ADMIT IT FOOLS. IT'S OVER. He's spiraling out of control.... I bet he regrets ever having Russia win him the election. He's in over his head, simple as that. He has no idea what is in store for him in the coming weeks.. better get comfy Sup Forums its almost over :)
Based Mueller.
Jace Peterson
>awfully hot coffee pot
Wyatt Jackson
>Donald Drumpf who?
>this is the only proper response to any post that contains a misspelling of "trump"
Jace Rivera
>rogue wh snr advisor suuuuure
Jace Hernandez
>another LARP twitter account Why...?
Christopher Wright
I can't believe people believe this shit
Eli Fisher
>Trump has a bunch of traitors like me and Flynn trying to stop him from making America great again nonstop for over a year >why is he so angry???
Brayden Fisher
what kind of trade did flynn make
Camden Morgan
Trump will be fine. Nothing will come from this.
The only mistake Trump made was not locking up Hillary Clinton. Because the entire Russian witch hunt comes from her. It's all her doing. Trump made a very big mistake in letting her slide and now he's paying the price as this witch hunt harms his presidency.
Good thing is there is still time to lock her up.
Matthew Lee
>1 post by this ID
Hunter Davis
>Cuckservatives too stupid to know their daddy’s real name SAD!
Matthew Turner
Not a Trump fan but a Tweet is hardly compelling evidence that this happened.
Ian Wood
Cameron Allen
Sebastian Long
Adrian Morgan
Totally not fake 100% truth in this account.
Liam Miller
>Because the entire Russian witch hunt comes from [Hillary Clinton] Source?
Jeremiah Baker
Jonathan Murphy
You sure showed me! #MAGA
Dominic Torres
Because liberals are dumb enough to believe it.
Evan Howard
Seems more like a parody account tbqh
Ayden Thompson
Do you really think someone would do that tho? Go on the internet and tell a bunch of lies?
John Campbell
Joseph Lewis
Coffee pot= hallway= not hot
Fuck these captcha retried 5 times
Benjamin Robinson
>absolute state of leftwing sources
Parker Wright
this that would be like coming to pol and BELIEVING the earth is actually flat when we actually KNOW the earth is flat
Owen James
That is a LOT of retweets for a fucking Larp
Cooper King
Christian Bell
>Anonymous sources say
Ryder Cooper
So, it's a MSM concerted attack time again
Nolan Mitchell
Post yfw Trump is the Rogue Snr Advisor
William Anderson
I think he fooled us; maybe he isn't /ourguy/
Evan Roberts
>t. Q. user/frank
Camden Miller
just like eminem predicted.
Eminem can you run for president next time>??
Christian Green
Well then it’s settled, I’m with her now
Zachary White
insider here. trump had to order extra strength adult diapers because he has been furiously shitting himself all day. like, you won't believe the shits. it's gotten so bad that they've had to evacuate the white house. haha like trump is pooping EVERYWHERE. he's honestly finished you guys
Juan Turner
Parker Ortiz
Omg why won't you believe this LARPing Twitter nobody.
Nolan Jackson
>Flynn telling russia to chill out It's literally nothing.
Juan Fisher
Yesterday you cunts were flooding the board with "Tillerson out and Pompeos taking over" bullshit all day, now this is what you've come back with? Why even bother wasting your time at this point?