The spherical Jew has finally played his hand, (((Elon Musk))) is a official shill. The Zog will be dismantled piece by piece!

Elon Musk is /ourguy/. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg.

AI is evil.

I'm going with Mars is a round flat disk that is always facing us.
checkmate, spherers

I still believe that flat earth is the most successful psyop in the history of the humanity


how could the earth ever be flat? even with 1 inch of thickness it has a 3d/round shape.

It's hollow not flat

Do people actually unironically believe the earth is flat? I always thought people said that they believed it just to be funny

>unlike the earth

Like, all those satellite images are just CGI man. Every other celestial object is a sphere, but earth is fuckin flat yo


It was never about being flat, it's about heliocentrism x geocentrism since all (((modern science))) is based on consensus and forgeries.


This makes no fucking sense.

i don't understand that pic

What. This is possibly the dumbest image I've seen in a long time.

Also there are places on earth where we do observe different day/night cycles, particularly in the far north and far south.

It isn't an even 24 hours, it's 23 minutes and 56 minutes. Guess what that does to this theory?

It's not meant to, basically gaslighting.

The earth is round you fucking retards. Day and night would be the same all over the world if it wasnt. The sun hitting the earth's globe shape is literally what creates time zones and the differences in day/night around the world.

This is one very small piece of evidence that disproves this entire autismal theory.

>according to the guy that couldn't pass high school physics

Ahahaha flat earthers are fucking retarded
>durr mars is round but earth is flat that makes sense right

>He believes (((modern physics))) and consensus in school after the UNESCO brainwashed his whole country to take in millions of sandmonkeys
Way to go.

Imagine, if this image was made with true belief, being this retarded yet still being able to use whatever image software used to make it. Truly amazing.

You mean the modern physics which made computers, jets, rockets, nuclear powerplants?

I have no idea what's going on itt but here's a random picture

The difference between a sidereal day and a solar day is approximately 3 minutes 56 seconds, or 236 seconds.

Six months as measured by us on Earth is 182.5 solar days (ignoring leap years), so our clocks are actually lagging the sidereal day by:

236 seconds/day x 182.5 days = 43070 seconds, or 11 hours 57 minutes 50 seconds.

So, after six months, we have already automatically adjusted our clocks by almost exactly 12 hours.

>You mean the modern physics which made computers, jets, rockets, nuclear powerplants?
Using science developed almost a century ago, do you grasp the fact that practical uses for a science that doesn't produce anymore theory is a dying science, Mister Highschooler?

A coincidence or by design?

It's like 33% trolls that are just messing with people for the lulz, 33% genuine schizos that are delusional enough to believe anything, and 33% religious people who are about half schizos, half fanatically religious.

neither, sidereal day (actual rotation) was not used to calculate the day

the day is calculated exclusively from relative solar position, not actual position, so that picture is just retarded

>believe the earth is round
>can't get high enough to perceive any curvature
>lots of models and science based aROUND the roundness, other planets have been observed as round
WOKE flat earther
>believe the earth is flat
>can't perceive any curvature, so it's clearly not there
>rather than submitting alternative models and equations, attempts to prove flatness by disproving roundness
>space? planets? the earth is flat, I can't trust any science suggesting otherwise because it's part of the lie!
>ice wall

>>can't get high enough to perceive any curvature

i guess a monster is eating the ships when they reach the horizon

Thats like, just the limit of your vision, man. The horizon doesn't real

I believe the flat explanation is something about a vanishing point

what would be the benefit of them lying about the earth being spherical?

That would be Christianity and Islam.

ahahahah its like they were smart enough to realize the geometry involved but not smart enough to look up sideral vs solar days

It doesn't want to be. It's tragic, really.

> not including Judaism

False claim.
Christianity and Theologians in general based it on Aristotle, Aristotle wasn't a flat-eather, he was a geocentrist.

I seriously can not tell if flat earthers are just the biggest trolls of all time or just retarded

Yeah too bad the Jews need their (((algorithms))).

judaism doesn't proselytize bro, if you even know that word


>can't get high enough to perceive any curvature
How did this meme start?

Thanks for this bit of uncommon knowledge

Why does flat earth faggotry only get pushed when shills are out in force?

landlockedfags, not even once

what is it with random passive aggressive french posters? are all french like this?

Flat earth is the final redpill.

Ok so where is the edge of the world? If the Earth is flat, where how can I throw something off the edge of it?

That doesn't explain why the bottom of the ship disappears first.

hey I'm not a flat earth scholar

You shills are pathetic, I can't believe people forsake themselves for a minor amount of shekels.

Ultra shills in the works, your trying to hard faggots.

Most muslims are dicks
What I don't get about flat earth is, let's say the world IS flat. Cui bono? Who benefits from spreading a globe model?

I'd like to say no but i'll just prove your point, meme flag.

Antarctica isn't actually a round continent, it's a circular ice wall going around the whole world keeping the oceans in. The government keeps watch over the wall and beyond it are the secret world order facilites.

But why? I think you’re right. It started showing up about 2years ago. It was spammed really hard.

Though this image is retarded this is exactly why we always see the same side of the moon because it revolves around the earth in the same amount of time as it takes to do a rotational spin.

