Yu Yu Hakusho

Why does no one care about this anime? I don't even like anime, but I love this show.

I am guessing it's because they hate the waifus.

The show ended 20 fucking years ago with nothing new happening with it, do you really expect there to be constant threads about it?

Yeah it was a good show and most people liked it but it's been discussed to death

Hunter x Hunter gets more discussion now since it's newer, and still incomplete.

Really? People liked it. Most of the people that is on Sup Forums doesn't like it and considers HxH to be way better than it.

Also, didn't the show get low ratings when it came out?

>Most of the people that is on Sup Forums doesn't like it

Nice source ESL iphone poster

Did you even watch Yu Yu Hakusho?

Not a lot of people watched the show. In Japan, it got good ratings, but in America, nobody watched it, which is why it got shoved to 5 in the morning on Cartoon Network back in 2005.

People love it. Here and in other places. Sup Forums just hates dubs far more than most of the internet and the dub for hakusho was very prominent so it gets very conflicting and contrived posts here. The dub was alright, it did have some iconic/corny lines which made it memorable.

>In America, nobody watched it
This is complete bullshit. Any teen/pre-teen back then who was even remotely into nerdy shit knew about yu yu hakusho.

Back when it was on in March 2003, I was 4 years old. I wasn't going to watch it, since I was too busy watching Nickelodeon.

Just because youre 17 doesnt mean the rest of this board is, a lot of people here remember when it used it air on prime time toonami

I Am 18 years old. I became 5 by September of 2003.

B/c it was the rough draft for Togashi's superior series. The later one did everything YYH did, but better. With maybe the exception being YYH has a better MC

Hiei is my waifu.

Yusuke is my husbando.

Sometimes I let them fuck each other.

And inferior in every respect to YYH.

>hate the waifus

Oh no you don't when you have Botan, or those 2 announcers in the tournaments.
And when some bluray rips happened, we had many threads on Sup Forums years ago

fond memories of staying up late to watch it on toonami in 2003 I think it was

>Any teen back then
You obviously weren't a teen back then. Why the fuck are you trying to talk about how people were like back then when you probably weren't even fucking potty-trained?

>Borderline underaged poster.
Well some of us are older than that. In my school Yu yu Hakusho was the shit. My friends and I bought and geeked out over.

It's a good show, but upon rewatching it I had some issues with it.

>Ghost Arc was alright. Didn't overstay its welcome.
>Hiei Arc was okay.
>Rando Arc just has Yusuke win due to contrived bullshit twice at the end.
>Saint Beast Arc has Yusuke get stronger since the last arc, but doesn't really even show how since he doesn't get to fight until the final boss.
>Yukina Arc was pretty good.
>Dark Tournament was pretty good.
>Sensui Arc started out great but then just turned into DBZ shit even though Genkai says at the beginning that they won't be able to DBZ shit their way through the Psychics.
>Demon King Arc was hot garbage.

Come back in 5 years and maybe we might take you seriously.

>I don't even like anime
Fuck off normalfag

same reason we don't talk about Busou Renkin

superior recent work (HxH)

Who the fuck didn't watched and loved YYH as a kid?
I think I watched it twice back when Animax was alive and airing countless reruns as per usual.

Most faggots were to young to catch a lot of the anime in stores, bootlegs, or on TV before y2k or Sup Forums for that matter. YuYu is one of the better shounen for even entry level watcher. Only after they had access to the internet did the world of foreign media was opened up for the second awakening.

I'm watching my DVD collection again with my bro and his fiance. She is enjoying it, and Kuwabara is her favorite character.

Eat shit fujo scum.

It has threads all the time.
The dubfag fanbase is incapable of discussing anything other than muh dubs, which makes the threads as unbearable as any other show licensed by Funimation.