TRUMP ordered Flynn to talk to the Russians.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's was Kushner, not Trump

>December 2016

What does Mueller actually have

Talking to Russians isn't illegal


>Not in office yet
>trying to setup meetings and reach out to foreign governments
>The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

He's fucked.

>trying to setup meetings and reach out to foreign governments

Literally part of his job. Also you don't know what the Logan Act even is.

>>Not in office yet
Doesn't matter he was trans.

The entire charade centers around the logan act.

Even if Trump directed Flynn, before the election, to ask Putin himself about the DNC emails, even if Trumps exact words were "Give me dirt on Hillary. I am a corrupt walking orange. Fuck me daddy." the entire prosecution would rest on the Logan Act.


Not Pelosi for chumming it up with islamic dictators.

Not Ted Kennedy for conspiring with the Russians to undermine Reagan.

No one. The law is 200 years old. It would be the biggest political witch hunt in the history of the nation if they went after Trump with the Logan Act.

So they won't. They can't. It's political suicide. If you open up the Logan Act, all of a sudden all sorts of things become Logan Act violations.

Fucking Dennis Rodman visiting North Korea would be a Logan Act violation.


And they know they have nothing. Which is why they're going to continue to do this. Paper cuts. Media headlines every month that make Trump look bad, and that's it.

It's all to provide a line of attack for the Dems in 2020.

>Vote for us and we'll get to the bottom of this whole Russian thing! Vote for the Democrats! The REAL patriots! The REAL Americans!

It's a fucking joke.

go back to russia

/leftypol/ falling for Mastertroll Trump, ...again.
you will be on suicide watch by the end of next week.

IC Insider here
put simply, Trump has forced the press to go all-in on Mueller as (((theirguy))), hereby rendering them unable to defend against what will unfold in the first quarter of 2018.

Ask yourself why we have over 4000 sealed indictments while certain cases (i.e Manafort, Flynn, T. Podesta) are being streamlined to the public consciousness.

Think about why Mccain's leg brace switched places, and why he would WANT people to notice this anomaly. Remember who else is wearing this special leg brace.

Trump not only was aware of these "russian connections" to Flynn and Manafort. He facilitated these connections, he put everything into place. Trump masterfully analyzed a situation that was already ongoing when he entered the office, and He found the best course of action. It will be foolproof.

Leftists, and more importantly, the lying press have put all their eggs, all their hope into a basket that trump is about to throw into a pit. Never to be seen again.

If not the president/president-elect then who in this country is authorized to talk to foreign powers?

Where are the Russians, sorry I mean Americans defending Trump?!

Nobody has ever been tried for a violation of the Logan act

Plus it’s unconstitutional I can speak to foreign governments if I want too

The democrat's propaganda during the elections were pretty crappy, too.
I followed this whole thing from Germany. And some television ads of the democrats gave me strong pro-Trump vibes. The democrats did not really make a campain, they did an anti-campaign based on Trump. Hahaha. Trump only grew in popularity because of that because he knows very well that there is no 'bad' propaganda. What really matters is people talking about you.

Mega, is that you?


brainlets who bring up >muh logan act just reveal to the world exactly how uninformed they really are

This is a slide thread.

id point out this was bait but then id be a fool for thinking it wasnt obvious

or maybe not bait but its clearly not serious, right?

This story is meant to take the focus off of the Kate Steinle verdict. Whats the story, that flynn talked to the Russians and lied to the FBI? He also lied to VP Pence and was fired for it. Good Grief. You people are stupid as fuck.


>Think about why Mccain's leg brace switched places, and why he would WANT people to notice this anomaly


Xqt cpb mghib. Btbez btb slu fbm! Iqo'a vap ufdp gsnx.

This. Democrats are just busy pandering to minorities and all other groups.

Trump told Kush
Kush is gonna sing

Nothing burger 3.0

lying under oath is


Why did Trump have to be such a retard why couldn't he have just been the God Emperor we all wanted.

Nope. Shill, enjoy your salty nothing burger.

You need to go back to Plebit.

Talking to Russians is a crime? Selling nuclear materials is not? Ok got it.
War is Peace

Trump could be impeached just for firing Comey "I fired him because of the Russian investigation" trump is admittedly guilty already of obstruction.

if talking to russian is not a crime, why did trump deny it time and time again? you can spin it any way you want, but in the end he's fucked

>governments having a dispute with the United States

no moratorium on trade with Russian Fed.

Why is it such a big deal that he talked to the Russians?

i think he'll go down for perjury and obstruction of justice

Here's why: Quoting Meganon - "It’s gonna be beautiful, y’all. The MSM and FBI/Mueller investigation will never recoup after Flynn is done with them. HE and his formal testimony will be the beginning of the end.

