So Sup Forums, whats you final Opinion on Vivid Strike?
So Sup Forums, whats you final Opinion on Vivid Strike?
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It was okay, but still fun..
It's not A's or Vivid good, but I still enjoyed it a lot. Fuuka and Rinne's final battle was definitely the highlight.
It was good. I missed the old characters (Nanoha, Fate, Hayate, etc.), and most of the Vivid characters didn't get much airtime either, but it wasn't their story, so it's okay. On the other hand, we got some characters introduced later in Vivid like Ixy (yay) and Yumina (kono dorobo neko!).
It was pretty good and I wouldn't mind if there was a S2. Although if there was a S2, I hope it'll follow Nanoha ViVid more with a real magical tournament where spells aren't restricted.
Saved the Nanoha-verse
I love Vivio with all my heart!
Decent, nothing special though. Fuuka was a good addition.
It's silly but I enjoyed it. Fuuka deserves her own show without the vivids.
It was more of what I didn't really want or care about.
Don't get me wrong, I like Vivio, because she's the most adorable little shit, but magical MMA isn't really what I wanted out of a Nanoha series, and Vivid Strike was just more of that.
Also, Jill was absolutely terrible.
Too much shounen fight, and just bad for people who like lolis or wanted Nanoha.
Seeing Vivio beat the shit out of Rinne was damn satisfying. Other than that, I don't think it's particularly outstanding, enjoyed it but nothing amazing.
Great right up until the thing in your webm happened. Then it was just an unexciting mess.
I think most will walk away think it's okay. Fuuka was a good addition to the cast and i can't think of anyone who dislikes Fuuka outside of the shitposter.
Stop making threads about this. And it should have gone differently at various points.
>nobody likes Hayate
She was sold out by the end.
Hayate is always underrated. She's honestly more interesting than Nanoha, but can't beat her in popularity. That makes me sad.
I want that Fuuka daki so badly.
But where is Vivio?
Go play with Yumina you slut. Vivio deserves better than you.
No one gives a shit, !Akemi. Fuck off and stop ruining these threads.
I don't know, I haven't watched it because Vivio is a little SHIT!
Where did this bullying come from?
Vivio is perfect.
She's hardly in it.
The franchise was ruined the instant she showed up.
Not true, she saved StrikerS for the most part.
I hate you the most.
I wonder who those two unimportant characters in the foreground are?
Best installment of nanoha, not even trolling.
The main characters of the first three seaons.
What an anagel.
She's actually Jesus
She's actually perfect.
Ok thanks user, you can stop there.
It's odd to see her sad, she's usually so smug.
Sure must be nice to have shit mods that protect you breaking the rules.
Rinne is sexy as fuck both adult and loli forms.
It was decent until Rinne went on her jobbing streak. Then the final episode was awful.
8.5/10 I enjoyed it quite a bit. Great addition to the franchise.
Vivio is sexier.
Complete fucking shit and it destroyed everything.
Thanks the fucking Lord that we have Reflection to pick up the pieces and hopefully put the franchise back together as best as possible.
i almost felt a feel
>inb4 the VShater/troll comes with a new target to shit up the franchise
You are such a drama queen.
My waifu > your waifu
Does she even know what she has done?
What would the lolis do if they knew, for instance, that Nove was a pregnant cyborg terrorist?
Maybe Hayate fans are just more decent people and don't like to dirty Hayate with these things.
The sketches look better than the art in the show. Aww.
Okay, but where's Reflection?
I agree but also wonder what must be wrong with you for you to agree with me.
Vivid needs more defined differences between the characters. Vivio, Corona, Miura, and Rio might as well all be the same character-wise. Their interactions with each other just aren't interesting. Einhart is the only member of the main cast that actually stands out from the rest. The supporting cast members like Seig, Harry, Victoria feel like better flushed out characters than most of Team Nakajima. Outside of fighting, there's literally no difference between Vivio talking to Miura, Rio, or Corona. Their interactions are all the exact same. This is one of Vivid's major problems. The supporting cast is more interesting than the main one. Vivio in particular should be replaced as MC.
Get that cock away from Fate-chan, she has no interest in such thing.
>Anti-VSfags complain when people talk about Strike in Reflection threads.
>Keep trying to derail Strike threads by talking about Reflection.
Every show with "vivid" or "strike" in its name was a mistake.
>VSfags bitching when they threw the first rock
>ctrl + f "Fuuka" 34 hits
>ctrl + f "Rinne" 30 hits
>this is without counting all those posts that talked about VS without mentioning those names which compose a third of the thread, maybe even more
Only time will tell about Schoolgirl Strikers, though.
Shouldn't' you post a non-terrible show in response?
Vivio is an awful MC.
Good thing they ditched her, but the show is still aimless as hell.
Of course she does, she's a woman.
Doroboneko got your tongue? Or do you have hers?
That is what futa was made for.
Wanna say that to my face and see what happens?
Lesbianism is just a phase.
Strike was okay. Not exceptionally bad but lacking too much in terms of fight and story to be great. What I will remember about Strike was how it gave me a new appreciation for Vivio when she took down Rinne on technique instead of the usual overpowering. It was the best fight in the show for it's style, the thought put into fighting mechanics and the way it tapped into the old Nanoha style kind of fighting in it's own way.
Highlight of the Nanoha franchise.
Yeah, anyone interested in seeing how low a franchise can go should give Strike a spin.
The best phase.
I would've been able to buy it if Vivio didn't take 3x as many clean hits from Rinne as Miura did, and only get off with a hurt leg. Fuuka's fight was even more bullshit.
Fuuka is a tank, Miura (and Vivid so it's sitll a little bullshit) is a glass cannon.
From her point of view, Vivio is probably just another one of the kouhai to Einhart.
I give it a pass because of Sacred Armor. Vivio did a fantastic job shaking off Einhart's hits like gusts of wind with SA fully utilized and if she was able to fight Rinne to a stalemate her first time then she would have an easier time guarding during a rematch.
Also and yeah the fact that Miura is a slow ass Fate with the dodging skill of Rickon Stark.
HETEROchromia is stupid
You know what isn't stupid, tho
it was ok but I still hate that it seems like they shoved the old characters aside just so they could shill the new vas.
Do you know what's stupider?
I liked the drama bits and everyone is cute as usual. I would have liked a bit more introspection and detail into Fuuka, as we got a ton about Rinne.
The anti-bully ranger episode was fun tooo.
Vivio is such a fucking cute, can't wait until that possible S2.