At least we'll always have the first 9 episodes. That's something, right?
Flip Flappers
Other urls found in this thread:
>9 episodes of lul so random
Those were shit too and the reason the project flopped
How many threads are you going to make faggot?
Nice meme.
I have 13 episodes, but someone will probably tell me that I'm wrong about that.
How long are you going to cry about it like a bitch? It fucking took long enough but the show finally stopped fucking around and started actually moving the plot. If it had done so earlier it might not have flopped so hard and kept it's position as main contender for aots.
Keijo, Hibike S2, and Girlish Number were all better than Flip Flappers because of episodes 10-12.
Objectively, even people with shit taste can see how FliFla jumped the shark on the ending.
It's a 13 episode show and we'll always have all of them, what are you talking about?
Senpai noticed you
We wouldn't buy the BD either way so why would they listen to the West's penchant for episodic cartoons?
Gonna need a translation.
If people with shit taste think the ending was bad then that all speaks for itself. Hate to tell you this, but you were one of them the whole time.
Hate this meme, Flip Flappers was not episodic. It wasn't even close to episodic. You can't even watch the episodes out of order.
Fuck you. Stop fucking up these threads with your bullshit posts.
>10-13 were bad.
Literally a forced meme.
>muh plot
>inb4 you're not allowed to criticize Flip Flappers!
Bing did an alright job.
Ayane doujinshi when?
It says "arigatou western 2ch aka reddit"
It's okay OP, I agree with you. This show was way better when it was just trying to be fun and weird. Then it tried to be deep and """touching"""" too and it just kinda went to shit. Would have been much better if they didn't even bother trying to explain anything. It literally would have been better if every episode was just a different adventure like the first one and then at the last episode it just shows some random 3D boy in real life waking up from a dream and having to go to school or some shit.
I'm sure Cocona loves Papika's deep touching
Oh look, it's this thread again.
>Fuck off and buy the goddamn BDs you morons
>I don't even like Uexkull
Half or more of the threads since episode 13 aired have been made by the same person, which is rather pathetic.
Should I just go ahead and make a non-shitpost one to use instead of this crap?
>I don't even like Uexkull
Is that why he put five of them as his twitter avatar?
>making multiple parallel threads is generalfaggotry
Good job, flappers
So I'm still confused as to how the anime is doing on the market. Are they making money or losing it?
Losing it because instead of buying the BDs, people are sending them bad doodles.
i'm buying AND sending them bad doodles, stop implying
Idiots who think that the only way to profit off an anime is BD sales will tell you that 'they' are losing money.
Idiots who think that the only way to profit off an anime is bad MS Paint drawings will tell you that 'they' are losing money.
Isn't that like, 500 dollars? What exactly are you getting for that?
That's the entire limited edition box set, I think.
>uexkull is really popular overseas
>overseas fans intensely enjoyed flifla. me too.
>so many uexkull
>flifla is loved, love
I'd like to buy a full FF BD set. Price doesn't matter.
Poland here
>uexkull is really popular overseas
Or maybe just really easy to draw.
It is a mystery.
Thanks for the renewed work
>uexkull is really popular overseas
But he isn't
"So many reactions from abroad, I'm happy."
Would laugh if we get an Uexkull spinoff because of this.
I would like to as well.
Is there even a way to make this process simple? I have the cash I just can't be arsed to sift through the guide and figure out proxy-buyers and shit.
Why can't it be as simple as swiping my credit card and getting a package in the mail?
Which other way is this anime profiting? The only other thing they are selling is CDs and licenses.
Hahaha, it seems your little card backfired on you!
I think ordering it off is relatively painless.
the nips think we want to fuck the rabbit, card was a mistake
fuck off cancer-kun
I never thought anyone would think that we really liked uexkull specifically and that it wasn't just because it was easiest to draw.
>implying I don't like Uexkull
I'll take what I can get
>go to brush my teeth
>looking at myself in the mirror, get flashbacks of memorable moments in the show
>eyes water a bit as it finally hits me
>this is it, its over- Flip Flappers is done. No OVAs, no season 2, this is it
>return to room
>Based Oshiyama retweeted our card, said it makes him happy
>Feel my heart swell, unable to contain my mixed feelings of bittersweet happiness, I type this out.
Pic related is how I feel right now. It was great flip flapping with you all.
I wouldn't complain.
>小島崇史 retweeted
Eventually there will be the papika figure, but who knows when that will be available.
That pic is Salt, though.
>elevens think we're a bunch of Cocona's now
Not in my umwelt
Do they have any spare Papikas?
fucking kojima and his incomprehensible account name, i swear
@XIRHGPOxhgGhbNc is a great name fuck you
I swear I laugh every time this image is posted.
pure XLRhgpoxhgghbnc
>BDs are out
>Find out that you get an extra disc if you got them all
>Pop it in
>See the studio, people talking about anime development
>On of the walls has the card printed out on the wall
>things that will never happen because people would rather send pictures than buy the BDs
guys I am so fucking happy right now, you guys just cemented these flip flappers threads as the best time I have ever had on Sup Forums. Thank you all.
Now there is no more to discuss, we have accomplished a great thing. That means I think its about time I take my leave. It was good anons.....thanks for everything.
I'll see you all next adventure, whenever that may be.
I was thinking maybe it took him that long to respond after getting on twitter because he was actually looking at the individual cards on the full sized version.
First six actually.
I was going to support the bds until they fucked it up beyond repair. Wouldn't surprise me if others were going to do the same.
>CAD 876.02
>+60 dollars for shipping
Nevermind, price matters
>666 EUR
Alright I admit I didn't expect the price to be THAT high
I'm going to miss dedicated shitposting threads.
Every LWA thread for the next 3 months is going to be a dedicated shitposting thread, user.
The response I saw on 2ch was actually mostly positive to the plot and explanation coming along so it probably did better for the show in terms of sales. After the final episode the preorder ranking has gone higher than it has ever been.
Here's a cheaper one:
Shopping on the internet is hard.
They don't ship outside of Japan.
>over $700 USD
and i thought the Yawara boxes were expensive.
Fuck. So that's why it's cheap.
Sending signal to an user that knows how to buy Flifla at the cheapest price possible.
I don't know enough moon runes to help completely.
No, actually the people who usually "support the creators" aren't cynical, hypercritical fags like you.
That's the "(First Press Limited Edition) Infinite Special Limited Set"
Where's the normal box set?
He wasn't gonna buy the BDs in the first place.
sometime after the first press edition.
So if I wait to pay, I pay less?
What a concept!
I own plenty of bds and merchandise though retard.
So when does that Papi fig or whatever get finished so we can express our gratitude without dropping below the poverty line?
I didn't pick this up yet, but with how much people are pretending to hate it, it looks like I should. That's usually how these things go, right?
Yes I was.
I hope there are still limited editions left when I move to Japan in July. Definitely wanna grab it, but not before I am in Japan.
Alright faggots. I'm going to get a job and earn those 700€ before april.
damn, you're so cool
I think watching the first few episodes would probably be a better indicator of whether you should watch it or not but that's just me.
Just get them on You can order all 6 volumes for like 400 USD, its much cheaper
Why is this shit so expensive? Like seriously?
What happens in April?