I hope you don't like eating (((ice cream))) user
I hope you don't like eating (((ice cream))) user
I don't like it. I love it.
Send all refugees to their real estate
what did that cow mean by that?
? everyone has moved on to halo top bruh
that they are all welcome to the slaughterhouse like he will be
shopping now will magic marker out all the ice cream bins I find with it.
bout to say, isn;t ben and jerry's based in vermont? I'm sure most poeple in vermont have never seen a refugee in their lives
Ben Cohen and Jerry greenfield are both Jews
I haven't ate Ben & Jerry's since their dioxin junk science. Which they were high and mighty about until someone pointed out the amount of dioxin in their product.
Häagen-Dazs coffee for me anyway
>ice cream
tilamook is best cream, benjerie is nigger-tier
It's Bernie's state and all white. Only place you'll find rural mountain people that vote for socialists.
oh no they put propaganda on my bernie rally ice cream
i will never enjoy another high-unit-price pint of flavored frozen sucrose, lactose, and milkfat slurry
Ben & Jerry's is an overpriced shit. I can buy larger and tastier ice cream for one fifth of B&J's price
Same people that don't want a border wall.
Because they don't live near the border.
But have a wall around their home.
>it's real
You'll ruin that sharpee on the ice user, better to save it for your pooper
>eating the frozen jew
Their ice cream is made from refugees!
blue bell is better that that jew shit anyway
i usually boycott all liberal owned products, but B&J's is just too good.
Everything but the.... is fucking god tier
ice cream is one of the most degenerate things you can eat.
>ben cohen and jerry greenfield
(((Ben and Jerry))) have long supported left-wing anti-white causes.
If you're going to buy obesity in a carton buy Haagen Dazs. tastes better and free of jewish tricks.
>Not eating some lovely OPPO ice cream
>Energy: 309 kJ (74kcal) / Fat: 3.8g (of which saturates: 2.8g) / Carbohydrate: 6.2g (of which sugars: 5.2g) / Protein: 3.2g / Salt: 0.1g
>attacking ice cream for ben & jerry's
Do you think anime sucks because boku no pico exists?
Of course, I don't expect Sup Forums, one of the most heterosexual sections on this website to know about this, but to all of my fellow faggots out there:
The creator of Grindr is a disgusting Israeli Jew.
Recently, he has not only spammed his shitty, outdated app with tons of ads, but he has also taken to using it to broadcast his poisonous liberal propaganda.
>Not making your own ice cream for half the cost, better taste, and greater flavor variety
Oh fuck, I bought some earlier.
Looks like it's Häagen-Dazs from now on.
Gonna be honest. Much as I love Ben and Jerry's phish food, I've cut a lot of sugar out of my diet over the past few months. We eat way too much of it here in the US.
Ben and Jerry's is the best ice cream and Americone Dream is the best flavor. It's fucking delicious. It's two scoops every time. Deal with it. Just because someone's political/social stances disagree with your own doesn't mean they don't make a good product.
>free of jewish tricks
CTRL + F "Jew," user.
It's hopeless. Almost all of the major brands and companies in our country are owned by kikes.
good point yo. kitchen aid stander and some yummers vanilla
Another literal Jew brand.
>Ben and Jerry's is the best ice cream and Americone Dream is the best flavor
chicom spotted
What is this new horseshit buzzword you people have come up with now if you would enlighten me.
Isn't that everything though?
Go asda, waitrose, sainsburys, co-op for some OPPO pal.
>eating liberal ice cream
>not taking the frozen dessert pill and eating Halo Top
I bet this even isn't a troll
newfag kys
But user, how can you be frozen in an oven?
shit son calm yourself
>word that's been around since at least the 50s
It's not.
I've been coming here on and off for a couple of years now. Just because you and your friends have some new buzzworld doesn't mean it's made its way down the pipeline yet. Keep spamming it though I'm sure it'll take off!