Like I’ve said for months... Manafort cooperated and knew what was coming and he did it for a reason. Flynn knew what was coming and cooperated for a reason. MANY pending indictment KNOW what is coming and SOME of them have cooperated for a reason.

So enjoy watching the MSM completely blow this SINGLE charge up, based on the conversation you ALREADY knew Flynn had with Russia and the accidental “lack of detail” and honest “miscommunication” he had with Pence. Remember Pence’s public statements about this. Remember how much the MSM is blowing this out of proportion right now... even Fox. All desperate to save their assets and look like they’re “working” this story.

Flynn, like Manafort, will walk and when this shakes out, all you’re going to be talking about is THE TRUTH you got from all his TESTIMONY that came from these “charges”. It’s unitonic that they blew up Manafort on technicality charges no one will EVER really care about, but AFTER he testified, he walked out with a gag and you haven’t heard SHIT since. THIS IS ON PURPOSE.

It’s not these charges that matter, IT’S THE TESTIMONY BEING COLLECTED and the establishment, Hillary, DWS, McCain, Obama, Podestas, Holder/Lynch, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. AREN’T CELEBRATING THIS SHIT! They’re fucking TERRIFIED. They know what’s coming too and Manafort’s indictment? Flynn’s “plea” on shit he ALREADY PUBLICLY ADMITTED and resigned over?! It all ONLY MEANS WHAT’S COMING FOR THE REST, is just ONE DAY CLOSER, y’all. Enjoy it!"

I will enjoy it....swap is going down...


because he LIED about it. everyone on his team. if it's not a big deal, why lie?

weird how the only part of that headline in quotes is "set things right"

Holy shit its another nothingburger kek

>Trump wins election
>We need to destroy ISIS, let's work with the Russians like I mentioned in the campaign
>Flynn, talk to Russians about beating ISIS

Libtard logic is Russian collusion

>sageing your shitty bait

>he took Donald fucking Trump seriously
Are you VERY YOUNG child
Donald Trump has been a huge cosmic joke for about forty years.

I thought Mega was a larp. But this fits her scenario 100x better than any scenario I'm hearing elsewhere.

so why lie about it? he should be proud of colluding with the russians then, no?


On Trump? Nothing.

your logic is shit

>lying to the senate is a nothingburger




>a fucking burger

kush may take a poison pill for trump if ivanka asks

Kush is going to prison. Anyone with a brain realizes he's running shit. Trump is just a talking head. Calling it now. Kushners father is a rat kike who ended up in prison too.

Neck yourself immediately. You are seriously the dumbest person on the internet.

>obstruction of justice is nothing


On yes, it is happening.

Clinton violated the Logan act when he visited North Korea to free those Journalists in 08. Obama violated it yesterday.

> unauthorized citizen

You’re going to argue that a man just elected president, with full presidential security clearance, is considered an “unauthorized citizen”?

Good luck with that.

projection: the post

again, why lie about it then?

Ha ha I'd forgotten about the comey watch event. Fuck that was hilarious shit.

Pretty much this , nothing to see here . More libtard hope of impeachment being crushed . Can't wait for more tears !

Yum. Nothing like watching a self-absorbed narcissist get torn to bits.


The "Trump told me to talk to them" is about the post-election time period.

What Flynn lied about is talking to the Russians during this period.

At first he said he didn't talk to them.
But he actually did.
And the "relevant" thing is that Trump actually told him to talk to them.

There is no fucking crime here. It's only "interesting" that actually Trump told him to talk to Russia, and then Flynn denied talking to them at first.

There's no fucking problem with an incoming admin talking to any govt, hostile or frenemy or otherwise. The only thing of interest is that Flynn lied to the FBI about doing so. That is the only crime here.


INSTEAD HE IS ONLY BEING CHARGED WITH LYING TO THE FBI (about something that didn't matter).

SMFH guys.
MSM dumbdumbheads are interpreting these headlines as if Drumpf told Flynn to contact Russia in Spring of 2016 in order to set up Russian purchases of Facebook ads.

It's all fucking post election.
It doesn't even warrant Logan Act consideration (smfh) because there is no underlying crime or malfeasance.

Kushner asked Flynn to call everyone on the UN security council to ask about how they were voting on the Israel settlement vote.
At the time Obama decided he wasn't going to vote to protect Israel, and allow the UN council to vote against Israel.

Do you really think they are going to take them down for protecting Israel from the UN When the left stood against Israel?

My goodness, the madman. H-he's going to turn the Jews against the Democrats?!?!?!?!

When cooperating with the investigation means
>telling Mueller all about what they did when they worked for HRC and Barry

Literally a teeball charge for Flynn and Manafort will probably plea to a not properly registering softball. All so they could roll over on the establishment with a clear conscience.
>Sorry Hillary they gave me no other choice.

