
Trump Is next

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This is why Trump wanted to clean up Obongo holdovers, they're petty little children

Said the guy who covered up Hillary's criminality in the Uranium One Deal, exonerated Hillary despite overwhelming evidence of her guilt a full three weeks before interviewing her and a plethora of key witnesses, leaked classified info about a conversation he had with Trump in order to to get a special prosecutor (who also participated in the Uranium One criminal cover-up) to persecute Trump and his associates. Lordy, what a great and righteous guy you are in your dogged pursuit of "justice", Jimmy Boy!

Why isn't this weasel in jail yet?

They're much wore than that. They are the living embodiment of the Yankee Puritan ethic- the nastiest bunch of smug, vindictive, greedy, power-hungry, spiteful, corrupt-to-the-core, self-righteous, morally superior, hypocritical, grandstanding frauds ever to appear under Heaven. Sad!

I don't think you know how karma works. Trump's a reactionary, not an aggressor.

all those things you mentioned were investigated and proven to be bullshit you fucking idiot.
the stuff the adults at the table are talking about now are actually real and dont come from a fucking messaging board or alex jones

If there was karma Bill Clinton would be in jail for rape and pedofilia and Hillary would hang for treason.

>a fucking leaf


Make a Uranium One thread and stop being a bitch

>another ancap retard who believes in an ideology that has never been practiced and no longer can be

A special kind of stupid.

>Obama din du nuffin

>proven to be bullshit
What the fuck are you talking about? Comey LITERALLY said there was evidence of gross negligence, which is a felony. People have been jailed for less than what Hillary got away with. It was a completely political decision not to try her.

>all those things you mentioned were investigated and proven to be bullshit you fucking idiot.
just because you say something has been proven to be bullshit DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE BULLSHIT YOU FUCK

>a fucking spic/nigger/soyboy

Am jus here for the /pol-troll tears



This guy is such a weirdo

Well of course Trump wanted to do that. Sadly the Pentagon showed him who really runs things and kneecapped him.


>Comey lecturing on righteousness.

Fuck him in the ass with a red hot poker.
This shyster needs to go down for his crimes.


based comey

This treacherous fuck talking about justice.

Where was this when he covered for HRC?

Investigated??? Like hell they were.

You call closed door meetings where to decision to exonerate was made ahead of time a fucking investigation?!?

Why do atheistic jews always quote the bible?

>someone guilty of multiple counts of perjury, is moralizing about perjury

>"Hello, fellow Christians!"

Who the fuck is Amos?

Just to refresh everyone's memory as to the absurdity of the timeline of events, Comey "interviewed" Hillary on the 4th of July weekend. He announced that he was exonerating her on July 5th, which is the same day that Barry O hopped on a plane with Hillary to campaign with her (before Comey announced the "decision," natch!) Are we to believe that Barry would have risked being on a plane campaigning with a person who Comey had just indicted? Or is it possible he MAY have known beforehand? If I were a cynical person...

Comey is such a fag.

Based Comey. The hero America deserves.

>petty little children

you obviously have internet access... you've seen Trump's Twitter, right?

>Based Comey. The hero America deserves.


Comey Mueller 2020

>proven to be bullshit you fucking idiot.
i actually didnt know this...could you direct me to the proper information so I am not misinformed? all the /pol feggets always spreading disinfo

No, they were never proven false. In fact they are not usually discussed and if they are discussed the articles are twisted neolib propaganda. Dude use your critical thinking. Try really paying attention to what the "fact checking" sites say, how they say it, and what they omit. Same with he rest of MSM. Stop being naive.

Soon enough

>Comey Mueller 2020
True winners

I don't please explain

check this dumb cunt out


posted the same pic on nov 11

what happened on that day?

sad, many such cases