Why did they do it Sup Forums


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Someone said their waifu a shit


because they were sociopaths obsessed with murder and wanted to act out their mutual fantasy of killing a lot of people.

They were both gay and felt ashamed they couldn't express their love for one another. Also, Dylan was a half-Jew.

They couldn't take the 56% banter.

Same reason as he did it. Intentionally going out in a blaze of glory

for the lulz!!

great thread really needs to be shilled all over catalog

weren't they both taking relatively experimental psychotropic drugs?
m k u l t r a shit


no gf

This, they were the first victims of the pharmajew to lash out, even if in the wrong directions

Cancelled taco Tuesday. Yolo.

Because people were mean to them so they didnt give a fuck about anyones morals or society because what the fuck had it ever done for them. Getting their payback was more fulfilling then getting shit on by people their whole lives and thanking them for the privilege

Because all the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run, better run!

Because a song would be made about them later on.

Total comtempt and disdain for all being, wanting to cause as much damage as possible to society

Teenage angst. Been there never had the guns to do it thank god.

because dude weed lmao!

for teh lulz XD

You know after posting this thread literally dozens of times, you think you would have figured it out by now. Stop posting this garbage you fucking idiot.

Stop making threads about these fucking faggots.



Why do yuropoors hate freedom so much? Your country is a massive fucking nanny state.


because they were edgelords, just read their psychologist transcripts

>self-admittedly mentally unstable children should be free to own firearms, because freedums 'n shit

>Your country is a massive fucking nanny state.
That may be, but yours is a 56% white, 3rd world shithole infested by niggers, spics, Jews and Marxists. I'll take paying $25 for a bottle of bottom shelf vodka any day over that shit.

>narcissistic, delusional ramblings of a teenager with zero life experience
I think could've related to that as a teenager, except for the part with the murderous angst and thinking that you're better/smarter/worthier than everyone else. Then again I guess that's where the parents dropped the ball with those kids.

Pedophiles and corruption

Again, you are the epitome of a nanny state where the government has to ban, heavily restrict or tax the shit out if anything remotely dangerous. It truly is a cancerous mentality that is utterly infectious.


>calling anybody else Marxist when your country is a massive leftist nanny state where over half of your income is taken from you

top kek


Most kids hate high school, and sometimes you just want to lash out.

Really jewish word, gets thrown around way too much. Anyone that goes against status quo now is a 'sociopath'

Video games and metal music.

You're not addressing the issues, you're just coming up with painfully repetitive straw men and generic insults.

>his understanding on Marxism is limited to Sup Forums infographics and FOX NEWS caricatures
>thinks it somehow applies to Binland
Color me shocked. Read a book once in a while, son.

>Anyone that goes against status quo now is a 'sociopath'
sociopaths determine the status quo

>you're not addressing the issues

You're arguing for strict gun laws and a massive nanny state because you don't trust yourself and want to be shielded from all harm.
Your country is easily more socialist than mine, dumb mongol trash. How are we more Marxist?

>You're arguing for strict gun laws and a massive nanny state because you don't trust yourself and want to be shielded from all harm
Do you know what a straw man is? That, right there, is a textbook example of it. That is not what I said, but a one-sided caricature of it that you made up.

>Your country is easily more socialist than mine, dumb mongol trash. How are we more Marxist?
Right off the top of my head
>common law marriage
>income-based, indefinite alimony and child-support
These are fatal fuckups, or are you dismissing the importance of nuclear family as well?


So what was the original implication on your comment if not praising the nanny state for strict gun laws because you feared shooting up the school?

You have income taxes too. In fact your tax rates are far higher across the board. All of the Nordic nations are way more socialist than the US.

I was quite directly commenting on the absurdity of you crying
>muh freedums!!11
even when the guy said he was mentally unstable as a child and should've not had (and didn't have) access to firearms. Do you think he should've had access to guns as a mentally unstable child? Because that's how your hurr durring made it sound.

Well done addressing the things I listed. No, wait, you didn't. Allow me to reciprocate your courtesy.

The implication was that the strict laws make it hard to get guns so he couldn't have shot up the school. It was a praise of the strict gun laws you fucking faggot even if he wasn't explicitly stating so. Again, a cancerous nanny state mentality type of thinking. Where the government has to shield you from as much harm as possible. You even admitted your nation is a massive nanny state. That's all I needed to hear finngol.

just a bit of banter lad

>Not Desiree
Shit taste

Doom is to blame

>Again, a cancerous nanny state mentality type of thinking. Where the government has to shield you from as much harm as possible.
You keep attributing ideas, biases and stances on me that I've never supported or confirmed to believe. It's like I'm talking to an American liberal mutt who spits in my face and keeps calling me a Nazi for wearing a red cap with MAGA on it.

