Imouto or Nee-san?
Imouto or Nee-san?
As someone with no actual sisters, it's a hard call I think.
I can see the appeal as both, but at the end of the day, I'm a man and would prefer a more submissive girl I felt the need to protect, and it's more likely to be a younger sister, than an older one.
I was an imouto man growing up
But having been wisened by the passing of time I have come to conclude that Nee-san is definitively superior
Younger imoutos.
The better imoutos.
When was this? Is it from Korean Zombie?
Despite growing up with a disgusting older sister, I believe nee-sans are infinitely superior to imouto.
It's in the filename
>Nee-san walks in on her otouto fapping (bonus points if it's to her)
>She makes a super-smug face and begins to tease him
>Leads to hot sibling sex
The best hentai setup, bar none.
In this case all girls all best. But personally I prefer Yayoi.
Both are god tier, also okaa-san
Imouto by far.
I don't mind Mutsuki but I can't help but feel partial to Yayoi. Poor girl barely gets any affection
Should I dump a chapter hoping that some user will translate?
That's what happens when you spill tsun all over the place.
>haruki's face when kids try to get all of mutsuki's attention
I have an imouto and have a nee-san I never met.
So neither.