On the topic of (((Americans)))

I must admit that Varg isn't always right but every once in a while he does drop pieces of cloth cut from the primordial painting depicting the death of the European people. Say what you will about Europeans and our current state of affairs we are going through but we take care of our people. We don't step over people while they are in the gutter. Their culture is corrosive creating the haves and even more have-nots. Americans for the most part aren't real Europeans, they are European-Americans to be intellectually honest. The American persona is not far from the truth as in America the only God they worship is the all mighty dollar, this idea of (((capitalism))) is a scourge on humanity pushed on these Americans. Furthermore they constantly usurp our governments along with others across the world all for the sake of profit and influence, along with other for profit ventures that only help the few. But worst of all is that these people, liberal and conservative alike have been brainwashed into thinking it's okay, okay if I get left behind along with my children; because that's just the way our (((forefathers))) intended it. All in hopes of becoming the have to oppress the have-nots. They are truly a suicidal people. We Europeans have always had our tradition and people but Americans are now crying out in a uproar for culture that they've never had. Then become afraid that the natives who originally settled that land are repopulating it. These people left Europe for the new world and brought with them the idea of (((Liberalism))) that morphed into the plague we see today. These people aren't culturally European and America was never a people or tradition so it couldn't have a culture either, it was simply greedy people who left they're nations to become rich to step over the have-nots. America is truly a plague on the world, as are they're people, if we are to help European-Americans we must also be frank and selective in who is worthy to cone home.

Other urls found in this thread:


>LARP flag
>worshipping a murdering arsonist welfare leech that married a mentally disabled woman

I get that you are a single mother teen boy, but try to find a real role model

Americanism is the logical conclusion of the pagan ethic.
Eat, Drink, and be Merry for tomorrow we die, forever.

You have to admit he makes some good points.

He is a shill. His Divide et Impera tactics are getting more obscene. He non only started a war between blue eyed europeans vs green/hazel/gray/brown eyed europeans, or between Nordics vs Meds. He now starts to generate a war between europeans born in Europe vs Europeans born in the Americas.

The mother fucker said that we "Hispanics" in South America are all descendants of moors and sephardic jews. Retarded.

There are a few good Americans.
Probably only 5-7% given how the culture actively tries to destroy any traces of morality, honesty, creativity, active thought and such that might be found in people.
Best course of action at this point would be for such people to move back to Europe.

His opinion is worth less than a niggers

Also I hope you get blown up by bomb this Christmas season, you deserve it cuck

Americans are less communal and more market-oriented due to our foundation of independent farmers.
As for you europeans and brits, you lack the ability to say 'fuck you' in my opinion.


Yes but the majority aren't compatible with they're own people.

All your saying is that as long as your light skinned and have European features you should be accepted and embraced. This is deeper than that.

The man is a cuck.

How does that picture imply that?

compare jewish populations of europe (all of it + russia) usa and israel. all your questions and more will be answered.


How is it "deeper than that"? Enlighten me, meme flag.

Find a real role model.

The majority isn't going back though, just those who were smart enough to get out before things start to noticeably deteriorate.
Almost all of these people are skilled workers. Several European nations have immigration routes geared towards these people.

Additionally, I'm sure that such people will be easily capable of adapting to the new culture.

>that butthurt

>Retard who lives in the woods on welfare with his mentally delayed wife because nobody wants to hire a degenerate murderer with no education thinks capitalism is bad!

Whoa, such a shocker. He has nothing to worry about though, he couldn't even get into America if he wanted to with his past.

It's in his video about how he thinks americans are dumb. It's implying that he can't point out the jew.

Santa Claus?!?!

You'll mostly get lefties if Americans go back to Europe. Anyone who actually cares about the Country isn't going to leave no matter how bad it is. Only cowards will leave.

That is an interesting point. A country "so filthy" would reject him as useless, a leech, and a threat to the lives of ordinary people.

Another good point. Lefties and their kind like to play musical chairs and jump to the next best seat. When things get rough in their homeland, they flee and leech off of another. Like rats. Like kikes. A rat jumping from Norway to France to leech off of a young troubled girl.

Of he can't they have laws for it, it don't see how that's cucked.
Your Argentinean, you have South American culture along with native history and most likely native blood. You should honestly stay in Argentina and do the best you can there, it's your home. Europe isn't, we have connections with our roots, while everybody else reads about it and then witnesses it in person and thinks it was something else due to a reading, it's something you wouldn't understand.

Providing your kids with a safe environment to grow up in is far more important that being loyal to a "nation" that you share no blood with.

>m..maybe if we disenfranchise the most powerful european nation on the planet we will finally be recognized as white

not today, spainmuttshit.

Moreover, to properly respond to your arguments, your narrative doesn't explain waves of immigration. Immigration happens throughout time for different reasons. In the beginning of America, they were settlers and pioneers - people willing to till dark earth and work hard to see the fruit of it. In other times of America's prosperity, opportunists from other countries seeking to ride the wave. In more unfortunate cases, refugees seeking safety.