Because they were bullied for years, they were kids who didn't know better, Columbine was a shithole, Eric was a loser who failed to join the army (also took medication), Dylan wanted to unleash his anger and neither of them managed to get laid.

For LULZ. Are you stupid or what?

For the Lulz.

>managed to get laid
If they had managed to get laid they would have done it cause their girlfriends turned out to be bitches.
> No women
Reason for massacre!
> Women
An even better reason for massacre!

Because they're good goys.

wait was that on hitlers birthday? late gift maybe.


because white males love to kill

>Posts non-white meme
kill yourself faggot, you will always be an Auschwitz baby

who hurt you?

boys will be boys

>railed TMP
Please keep it period

eric was a psycho who wanted to kill the world, dylan was emo and just went along with it because he was going to kill himself anyway

>because of bullying

Why do tards perpetuate this lie so much? Dyland was barely bullied. Eric was a classic psychopath.

They were actually pretty popular. You're spouting jew lies right in my face, kike.

I'm pretty sure I've seen vids they themselves recorded. They were pretty cringy and people weren't friendly to them.

>Dyland was barely bullied. Eric was a classic psychopath.
Why do retards such as you perpetuate these lies so often?

Dylan was bullied since he was small, and Eric wasn't a psychopath.

They were heroes.
They were fighting against bullying in high schools. And they fought until the end.

What it boils down is that they couldn't handle the bantz. That's why most of these spree killers hit schools. They're autists who can't handle the bantz and end up throwing childish tantrums in a grown-up's body.

>An old infant is an ugly thing.
t. Jordan "Bantzmaster" Peterson

They didn't kill a single bully.

Eric was a very angry kid. He was also the only one with a prescription for his issues. I don't remember what the found in his blood, either an SSRI or some sort of stimulant. Dylan was sort of the second to Eric's rage and aggression. He played along, but in reading their journals you come to realize he was a very different person than Eric.

Ultimately, they planned a bombing. The propane bombs they made, if they had worked, would have demolished most of the school, killing hundreds. These bombs were meant to do most of their killing, and then they planned to shoot at kids as they fled the school until the cops arrived and surrounded them. At that point, the boys had another bomb in their car (I forget if it was Eric's or Dylan's) which would explode and kill them both. They also planted a diversionary bomb in a nearby park, which was meant to draw emergency response away for several hours, giving them time to work at the school. This diversion failed and was put out much more quickly than they assumed, although they had no way of monitoring police/EMS chatter so they never knew this.

The incident was inspired heavily by the 1995 OKC bombing. The boys didn't have a political statement to make like McVeigh did, instead they simply lusted after the coverage and attention he got for the attack. They wanted to make a statement, and yet had no real coherent statement to give. They wanted fame for the purpose of fame. They wanted attention for the purpose of attention. They wanted people to look at them, to see what they had done. You can start to see Eric's world view in these ideas. He was an angry kid who thought he was owed something. He thought he was worth more than he was given. A typical entitled little shitstain that was angry at everyone.

The shooting was really more of an afterthought. Once their bombs failed they went in shooting, although neither planned to do so. They quickly grew bored and offed themselves, leaving few answers for anyone.

because this is punishment for all the african and native american families decimated by their white ancestors

their sins are manifesting in various ways, including forcing white children to kill other white children

>political statement to make like McVeigh did
What was his political statement?

>Dylan was bullied since he was small
He was over 190cm

"Since", not "because"

Dylan was 6'4 retard.

Eric was the definition of a psychopath. Read his journal. He even says it wasn't because of bullying retard. They both had friends and went to parties (Dylan went to prom.) At the school there were legit outcasts but both of them weren't

6´3 and skinny.

>Eric was the definition of a psychopath. Read his journal.
I read his journal. He cried when his dog died, and in one of the tapes he got teary eyed because he missed his friends. That's not a psychopath.

>He even says it wasn't because of bullying retard.
Where? His journal makes no damn sense. He was edgy as fuck.
He would write shit that he hates racists and later would write that he hates blacks.

>At the school there were legit outcasts but both of them weren't

assuming he wasn't a CIA fallguy?
revenge for waco and possibly ruby ridge and to tell the fed to fuck off with it's gun grabbing ways

McVeigh was very angry about Ruby Ridge and Waco, and saw it as an overreach of government authority. He was especially angry about the woman killed at Ruby Ridge, and that the sniper who killed her never faced justice, in his opinion. He spent years mulling over what happened and just couldn't reconcile his beliefs with the facts of each incident. He had enough and decided to attack the government in any way he could.

