So let me get this straight. >Literal normies are having white children, dressing up in dirndls and lederhosen, yodelling in the hills and milking goats and naming their daughters heidi and their sons kurt... But you... A Sup Forumsack... Are single and alone and the most cultured shirt you own is a black hoodie?
When did you realize that Sup Forums is the most bluepilled board?
Or maybe useless nerdy losers are attracted to the "redpill" because society and women rejected them, and you need a scapegoat to C O P E with your failure of a life, and so you cling to the accomplishments of others and lay claim to it yourselves because they were white, to give yourself a sense of self-worth?
Adam Ortiz
What you've shown is whiteness in it's unpolluted state. Rather naive about the state ofthe world. These are the kind of people who, in their naivety, see a shitskin and wish to ''save'' them....
Come a few decades, and their children are corrupted whites with mongrel genes and hoodies, fat folds and ruined culture.
They can't help being the way they are. But they know of their plight and the state of their world, and wish to go back.
Ryder Roberts
Stop projecting so hard.
Lincoln Miller
Yet they have families and culture and you do not. Really gets the noggin joggin
Camden Diaz
Im not the one C O P I N G fatboy. Even fat boys can get action too? Is that what your picture is suggesting lol? Then why do you ( a fatboy) not have a girlfriend?
Mason Roberts
Also, liberals racemix the least.
The ones who racemix the most are redneck white girls from the south who onljy fuck niggers.
Luke Nelson
So you saw a bunch of recommended traditional German videos through Jewtubes up next algorithm and made this thread Also people with more time tend to have more time to discuss politics
Brayden Thomas
Yeah man this place is just a bunch of neck beards n sheeeit amirite? lol honestly, the idea that Sup Forums is just a bunch of basement dwellers is one of the greatest camouflages ever
Austin Gomez
They arent going to do anything. Every day i wake up and ask myself why these people openly allow people who shouldnt even be here to enslave them, rob, rape and kill them, openly hate them mercilessly and to take away every shred of their rights while ungratefully and parasitically stealing everything the bled, sweat and died for. When it really comes down to it these people arent intelligent enough to understand their head, their fear and have initiative. It doesnt even take much to do that. Most people dont even care. Ive lost all respect for these people.. permenantly. The people on this board are mostly 10-20 years old (kids who dont know much about life and have many immaturities) and nobody else speaks against this genocide because they dont give a flying rats ass, theyll accept anything. When i was a Trump supporter it was the most insulting time in my life, wasting my time with this fucking bufoonery, whenever i would show any initiative or think above the mean level these people said i was a redneck and claimed that they hated me more than niggers even. Ive lost any connection with them and have pulled my support as a Trump supporter and will do anything to contradict or fuck over these white niggers. They are so fucking stupid and brainwashed that niggers are able to keep them under their thumb and they act like mr magoo. They eat up and promote all of this social propaganda that claims whites are stupid and must be subordanate and promote it unadulterated without even being aware of it like good little programed nigger minion cretins doing the biding of fucking tribesmen without realizing it. They care more about doing well than the state of their home.. and at a time like this.
I will never forgive these people for wasting my time and stabbing me in the back like niggers who only want to protect their own ass while faking intelligence. These people actually believe that the social order is the truth when it benefits them. Fucking hopeless
Christian Edwards
And yet not one Sup Forumsack has ever been proven to be anything other than that.
Xavier Collins
Nah. You are cunt. Arguments like these ring hollow when you're preaching to the majority of Sup Forums, who is either engaged or married.
You're thinking reddit.
Aiden Butler
Post a picture of your face (or at least your body) with timestamp and your wife.
Lincoln Robinson
Henry Reed
Christopher Ramirez
That said, I'm not condoning obesity. These guys would look better if they lifted.
Adrian Cooper
Yep. They literally know nothing, yet believe they are the hub of intellect.
JEWWWWWWZ REEEEE!!!! Yet they dont even realize there are mizrahi, spehardic, ethipoian, asian and ashkenazi ETHNIC jews who all claim to be jewish. They also dont know that no one alive on earth today can tell where the jews of the bible are. Hence they are called THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL!!