So you see, spainshitmutt, your argument is severely lacking. You paint with a broad brush the nature of immigration to the United States in an attempt to classify us all as servants of the (((dollar))), but your lack of nuance is violent.

You made a mistake of generalizing too broadly, and Varg made the mistake of being too specific.

Here's a true generalization: the average IQ of immigrant populations is higher than their native ones. So, chew on that a bit.

Yeah, I notice a lot of people on here can't understand why South Africans don't flee to America or Europe it's obvious to me. They don't want to abandon their homes. People are scared of death but death is something all men before and after you will go through. Plus I'd rather get slaughtered by nigger than listen to European arrogance in person.

Another your not white post, even though I'm a European who lives in Europe.


There's more to my post outside of observing that you're probably more brown than I am.

then let's see the flag.

Thing is it won't stop spreading. You'll eventually run out of places to run. Not dealing with it now leaves future generation in a worse state.

Varg is wrong on attacking the history of America. There’s nothing worth attacking there. The founding was pretty honorable. Americans today are a different story, they’re like slaughterhouse cattle. Europeans are just cucks for the most part though

I hope Kristian Vikernes at least pays you fags to spam these threads

>I'd rather get slaughtered by nigger than listen to European arrogance in person.
This ^ describes your LARPing shitpost perfectly. You can't tell me what thing I would or would not understand or feel connected with. Europe is also my homeland.
But don't worry, true strong european men born abroad will stay here and leave you cucked effeminate european men to try and solve your problems in your private motherland while we solve ours here.

I noticed that the main people who discuss Vargina on this board are amerigoblins, beady anglos, and one or two token actual Europeans.sad Its kinda hard to take him seriously when all his supporters are mongrels with identity issues.

>You painted with a board brush
>immigrants IQ is higher
Probably just as bad as Americans but better in the sense that they retain more European culture.

His supporters are mostly just emo teenagers trying to be edgy. There isn't much depth in that arena.


The Jewish nature of both Capitalist America and Communist Russia explains why there was a 'Cold war' in the first place. It was a fight of who could drive out and dominate the European spirit quicker.

That is not to say we should push socialism, rather, it means we ought to provide a solution that is entirely un-economic. That is, it has to be entirely anti economics not just a reaction to economics.

The American embodies the modern world and for that reason, he has no place among us. If we are to in any way reach some tradition, it cannot be in a world where Americans exist.

Go right ahead, I'm fine with that.


>Theory of civil polity which advocates public collective ownership, production, and distribution. Jews have been prominently identified with the modern Socialist movement from its very inception. The small circle of the first disciples of Saint-Simon in the third decade of the nineteenth century numbered among its members two Jewish young men of Portuguese origin, the brothers Isaac and Emile Péreire. A generation later, when the apostles of Saint-Simonism had distinguished themselves in various fields of science and industry, the Péreire brothers won fame and fortune as the builders of the first French railway, and became the leading bankers and financiers of the second empire.


american history is glorious. not a generation after waterloo and they had their own, and another, and another, etc. varg can eat a fucking dick for shitting on new world white EUROPEANS because that is what all of us are. we are descendants of europeans that made these countries and we are proud of it. a degenerate scandinavian murderer's opinion will never change it. if you have a problem with any of this shit, then fucking kys.
fuck varg and fuck all you memeflag kikes.
done with your shit.

Exactly, thank you for understand the post instead of yelling at it.

>tfw your argument is so stupid you have to thank people for agreeing with you

Did you read what I wrote, moron?

I said socialism was NOT a solution. Please read next time.

You are conflating modern, degraded consumerist american culture with all american culture. They weren't like this, and neither were we. Most of your post is correct, yet it can apply to us modern Europeans just as much as it applies to modern Americans.
Unless we recognize that we have the exact same defects and problems that Americans have, we have no hope of improvement.
I also disagree with American not being Europeans. They were basically just various European immigrants and cultural groups that retained their identities (albeit a bit anglified) until recently. The moment they lost their roots coincides with the moment we lost ours. Ultimately we are not that different from them

Okay yeah and were all shills and not white apparently, kick rocks kid it's not my fault you weren't born in Europe and are mixed or whatever. I'm trying to preserve my people and culture from the American plague that is factually destroying this world. Everybody sees it, even Americans who are honest about the situation.

If you can't see how my generalization differs from yours, you clearly have got brown shit mushbrain.

Just go find a job faggot, it's a lot easier than trying to start a commie political revolution because a homeless murderer told you to in a youtube video. Or better yet, go mimic vargs life and see how it works out for you.

Honestly our country is a wreck right now. So, you're not wrong.

Thanks kinsman

I don’t have the lust many here have on further dividing our people apart.

Whether it’s relgious, geographical, political, or historical, you know if you’re White/European.

You don't seem to understand this. I'll try to explain it.