Eric and Dylan had no political message at all. They had no story to expose or even tell. Instead, they (mostly Eric) picked up on the massive media attention surrounding the OKC bombing a few years back and became enamoured with that. I guess you could call it a meme, an idea that became warped in his mind and stuck with him. This idea that by killing he could make a name for himself. That by letting out all the anger and aggression he felt, that people would be drawn to him. He was intoxicated by the idea of martyrdom but had no cause to die for.

I don't like talking about Dylan in a sympathetic light. He deserves no less criticism or hate than Eric, but he was really a different person than Eric. He was a follower, and seriously depressed. While he is no less to blame for what happened back in 1999, he wasn't drawn to violence the same way Eric was. He was a follower first and foremost, and followed Eric to hell with a smile on his face. If his parents had looked into what the boys were doing, or got him mental help before their attack, maybe it would be a different story.

to get revenge on god himself

>t. BUCKO peterson

>6´3 and skinny.

Let's see what Nate Dykeman, Dylan's closest friend says shall we?

>BARBARA WALTERS But did you see the other kids taunting him?

>NATHAN DYKEMAN Dylan, never, and Dylan I’m pretty sure never had a problem with it.

There you have it. Dylan was pretty much not bullied. Dylan had many friends.

>I read his journal. He cried when his dog died, and in one of the tapes he got teary eyed because he missed his friends. That's not a psychopath.

Are you aware that psychopaths can fake feelings? He wrote an apology letter to the van owner he robbed from whilst at the same time writing in his journal how he should be able to rob and kill whomever he pleases.

Eric knew his attack could kill two of his best friends who went to school during the day of the attack. He saw it as collateral damage that would not justify aborting his attack.


>Eric: "Morris, Nate, if you guys live, I want you guys to have whatever you want from my room and the computer room."
>if you guys live

Chris Morris and Nate Dykeman. Two of his best friends.

Let's see what he wrote in his journal about bullying:


>“If people would give me more compliments all of this might still be avoidable . . . but probably not.”19

He states multiple times not to blame anybody else, only he and Dylan are at fault. He even says not to blame the school and that the administration is doing a good job.

>God damnit do not blame anyone else besides me and V [Vodka, i.e., Dylan] for this. Don’t blame my family, they had no clue and there’s nothing they could have done, they brought me up just fucking fine ... don’t blame the school. . . the admin[istration] is doing a fine job.2

There you have it. Not once does he mention bullying in his writings. The bullying myth has long since been debunked you faggot. Read Columbine by Dave Cullen.

Forgot first link: acolumbinesite.com/dylan/aboutdylan.php

Anyways I meant to say that at Columbine there were kids who were legit outcasts, but Dylan and Eric did not fall under this category. They didn't single out bullies. Everybody was a target.

>I don't like talking about Dylan in a sympathetic light. He was a follower, and seriously depressed.

Dylan was the first of the two who wrote about shooting in his journal. He wasn't a follower, they were both in it together.

Dylan was probably the one who brought up the school shooting idea to Eric.

Eric was a total loser. His grades weren't good, he couldn't get a girl, he was short and even the army rejected him. He was taking antidepressants as well. Dylan had a promising future and was going to college to study programming.

>someone’s bound to say “what were they thinking?” when we go NBK [Natural Born Killers, his code name for the attack] or when we were planning it, so this is what I am
thinking. “I have a goal to destroy as much as possible” ... Keep this in mind, I want to burn the world.3 THIS is what I am motivated for, THIS is my goal. THIS is what I want “to do with my life.”4

There you have it. His goal was to simply kill as much as possible. 11k report shows that Dylan had many friends whilst Eric had a decent amount. Not the most popular kids at school sure but not bullied outcasts.

>Read Columbine by Dave Cullen.
I thought so. This guy was already refuted.

Take this book with a grain of salt. It's not accurate. I would recommend reading the book from Brooks Brown. He was a close friend of Dylan when they were young.

He was also the guy Eric threatened to kill, but shortly before the massacre started, he told Brooks to leave.

They were pretty much reddit

Eric was a jew
he had a manifesto
it was a rant about the goyim
police and media covered it up b/c it would spread counter-semitism

>this guy was already refuted
By whom? Armchair Columbiners on Tumblr who want to portray them as bullied martyrs?

I've read Brooks' book. Too bad it was written before the journals and basement tape transcripts were released. Once they were his entire theory went down the drain because it was completely contradictory to what was written and said. Brooks fell out with Eric a year before the attacks and did not talk to him much.