Perhaps it had something to do with an ongoing concerted effort to rob him of political capitol by squeezing his name in the same sentence as Russia as many times as possible?


huh? Flynn will walk because he made a deal to flip on someone else higher up

this is standard FBI methodology to get to the mafia crime boss by turning the lieutenants

if Flynn got off easy, and he did, you know he had to trade something worth 20 years in prison

Try to keep up here shitlord. Flynn "lied" to the FBI.

What is the underlying crime that Trump was "obstructing justice"? please point to a law that was broken. "Collusion " as in talking to Russian is not a crime. Did trump take money from Russians. Did trump instruct Russians to hack voting machine? What exactly did Trump do with the Russians to "rig" an election. Is there a proof trump leaked DNC email to the Russians? Anything please.

PS you missed Soros memo. Russian collusion dead move on to Trumps mental health issues.

I find her credible. Q past the 31st was probably the interns she talked about - which Larp or not still got people digging.

i find her credible, because everything she talks about seems logical, is crafted like an insider with true IC speak, her posts have proved true, the dropoff of Q seems to support her story on them, and she's stays in the lane that she has access to...which reflects access and compartmentalization.

this is the 5th trumptard to be charged with a crime...

I worry that the deep state will just have Flynn killed. Think about it from their perspective. They don’t know if Flynn will spill on Trump or them. If they kill him, nobody would know what he was ever going to say about the big players in the deep state AND they can spin up this bullshit narrative that Trump had him killed to silence him. It really worries me because this is the only play they have at this point.

>Obama violated it yesterday

Don't miss this. Just think about it. Surprised I didn't see more anons asking about Barack's little trip yesterday.

As the Flynn story heats up and the media tries to speculate on what intel he's feeding Mueller, you'll see this Barack story come back into the public eye.

>Trump ordered me to talk to Russians!!!
>well, not me directly but like I heard about it!
>well, not candidate Trump since it was after he was already elected legally

kek, this is going to be as big a deal as everything else that's been blown up against Trump

I just realized something.

Remember this?

And now, read this:

>Other former Obama administration officials said then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn't think highly of Flynn, and in fact was the person who recommended Flynn's firing as DNI in 2014. Flynn's focus was generally limited to terrorism and didn't know much about many other issues important for the national security adviser job, such as China, the officials said.

James Clapper, Obama's lackey, pushed Flynn out. Given Flynn clashed with Obama, let me give you my basic gestalt:

I think Flynn was privy to, or was involved in illegal activities AT THE BEHEST OF the Obama administration. Pic very related.

Keep in mind that Deep State actors were the ones that illegally leaked communications involving Flynn, sparking this entire fiasco. Why?

Did he actually exercise any of his powers to obstruct justice, though?

That's certainly a move, but can they be assured what he knows and would testify to hasn't already been given to Mueller's team and his personel attorneys. I think he is safely past the suicide 2 bullets to back of the head...

That's why he's in protective custody. Miss info is fact he's been arrested for lieing to FBI. Pizza gate NK connection and Benghazi about to come out. Just like uranium one came out right after Manaforts arrest.

not an argument. clearly the President-elect is not an "unauthorized citizen"

It's not.

what's it like living in la la land?

Somebody tell me whats so bad about talking to the russian government? i dont get it.

It could’ve been an honest mistake. In all likelihood, he probably just wanted it all to end. He’s had to sell his house, drain his bank accounts, and his family has too just to defend themselves in court over this bullshit. He said he was a “broken man” and was probably considering suicide. Would I admit guilt in that case? Yea probably. Even if I knew it was bullshit and knew it was an honest mistake, at that point you have no choice but to just give up. This is why the FBI has such a high conviction rate. They have unlimited resources. They can stay rabid longer than you can stay solvent.

>if Flynn got off easy, and he did, you know he had to trade something worth 20 years in prison
...or they had nothing worth 20 years in prison on him so they gave him the biggest thing they had? give me a fucking break

Not tracking here...where was Obama yesterday and what did he do?

Yes it is. Remember when the FEC removed Trump from the ballot and the FBI arrested Trump for meeting with the President of Mexico during the election? That's the whole reason Hillary is President.

This kind of shit has happened before. The ONLY reason America has never had a black President is because President-Elect Obama talked to Netanyahu in 2008. Eight years of Biden was okay, I guess. I would have really loved a post-racial America under Obama.

Lol. AFTER Trump was president elect.

You can't collude to win an election after the election had already been won two months before... Liberals are completely bonkers, lol


They're the only country to successfully rid themselves of the Jews so naturally the media paints them as the bad guys.


How useful is his testimony when his previous testimony already made him appear a liar, he's a Obama appointee and attacks Trump, an extremely controversial and polarizing president who is diametrically opposed to large parts of the media and government-establishment.

because RUSSIA HACKED THE ELECTION when PLUMPF gave putin the password!!!1

Still not a crime. How is he fucked if he did nothing illegal.

It was the leaker.

After the elections?