TRS show prep/paywall content

Anyone have it? If this shit is interesting I’ll become a pay cuck

Other urls found in this thread:

It is worth $10/month. Get it

Have you ever watched basketball players warm up before a game and they do crazy dunks/exaggerated shots to get warmed up?

Of course you havent, the prep is kinda like that. It's interesting and entertaining

>I will surely pay you tomorrow for a cheeseburger today

Nice try buzzfeed

Ok Sven, I’d just like a preview of what I might purchase

>tfw still have not managed to become a paycuck despite loving this and lurking these pirate threads


That's right goy. Get behind the (((paywall)). Give Mike and his Jewish wife your shekels

someone upload it

Ahhh the bitter neet lashing out

TDS has gotten worse since the paywall. Fash the nation is better and has always been free

>using a TRS meme to attack TRS

top kike

Is jazz & jesse any good? I like mcfeels the most probably behind enoch

this weeks episode was the best one in a long time

All there good content is behind the paywall, it's really a bad business model because your chasing people away with a show that's 90% bantz 5% interruption 3% bits and 2% content

How would you know?


Yeah it's great, McFeels is a lot more relaxed than when he's doing fash the nation, and Sven does the radio host thing really well.
Someone usually uploads it with friday's TDS in these threads.

Can we stop pretending these threads aren't TDS trying to shill themselves?

>Listening to a podcast comprised of literal Jews and mongrels with no formal education adjudicating as to who and who isn’t white

The absolute state of 56ville

>hey guys can you post the pirated podcast for me and everyone else who wants to listen for free

lol weird way of shilling dummy

I met Sven and Mike at a pool party once. I should have never gone. You known the saying never
meet your heroes? Well this was the case. The pool party was fun we were shooting the shit drinking
and yelling out Low Energy Jim. I'm from the desert so I'm not around water a lot. I saw that Sven
had a pool and asked if I could go in. He agreed and I spent an hour in the pool. During that time i
was wondering why everyone avoided the pool. Dreadfully I know the reason why. I passed out on a
giant floating duck with a beer in hand. I was woken up with the feeling that someone was on me. I
opened my eye to see Sven on top. We locked eyes and I saw Sven. What the fuck I said.
I threw Sven off of me and yelled for help. The guys from the pool party made a crowd and just
looked at me as I yelled for help. I told everyone what Sven did and out came Mike stumbling around
while munching on a quarter pounder from McDonalds.
I yelled to Mike that Sven tried to sexually assault me! Mike said hmmm here's the thing. He then
proceeded to lick his fingers. Sven then pulled my trunks off and pinned me down on the cold
concert floor next to the pool. Sven then pulled his shorts down too. To my shark I saw that he was circumcised.
Sven put me on my stomach and proceeded to open my ass checks. He yelled at Ghoul to hand him a
TRS labeled Water bottle which in actuality was just a bottle filled with pool water. Be began to stick his finger into my
sphincter. I tried to scream but before I could Jim from the Father Land poured Zink into my mouth.
Mike then stuffed my mouth with a TRS oven mitt that he stole from Jim.

I screamed on the inside due to my mouth being stuffed with Jim's TRS oven mitt. Ghoul was
beginning to get aroused by this. He then proceeded to ask the group of guys from the pool party for
pictures of their cocks to prove that they weren't Jewish. As he took a Polaroid photo of Mikes
circumsized penis Ghoul then went on a rant about how he was no longer a degenerate like in his
Sven began to get rougher yelling at Mike to make sure that they were using his Gorilla Microphone
to capture the best audio possible for the paywall cucks. Sven complimented me on my slim and
delicate body noting that I was more feminine than his manish Puerto Rican wife.
Sven then took the TRS oven mitt out of my mouth and jammed his tongue into mine. Jazzhands
held me down while Sven stood up and proceeded to play with my penis with his foot telling me that
I was low energy like Jim and that he'd fix me by turning me into a real girl.

Pay for it you kike

Sven then proceeded to preform the ungodly act of defiling my rectum. He said I was tight like the 17
year old that Ghoul fucked. He pounded faster and harder. He punched me in the back of the head
and told me to yell Nick Nico ni. I initially refused but another strike from him changed my toon.
All that could be heard were the yells of Nico Nico nii. Alex McNabb fearing that the neighbors would
discovery their secret then played an Ad for Mike and the Mad WOP on loop on Sven's $700
speakers that he got from his Jewish financiers.
McNabb as usual loves interrupting everything. This time I was grateful because he started shrieking
that Traps aren't gay. In that very instant Sven finished and I felt my stomach filling up with his
seamen. Sven then walked over to Alex and agreed. Mike then said nah nah we're not having this
argument again. Sven then said yea because you know we're right. It then turned into a heated 20
minute debate about whether or not traps are gay.
That horrible day ended with Spencer giving me a ride back to the motel I was staying at. It was a
very long & awkward silent ride. Before arriving I started crying Richard didn't know how to react so
he used the seamen in my hair to give me a fashy hairdo. I stepped out when we arrive at my motel.
Before I could get too far away from the car Spencer yelled out you know you're still a virgin right
Hahahaha? He then played this song
and hightailed it out of there.

Mike has a jewish wife
Sven has a half puerto rican wife
Mcnabb is gay

Don't forget about Ghoul having sex with a 17 year old boy.

Bump. Share goyim

not sure why someone hasn't made a so these threads wouldn't exist.

who's ghoul?

He was a member of TRS. Turns out he also dated a tranny.

is there proof?

Death panel guy who facefagged at the beginning of the year and got doxxed. Also made smuggies/countersignal memes for fashy goys on facebook. Since he did a road trip with Grindr Gregg, there is a confirmed gay mafia in TRS.