Sure he let Brooks leave. He wanted to play god and choose who lives and who dies. Tell me why Zach Heckler, Nate Dykeman and Chris Morris attended school on the day on the attack and why Eric's wording in the tapes knew there was a chance his friends could get caught up in the attack and die from the blasts or shot in the mayhem.

None of Eric's actions or what he wrote down shows that the attack was caused by bullying. When he writes down that even if he recieved more compliment the attack likely wouldn't have prevented that shows it wasn't because of bullying. Hell the very few times (literally two times) he brings up being teased in his journal he quickly goes on to exonerate whoever teased him as acting according to "human nature" and that he is also acting by it by attacking humanity because he sees himself as a sort of god.

You can have bullying, not getting laid, etc and the attack still wouldn't have happened had he not been severely disturbed.

I don't want to sound like I'm defending either of them. They both fed off each other to some extent and ended up committing the crime they committed together. They both share responsibility for what happened, and as far as I'm concerned both were evil little shits who deserve to burn in hell.

I don't feel like reading through their journals again, but from what I remember, there was a very different feel to each of them. Dylans wrote poems and drew pictures while Eric wrote long entries about his life and feelings, and about his video games. You can see how each of them viewed life and dealt with their issues just from their journals.

I'm a little confused by your last sentence though
>Eric was a total loser. His grades weren't good, he couldn't get a girl, he was short and even the army rejected him. He was taking antidepressants as well. Dylan had a promising future and was going to college to study programming.

This seems to reinforce my points. Eric was the angry one, the one who felt slighted. Dylan, on the other hand, wasn't nearly as bad off. He had a future, or at least reasonable plans. Eric was the angry one, the one who felt like the walls were closing in as HS life drew to a close. He had reasons to be angry, which likely were spurred on by his mental issues and prescriptions. I don't know if we can ever know for sure, but for this reason it seems like Eric would have been the one to bring up the idea of attacking their school.

Most importantly though, you need to think of this attack as a bombing. That's what it was planned as. Not a shooting at all. Sure, they planned to shoot kids who wandered out of the school, but that was from far away. They had no plans on who to kill. Maybe a general idea of the type of people they wanted dead, but it was meant as an impersonal attack. One that killed many without the two having to be nearby. Their goal was death, not a list of targets.

>>this guy was already refuted
>By whom? Armchair Columbiners on Tumblr who want to portray them as bullied martyrs?
The actual Columbine students who lived through the tragedy and their parents. The people who actually KNEW the fucking shooters. Bullying was very common in Columbine. Cullen even goes against the police and FBI reports.

The reason they didn't write much about bullying in their journals was because it was embarrassing.

>Sure he let Brooks leave. He wanted to play god and choose who lives and who dies.
To feel like a god, or because Brooks was Dylan's friend? When they were carrying the massacre in the library, Eric was going to kill John Savage, but he changed his mind once he realized he was friendly to Dylan in the past.

Oh, sorry if I seemed passive-aggressive. Not my intention. I also found it interesting how different Eric and Dylan were. In his journal, Eric drew swastikas. Dylan, on the other hand, drew hearts.

>I'm a little confused by your last sentence though. This seems to reinforce my points. Eric was the angry one, the one who felt slighted. Dylan, on the other hand, wasn't nearly as bad off.

I'll try to clarify.

Dylan had a bright future ahead of him, but he decided to throw it all away. He was so angry and messed up that he didn't care about it.

Eric was angry, but so was Dylan. The latter wore a shirt with "Wrath" written on it.

Because they played Doom and wore black trench coats.

This was the general consensus of the media at the time.


Out of every mass shooting ever, Columbine had the most clues left behind and they've been analyzing it for nearly 20 decades dude...

>The actual Columbine students who lived through the tragedy and their parents.

Ahahaha. Brooks is the only one who claims that bullying is what caused it. None of Dylan and Eric's other friends put much stock into that theory. I linked you to an interview with Nate Dykeman who was one of the two's best friend. He says that Dylan was hardly bullied. What the fuck are you talking about regarding the police and the FBI? The FBI was the one that came to the conclusion that Eric was a psychopath. The police never said it was caused by bullying. You can read the 11k report from the school shooters info website. There's a section on students that said they were bullied, or that they weren't bullied or that Dylan and Eric bullied other students (which they did.) Nowhere does it imply bullying being the motive.

>The reason they didn't write much about bullying in their journals was because it was embarrassing.