It's not made to convince you, it's made to convince people dumb enough to fall for it.

This is what flat earthers actually believe

Lolwtf the flat Earth society is verified on Twitter? Who are they verified to be? If you can't see the CIA psyop now, you'll never be able to. Get your shit together flat earthers, this is meant to divide us so we're easier to rule over.

If Mars is round and we've been able to observe the other planets as round, why the fuck would Earth be an outlier?

So much fucking retarditry, it's entertaining. Go on... I'm having such fun.

it is not the same, the Moon is gravitationally locked, the Earth isn't

if it was the same, it would be day forever in one side of the Earth, and the other side would be eternal night

Sooo like... if the people on Mars started observing Earth to be round, will this be the end of the Flat Earth Society?

Round earth retards deny this

>Christianity and Theologians in general based it on Aristotle

Why would a semite religion that literally worships a jew as their savior have anything to do with a greek?

An even bigger psyop is pretending capitalism is a conservative ideology.

No because the only people going to mars in any kind of near future are NASA workers and they're in on the conspiracy, they'll just fake all the images of earth like they do from the underwater ISS

I did sometimes

>hurr worships a JEW le sand religion
Jesus was killed by jews because he was far more

I still think it was a troll/shitpost gone horribly wrong, just like how I think bronies started

How can this be proven/disproven?

Dude, stop shilling your retarded idea. You're making us all look bad.

Where are all the dumb fuck Romanians? They'll believe in flat Earth. Get in here, you smelly fucking Slavs and entertain me with your stupidity.


Alright listen up fuckers, i almost never post but Flat Earthers are getting on my nerves, I am a flat Earther myself but theres SO MUCH DISINFO out there to dilute the truth

This shit isnt as simple as you think.

First of all from us to the Dome with the Stars there are 7 other sub-layers.
What you know of as Planets are actually Realms of Existence but also conscious entities.
The floating rocks we see is just a physical manifestation of their higher density nature.

They are arranged as follows:
Terra, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars, Jupter and Saturn (The God of virtually all religions ever).

Above Saturn is Ouranos/Uranus which is the Dome you retards keep talking about. After that comes Neptune which is the Waters Above.

In the end theres the Goddess Sophia.

We need to pass RIGHT THROUGH all these fuckers to return Home.

I dont care if you dont believe me.

Shut the fuck up shill, we know your tricks! The Jew is running scared HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Absofuckinglutely Incredible.


>fresh pasta
Jew confirmed, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fake Flat Earther shills are the worst, we're the real ones.

Thats me you fuck nut.

>a good friend of mine is a flat earther

>It's like 33% trolls that are just messing with people for the lulz, 33% genuine schizos that are delusional enough to believe anything, and 33% religious people who are about half schizos, half fanatically religious.
I vote for a 99% trolls (incl. lefties trying to portray us as retards), 1% mental illness (incl. religious fanatics) composition.

Pol-tier knowledge. Kek

that's not actually technically how their model works at all but i admit im not sure what their explanation for why our planet is flat and others are round is

Agreed. I bet the CIA is amazed at how they haven't had to touch it for decades to keep it going. It discredits other conspiracy theories immensely. It's beautiful.

At the same time, I do think it's useful to engage with the flat earth idea at least once for the sake of performing the same kind of intellectual rigour that we ask of others. How *do* you know that the earth is round?

>1% that are correct, the earth is flat and space is full of terror

>captcha shows my car on my street
spooky AI please go

I bet you faggots don't even believe in lemuria

even a jpeg explaining why the flat earth is wrong cut out most of the earth

Roughly speaking it would show hollow earth is real, so we only show a 1/4 img.

How do I sign up? I want to get shekels for explaining the obvious too

>tfw you'll never strap a flatfag to a rocket with no spacesuit and launch it into high orbit, so you can hear his last words which are "I DON'T SEE A CURVE!!!"
inb4 violence instead of argument because you animals are the best example of Hitler being right about throwing some """""thinkers""""" into concentration camps

That's an image about a year, with text about a day


This. It was very impressive. I was convinced it was just a meme poking fun at the content of Sup Forums but then people that actually bought into it started poking up.

The Earth is a Möbius strip

I know. It's hilarious watching people try to explain it when it's obviously a bait image.


pics from international space station taken by astronauts, pics of earth from the moon, pics of other planets (round) from earth, vid of the earth from the space station, you can actually go AROUND the earth by plane, ship or car. and so on

Having a mac/tablet/iPhone is comfy but i keep trying to open pictures on video game boxes and book covers with my fingers.

The flat-earth bait is the most succesful one.

My brother believes the flat earth, he was always not quite there in the head and pursues shit like this and other esoteric nonsense involving crystals and tuning forks and whatnot trying to save people or convince them he has an inside edge or insight or something i dunno.

The amound of scientific evidence, like proven repeatable experiments and knowledge you have to disregard in order to entertain the theory is the first red flag, second is how vast and complex the conspiracy must be, and the questions of why where who how what never get adequately answered.

The bigger the claim, the more concrete your evidence needs to be. All they ever fucking say is "do your research" like i need to buy into your indoctrination how about go eat a bag of dicks you willfully ignorant children go focus on a real problem in your life.