> Grindr Gregg
You mean Greg Johnson?

thats correct.


>user posts the link in an attempt to lure anons into paying for their paywall content in a blatant marketing scam

>You all should really consider subbing. It's only $10 a month.

>gibs me dat
>just give me the link faggot
>link me now!

>tons of proxies all thank the user for giving the link but they're all the same person

>thanks senpai!
>thank you kind sir!
>oh fug :DDD
>there we go!

>shills then go onto promote other TRS podcasts by asking one another if X show is good or whether someone has a link to related episode

Stop shilling your shitty podcast, Ricky Dicky.

You forgot the picture of the yamaka next to the TRS website.

Just curious about that meme there. Do you really believe that if we just keep our heads down they won't destroy all that shit anyway?

>Giving TRS your credit card info
Imagine being retarded enough to trust these faggots who couldn't even protect their rally goers from getting doxxed and deplatformed.

Maybe by doing something other than LARPing and shouting "Jews will not replace us!". And trying to drag Sup Forums into this as your personal army. Or you know, actually vetting people who show up at the rally so you don't get infiltrated by Feds in KKK shirts with swastika flags. Work on your fucking PR for god's sake.

I like FtN. Not even really into American politics, but McFeels and Halberstram make it an entertaining thing to listen to while I'm doing other shit.

It's a Jewfucker making fun of Jews for money.

What a time to be alive.

It's ok, they actually just talk too long for my taste. I don't have that many hours to listen to this stuff.

>It's a Jewfucker making fun of Jews for money.

I would consider simply donating if they stopped vaping, drinking and otherwise behaving like total morons. Constant interruptions of guests, assbad mixing, drunken offtopic all the time even mid-point (that audio of mentally abused teacher was interrupted and talked over so many times I lost it). It's a shitty unprofessional show that should not be voice of any movement.

Fash the Nation and This Hour Has 88 Minutes, both much better.

It is worth $10/month. Get it

>gibs shekels

Isn’t Jazz and Jessie only behind paywall? That’s a good show. Plus don’t be a Kike and support real alternative media that isn’t jewwed

>need moneyyyyy

>supporting non-Jewish media is a Jewish ploy


>vet a public event

gibs us money to regurgitate Sup Forums memes and talk like one of you, goy!

All shows now have a video version with Sven and Mike split screen, which is nice. Also, Jazz and Jessie is great, since you get another episode of McFeels's commentary.

It's worth it if you want slightly more content, or if you just want to support what they do.

I Just want the Jazz n Jesse on the Mexican getting away with murder. I don't need a video

>Fash the nation
They came back?

same here .

I want McFeels commentary while his blood is boiling hot

Yep, they were dark for a few months, but they came back after Trump ordered the missile strike on Syria.

I want to see them record a show driving around and picking up guests as they go

I was there too. Sven grabbed Alex's ass and jerked off into a potted plant.

Someone plz post jazz and jessie 17

>tfw you're the CIA operative who wrote triple parenthesis once 50 years ago and have been slowly planning a podcast for all that time in which an echo effect signifies totally different from the initial use that eventually became written as triple parenthesis

I'll clip out 10 minutes of the conversation where they talk about the beaner murderer. Only 10 minutes because u niggaz needs to pay to get the full shit. Where can i upload it without making an account?



Those are some clogged pores...

>taking 100 dollars in cash , taking it to CVS and buying a 100 dollar visa gift card

ya you would have to be retarded to pay with a credit card I agree I guess that makes you a fucking retard

>you actually did 15 minutes instead of the episode.

What can I say, I'm a paycuck that actually supports the guys



lol cuck

plz paycuck I am but a humble NEET with not but a sheckle to my name

Common nigga, go get a $20 dollar pre payed credit card, subscribe for one month, and download everything they have.

Put a sharpie in your pooper with a timestamp and I’ll post it

>leaving my house

nigga who do you think you are

most countries (and US states) wont sell you prepaid cards without ID anymore

everything has to be in the system goy

also, most of their stuff is so news/topical that listening to old shows is pointless since there's a lot of speculation about future events that have already been resolved

a NEET that isn't comfy listening to J&J, sipping on a nice hot cup of tea.

Do it with bitcoin then, they accept that as well. I set up a bitcoin account on coinbase last week, it's easy as fuck. I heard is good too.

Jass and jesses is fucking trash so is the shoah
fuck sven fucking nigger

Ya gotta be careful with coinbase, it's run by Wall Street Jews and they banned everyone who sent money to Anglin's address. At a minimum, send it to a wallet on your computer before sending it to TRS.

Thanks ancap kun for violating the NAP for us


you looking for job advice user?


thx, will look for alternatives then, fuck them. Got suggestions for an americuck?

take it BACK!

paycucks BTFO

how does he manage to push his nostrils that high up?


IDK, I got all my bitcoin from selling litecoin and dogecoin that I mined way back when, but I'm running low so I need to buy more soon for my anonymous transactions.

I guess the NEETs truly always win in the end.

When is paranormies coming out? and does anyone have a link to download the latest shoah.

NEETs were plaing 7D chess the whole time, wagecucks never stood a chance

Quit butchering my man Wimpy's line. It's "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"

got the shoah?

They just released the latest paywall TDS, but here's the free one from Wednesday. They had the """Nazi""" on that the NYT did a piece on.

And paranormies

mike and sven's paypigs BTFO

TDS 226 was average. I loved the last paranormies what did you think about it?

ITT: retards that killed Sup Forums with larp reich faggotry