You think they cared that it was embarrassing or not? It was their own personal fucking journals. Eric wrote about not getting laid and Dylan wrote about love. They didn't care that it'd be embarrassing on it. Unlike Dylan, Eric DID in fact bring up teasing only twice in brief sentences in his journal. He quickly goes on to exonerate the people who teased him every time, he states multiple times that the shooting is nobody's fault, that nobody (including the damn school) is at fault except them. He explicitly states that even if he recieved more compliments the attack would have still likely happened.

I legit have no idea why you think it was because of bullying. They weren't outcasts. In the 11k report its stated that whenever Eric was teased (mainly for wearing a trenchcoat in the summer) it was minor and that way more people in the school had it much worse. Eric dated in the past and in fact two weeks before the shooting two girls invited him for lunch, and a few days before the attack he had a girl over at his house who he watched a movie with.

For the LUL's

>To feel like a god, or because Brooks was Dylan's friend? When they were carrying the massacre in the library, Eric was going to kill John Savage, but he changed his mind once he realized he was friendly to Dylan in the past.

First off it was Dylan who let John Savage go, not Eric.

Eric and Dylan didn't kill most of the kids in the library. Eric just taunted them while Dylan mostly ignored. They didn't really favor people over another. Most of the people they encountered during the attack they did not shoot. Even after the library when they were heading down to the cafeteria to shoot the propane bombs, they passed students hiding in the bathroom stalls that they left alone, and students that were still in the cafeteria (hiding under the tables which you can see in the surveillance video). They didn't shoot at them.

They didn't single out anybody to kill. Eric wanted to blow up the school, kill everybody inside (and potentially his friends could inadvertently get caught up in the blast which would simply be collateral damage and not justified to abort the attack)

>Ahahaha. Brooks is the only one who claims that bullying is what caused it. None of Dylan and Eric's other friends put much stock into that theory. I linked you to an interview with Nate Dykeman who was one of the two's best friend.
No, he isn't. Plenty of other student claim bullying was one of he reasons why they did it.


>What the fuck are you talking about regarding the police and the FBI? The FBI was the one that came to the conclusion that Eric was a psychopath.
...No. I really don't remember that. Show me exactly where FBI confirms it. What page of the report?

>You think they cared that it was embarrassing or not? It was their own personal fucking journals.
Yes, personal journals where they saw themselves above others.

I know.

And Eric was obviously going to kill John Savage, but Dylan interfered. When Dylan spared John and allowed him to leave the school, Eric then pointed his weapon at another student and killed him instead.

I see what you're getting at now. I agree with you on most parts, especially in that Dylan objectively had more to lose from the attack. But I think that just goes to show how deeply he allowed himself to be manipulated by Eric. Of course, he could've stopped it at any point, and yet went through with the attack anyway, which also proves he probably held many of the same sentiments as Eric about society and life in general.

It's just such an interesting case, and so much of their writing and notes are online that it's kind of fascinating to investigate. Are there other killers whose lives are as well documented as Dylan and Eric?

>it became clear that vengeance against the athletes was the motive behind the attack

This is an early media report that is repeating falsehoods such as the attack being directed at jocks, marilyn manson and doom caused it, etc. Lmao they didn't target jocks you fool. They wanted to blow up the school and kill everyone. This was an early period media report when none of the facts came into light yet.

Your article only quotes Brooks Brown on bullying being why they did it. Most of the article talks about Rocky Hoffschenider (who graduated in 1998 a year before the attack) bullying and hitting OTHER students. Not Eric and Dylan. It was meant to portray that Jock culture caused the attack. This is laughable dude.

>...No. I really don't remember that. Show me exactly where FBI confirms it.


>But the FBI and its team of psychiatrists and psychologists have reached an entirely different conclusion. They believe they know why Harris and Klebold killed, and their explanation is both more reassuring and more troubling than our misguided conclusions. Three months after the massacre, the FBI convened a summit in Leesburg, Va., that included world-renowned mental health experts, including Michigan State University psychiatrist Dr. Frank Ochberg, as well as Supervisory Special Agent Dwayne Fuselier, the FBI's lead Columbine investigator and a clinical psychologist. Fuselier and Ochberg share their conclusions publicly here for the first time.

>Harris is the challenge. He was sweet-faced and well-spoken. Adults, and even some other kids, described him as "nice." But Harris was cold, calculating, and homicidal. "Klebold was hurting inside while Harris wanted to hurt people," Fuselier says. Harris was not merely a troubled kid, the psychiatrists say, he was a psychopath.

>And Eric was obviously going to kill John Savage,

Nigger what? Dylan was the one who initiated the conversation with John Savage, not Eric. Eric didn't say a thing.

they were gay jews