favor.
The ending fight was even better, and was just a thrill ride of crazy shit that just kept getting stacked higher and higher.

Please, without calling me a fag of any sorts, how is Battle Tendency bad?

Because they're Japanese and in their first year of highschool.

It isn`t.

>Part 2 was amazing

part 7 is mid-tier with moments of greatness

>Part 7 has the worst stands
I completely agree and I like 7
Outside of D4C, Scary Monsters and maybe Tusk they all suck balls

also the ending of Part 6 was shit and over rated

Caesar had little character and his death was meaningless as in Joseph would have gotten the key anyways.
Lisalisa was a generic mentor.
There was no good reason why Kars should have lost.
During the Kars fight Joseph doesn't display any of the skills or lessons he'd learned throughout the part, he just gets lucky.

Are you anime only?


Is Jolyne for lewd?

but Koichi is pure and has Dignity

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Truly, the best part. Araki's magnum opus. Nothing else even comes close.

i disagree with all of your opinions but whatever

i hate arakis same face tendencies as of late
i want another female jojo
kakyoin being shipped with anyone gives me projectile vommit

My Stand, 「JAM」

Because contrarians can't accept that 2 is the best one

step 1. read the manga

but really, Joseph was fun but the majority of his "cunning tricks" reached asspull level for me and I think the more fleshed out protagonists later on are better, if less entertaining

it has the worst cast in the series, Lisa Lisa and Ceasar do nothing of importance

The Pillar Men are imposing but the worst villains in the series

terrible final "fight"

alright, i wont use the word fag.
Joseph had 7 layers of plot armor that made things completely retarded.
He is shown to be very skilled in hamon despite knowing jack shit about until Caesar comes along
Lisa Lisa's purpose is to job to kars
Caesar did absolutely nothing of value
The only good villian was Wamuu
Stroheim was more helpful can josephs crew
The final """"fight"""" was won by an acutal asspull gemstone
Joseph's "le tricked you!!!!" attitude got stale quick and he is only enjoyable as a side character

now this is quality bait.

Stray Cat is second best stand

C-Moon is the best

Part 5 is amazing

Giorno is the best jojo

Tusk is third best stand

Bruno dies

joseph is fun at first but can become obnoxious
caesar's personality is nonexistant and he dies too soon
the villains are badly characterized as well, i literally don't give a shit about them except maybe for wamuu
and overall the plot sounds like some stupid 80s b-movie you watch one night when you're drunk then forget about it forever

Gappy doesn't make me happy


Coiled Brandon was the apex of the series.

i say that every time i do his ult

Manga in black or white or nothing. As Araki said himself his adaptations tend to want to use a lot of crazy colors all over the place and that's not aways good, for me it's because it mostly has no rhyme or reason and just turns into a shitty rainbow. The OVA and Heritage for the Future had the best colors.

Part 2 is one of the best, if not the best pre-reboot.

Sigechi should have a really deep dumb voice instead of the high pitched one they always give him.

JoJo having live action movies is a great idea.

Josuke is the worst JoJo.

you monster

I see your points. I disagree with you about the Caesar part, but I do see what you mean with the pointless death. Jojo didn't even take the damn antidote.
Kars probably could have won, but he got that arrogance that kind of led to his downfall. I do see what you mean about the luck only was a factor, as it does seem that Jojo kind of winged it. Also Lisa Lisa was a really generic teacher, but I did like how they made Lisa Jojo's mom.

For Parts 1 go 3, I was going anime only. I read on here that it is an accurate depiction, so I just kind of blew it off.

Cmere you little shit

>Joseph was so comical and fun
Joseph was a non-character. All his "character" was, was a collection of gags that got stale quickly. The only "character growth" that he shows is crying for Ceaser which is forced and strange (just like their "relationship".
>The ending fight was even better, and was just a thrill ride of crazy shit that just kept getting stacked higher and higher.
The ending fight was alright, but simply pales in comparison to every end fight presented after it.


Excuse me sir, but i have to break your kneecaps right now.

It has the absolute worst cast in the series by far, comprised of poorly written and shallow characters who exist for the sole purpose of gawking at Joseph. Caesar, Lisa Lisa, the non-entities Messina and Loggins. Even the characters that are good in concept, like the Pillar Men, are wasted.
It's too short to properly live up to it's epic pulp adventure premise, rushing from place to place without consequence. It's somehow even more rushed than Part 1.
Joseph is a character made to appeal to the young SJ demographic (Araki said as much himself in JoJonium). A soulless collection of overused catchphrases trying to pass itself as an interesting character.
The asspulls are the worst of the series, being devoid of creativity and ending potentially interesting fights with simple "OOPS I TRICK YU I HAD THIS THING WITH ME ALL ALONG". There's only so many times you can watch Joseph end a fight easily by just pulling a rope or a machinegun out of his ass.
Hamon. Just Hamon. There's a reason Stands saved the series.
The art style is ugly as sin.
The entire final fight which, fun as it may be, completely squanders an interesting power-up and makes Kars even more of a shitty jobber.

Part 2 is the absolute worst. Even it's reedeming aspects like Wham and Stroheim are not enough to make it worth even revisiting.

I think you mean this one

What if Emporio met Giorno in the Ireneverse?

This spoiler holds the secret of Yoshikage Kira


Phantom Blood is a really underrated part.

Kira is an ok villain, but far from the best one JoJo has to offer.

JoJoion is so much better than DiU.

VA should be in at least the top 3 of people's parts lists.

I haven't watched any of the anime and don't intend to.

JJCA is pure shit and looks like it was colored by someone who opened photoshop for the first time.

rate the final fights/arcs

unpopular opinions welcome

Made in Heaven mindfuck > BtD to the end of 4 > Final Valentine fight + Alt-Diego > Johnathan's Death > Jorato vs DIO > Joseph vs Kars > SCR bodyswap


>the plot sounds like some stupid 80s b-movie you watch one night when you're drunk then forget about it forever

I am a fan of stupid 80s b-movies and I don't think they deserve to be compared to Battle Tendency.

post characters that are literally you

Part 7 isn't as great as everyone says.

Kira is a pretty boring Villain.

Jolyne is worst JoJo.

Hermes is Best BroJo.

Part 5 is actually the best Part.

Valentine vs Johnny > Josuke vs Kira > Made In Heaven fuckery > Jotaro vs DIO > Jonathan vs Dio > running from god

not that great, but thanks

What if Emporio meet Joestars family in Dinduverse ?

Only doing main universe
Diavolo's Infinite Death>Baitza Dusto>Emporio Vs. Pucci>Jotaro Vs. Dio>Jonathan's Death>Joseph Vs. Kars

>josuke vs kira
you mean josuke, koichi and mostly jotaro vs kira right?

my Tragic Back Story is weirdly similar to diegos, the only difference is that i got less angry as i grew up

Damn this is a good image.

SDC>VA>SBR>Emporio getting Weather Report>DiU>PB>BT


>So that's what lesson 5 was for...
>Really... What a long detour.
>Thank you, Gyro... I can't find any other words to say.
Is better than everything in JoJo.

I meant Josuke and Hayato vs Kousaku Kira with BTD.

Taking art requests.
Give me back my (You) reeeeeee