The common people of a nation are the greatest obstacle that any foreign power trying to influence the nation must overcome. If the average person is smart and able to think for themselves, then it is very difficult for anybody who doesn't have the nation's best interest in mind to carry out their plans. They must work very slowly or else people will very quickly figure out their plans and expose them.

On the contrary, a nation in which the average person is an idiot has no chance against foreign attacks (you know who I'm referring to) They're not smart enough to realize what's going on and stage an effective resistance.

Note that in the above two paragraphs, when I said "nation" I was referring to a country tied to and inhabited predominantly by a single race, such as France, England, or Germany. This is essential because people of the same race will naturally tend to band together for survival. It also means that the common man understands the customs and cultural values of the country very well, making it easy to spot plans that attempt to attack these values.

In America, there is a combination of the worst two of these cases. The nation is both racially heterogeneous and populated by idiots (at least on average). This is why there will never be a cultural backlash in America against those who wish to destroy it. And the prospects will only decline as time goes on and the only semi-capable people, whites, are assimilated into the brown hordes.

At some point, whites will be such a minority in America that the Government will no longer be able to afford the masses of unworking/underworking mestizos and mulattoes. This will not only lead to lawlessness, but also to a dramatic crash in the nation's productivity as entities that were previously propped up by social programs start to fall.

The case is entirely different in European nations, which have an intelligent, racially-aware populace.

One big, yeah okay, were at an impasse here.

Stop posting walls of text.

>catalonia loser who has some sort of anti-america hard-on all day

Yeah it's the same issue with a high IQ nation, if you make them racially diverse they will have no group identification besides the intelligence and they will fall short in every other aspect of human life.

>"We will always appreciate our knowledge
The Mapudungun gives strength to our spirit
with the mapudungun you reach the heart
It's not like that in Spanish, a language full of rudeness"


Stop doing the fluoride stare whenever you're confronted with anything that requires you to think.

When you mix a Jew's cunning and an European's imagination you get an American. Do you really want to fuck with us?

What many people on here, both Europeans and Americans, fail to realize is that we are so interconnected in the modern day that if one of us goes to shit completely, so does the other.
It's good to point at each other's defects, since we are less likely to make fair criticism of ourselves, yet these observations should be used to improve our countries rather than constantly flinging shit at each other, since neither of us profits from that, only third worlders do.
We have more in common than we have in difference and should act accordingly

Varg is a retard but he would be right if he said Carribbeans are descended from Sephardics, considering a ton of kikes went to Cuba.

>dude based muslims who hate Christians lmao
>Fuck the system brb going to live off welfare with my autistic wife while LARPing


Jews are neither white nor European.

>Founding was honorable
How are freemasons who were financed by a Jew honorable? Who in turn later supported the (((French Revolution))).

>The case is entirely different in European nations, which have an intelligent, racially-aware populace.

Then you shouldn't need us to immigrate.

European culture has been dead for centuries. Europeans rejected their own traditions centuries ago in favor of levantine religion/philosophy. Since then is has been just the vector spreading christianity/liberalism on the world.

You can blame literally everything wrong in the modern world to the liberal christian European.



>Babby's first quasi-redpill


I like smoloko on some thing but he's dead wrongs on others. Freemasonry is Jewish (some non Jews invited of course) but if you think Franklin was by any means anti-Jew, you're dead wrong.


>mfw Smoloko thinks Jewtin is anti Jew

This may be the single biggest bunch of crybaby bullshit I've seen all year. All of Europe has rolled over and spread their asscheeks for the (((money power))) for centuries. America was created in an attempt to get the fuck out of their clutches, pic related. It is no accident that the Federal Reserve Act immediately preceded WWI, WWII and the US (((government))) becoming a bully on the world stage.



The quotes of history are contrary to random Sup Forums shitpost.



>t. bluepilled degenerate consumer

Jefferson had mud eyes and therefore wasn't white

Common and divisive misconception. Preach that kike word, goy. Found the definite Varg minion.

>om the period of 1781–84, records show Salomon's fundraising and personal lending helped provide over $650,000 (approximately $16,870,212.74 in 2013 dollars [8]) in financing to George Washington in his war effort. His most meaningful financial contribution, however, came immediately prior to the final revolutionary war battle at Yorktown.


America was always a whore, from the very beginning.

Hello Schlomo. Granted I'm sure Jefferson loved your kind as he was an ardent supporter of the French Revolution, as well as racemixer.

>The Jewish Network

>racially illiterate

Figures given that you're an amerimutt with mud eyes

>amerimutt """""""""""""""education""""""""""""""""

The assertion is simplistic and as stupid as suggesting a Jew with blue eyes is white. It's simplistic and rather absurd. You could be 99.9999% white European and still have brown eyes. 100% is damned near impossible these days. Even the Nazis understood this when they traced heritage. Despite the jewish lies, they were not omitting everyone without blonde hair and blue eyes.

Like Hitler

Did you know Santa is actually Odinn? Cool stuff.