It costs like 5 dollars here. Is this normal?
seven dollars a pint get out of here
>Oppo ice cream is made with fresh milk, virgin coconut oil and stevia leaf, and is just 40 calories a scoop.
I'd rather have the sugar desu.
Literally never fucking heard it used and I live in the deep south. Pretty obscure insult since I had to google it and it came up on Urban Dictionary first of all places. Try again. We're in thot territory by those parameters.
I don't know what planet you live on but it's only $4.50 here
fuck, why does ben and jerry's have to be the best ice cream in the world
I got pissed off at them after they countersignaled trump that time and tried to switch to hagen daaz but it's just not the same
It's ~$6 here, but there's usually one brand or another on offer at a time so you can get it for half of that or less.
Haven't eaten B&J for years, for no other reason than it's too sweet and it has too many calories.
They can virtue signal all they want, their ice cream still sucks.
i make my own ice cream
I love Cherry Garcia ice cream ... but will never buy it again.
Its the only "healthy ice cream" we have, wish we could have halo top.
>sweet product is 'too sweet'
I hate people who say this. Especially when it's something bland as fuck like a sponge cake, just fuck off what do you expect, bread?!
Uh no he's right user. Read more books, watch McCarthy hearings. You will see and hear this word more.
"refugees welcome, as long as I don't have to take care of them or do anything, but I still get to take credit for it, unless it turns out to be a bad idea then it wasn't my idea it was the government and we should become socialists" is too long to print I guess
Buy else, retard
Eating branded ice cream? You are all like corporate slaves. Watch this
There's sweet and then there's too fucking sweet I can't fucking feel the roof of my mouth sweet.
Like most things, too much of something isn't good.
Haven't eaten ice cream in years. Maybe I will have some later.
What should I get or make?
That cow is haram.
I stopped buying Ben and Jerrys since they went full public SJW. Their loss.
so that´s where the fudge in "chocolate fudge brownie" comes from
oh shit, no more "caramel cracker crunch" for me
You ever eat so much of something sweet that eventually every bite you take makes you shiver and twitch?
That right there except it's the first bite you take.
This, send the refugees to live with Ben & Jerry in one of their mansions.
Literally never has that happened.
>this ice cream is too sweet
It’s ice cream you dipshit!! A dessert. You are such an autist for this post. And what you’re describing is brain freeze, my little peon
Build the wall.......
>Like most things, too much of something isn't good.
Very philosophical, user
>Ben and Jerry's is the best ice cream
my nigger
>Americone Dream is the best flavor
neck yourself
I accidentally bought that flavor the other day
Why are they giving money to refugees who take up space and consume resources
Give the money to bees who give us resources for free
>He's never orgasmed from food
Stop concentrating on killing people and actually enjoy life a bit more mohammad.
Missing out on life son
Aaw fuck, I loved the cookie dough ice cream.
But this was overpriced as fuck so I rarely bought it, so not buying any from now on isn't hard.
I haven't given that company a dime since they became berniefags
In Ben and Jerry's mansion??
I bet this is fucking Turkey.
And it's often BOGO at my local Publix. Make sure to get your tendie pubsub today.
>I hope you don't like eating (((ice cream))) user
I make my own ice cream you cuck
Hmmmm, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this
Yeah. It used to be my favorite brand until I read their whole America is too white article the other day. Shit I'm not even white and found that shit cringy as fuck. Definitely boycotting them, they should stick to just making ice cream.
Caramel Sutra is the shit.
>not being vegan
Reminder that essentially all "premium" ice cream is jewish tricks
Ben and Jerry's?
>Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield
>Baskin-Robbins was founded in 1945 by brothers-in-law Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins
Häagen-Dazs? That's gotta be Danish, right?
>Reuben Mattus invented the "Häagen-Dazs" name supposedly as a tribute to Denmark's exemplary treatment of its Jews during the Second World War
They don't even the company anymore. And I'm not sure but have they ever virtual signal this much?
>not being alive
I took a tour of their factory once, it was fucking garbage, waste of time, not worth the hour and a half drive.