Bluepilled political cartoons thread:(((the nib))) edition

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holy shit this is amazing

>parenting, how does it work?


But it is all about me, why else would you be here other than to witness my awesomeness?

Can't forget Frank the Trans snail

that one is real or you are memeing?



This is so sad.
Reminds me of my own mother that rather spend her time working than to take care of her kids.

Well that was easy


Can't stop the Justin Hubbel retardation Train



What the fucking fuck






Someone send it to her, I don't have a twitter account.

lol what the fuck? this is so retarded


This is retarded. A caterpillar turning into a butterfly is a natural, biological process. It's more analogous to a child becoming an adult.

If anything, this proves transgenderism in humans objectively false, since no matter how many hormones you drown a human in, it does NOT change sex.

Do they still crucify people?

>would I rather work for a soulless corporation who would lay me off the second it suited them or raise a family I love and who loves me?

Well what the hell am I supposed to do in a place called Rape Town?


the name of this town would imply that it is legal to rape people


>when the fpbp

>trans woman

They are not the same at all though.

Well this one isn’t entirely wrong. Monogamy is not an inherent or universal thing for humans. Other cultures throughout history and in modern times have different ideas with how marriage should work, and some permit polyamory with their own set of rules. Not to say I disagree with monogamy and that this fag isn’t just using it as an excuse to justify hedonism in our society.


Hurry the fuck up.

Pic unrelated and selected solely for the (you) 's

Pffft. Good stuff

Damn nigguh.

Oh my God. I bet this person taught this was genius.

>dude immigrants don't compete for work

What is their explanation for that? It's obviously not implying that they don't work.

Also, the art is terrible. They all have a 1000 yard stare.


Have you ever wondered about the thought processes behind that?
What type of nigger in triplicate has the gal to make that non-sequitur leap of, "if nationalist, then nazi" without a hint of nuance or acknowledgement of complexity in such an unironic fashion?
How does one go about existing with such a simple and zealously reductionist mindset? What the fuck?

>trans "women" acting like the word trap is used for them because that would imply the actually pass
It's the most disgusting version of humble bragging I ever encountered

The Left argument for Illegals stealing jobs is that if an uneducated Mexican who can't speak coherent English is taking you job, you must not be very good at what you do.

This ignores the realities that companies will always go for the lowest bidder, and illegals will work for peanuts.

these have to be satire.

The Left doesn't like Logic or Reason, that's about it really

It's a Hitler quote

I could never eat lasagna again.

i can confirm they are not

That doesn't explain how they're not competing with you for work, though.

You either already had the edit or you're one quick faggot.
Either way:fpbp

OH... Well... I regret nothing.

I got the (you). It's the only thing that emanating anything to me anymore.

What all these Jews conveniently forget to mention is that the reason we are monogamous is because it is the best way to raise a well-rounded, healthy society. Bam. That's why we have it. Not for selfish endeavors, but to ensure the continuation of our society.

im more angry that they all consider it to be some fantasy non-argument that doesn't happen, and they always poke fun at it whenever the opportunity presents itself.
except immigrants stealing jobs DOES happen, and it happens alot

I'll take your word for it.

It's not worth doing since the comic is so long, but it would be hilarious to see an edit where the panel right after the lasangna line is a duplicate panel but the standing up guy has gone flaccid.

Because everyone is just looking for work, and the best person will fit the job, unless the best person is a white male, who deserves to be passed over for the perks a diversity hire provides.



this is why we can't have nice things

>Not everything is about you.
>Entire message is undermined by the fact they only want to talk about what we think.




> Talk about genders
> Categorize by sex
Fucking lol. I believe this is real, it's stupid enough to come from a lefty.


Wonder what's gonna happen when her son is old enough to see and understand that.

Also makes you wonder why "leftists" don't seem to care about the education system failing their countrymen. On the issue of immigration they're libertarians, poor people who can't keep up are left to starve; who cares why society can't give them training or a purpose? I really wish people would stop calling these cunts leftists. Protecting the economic power of the working class should be priority number one for the left.

Done and fucking dusted.

By that time he'll be forcefed so much soy he'll cut off his own balls and agree.

Lefties tried to divorce sex from gender, and now they're trying to disappear sex from any discussion involving transgenders.


I don't say this much but FPBP

that guy fuckign storyboards for cartoon network
why isn't he using an alias when drawing smutty shit
that comic isn't really bad though honestly

100% the guy ran away. The kid will grow up to be a complete mudshark/cuck with fatherissues.

>Strawmen: The Flowchart.

holy shit

words words words words words words words words words words words

This one is actually disgusting.

Liberals ARE elites that despite us

they don't even try to hide it

they really don't remember the whole deplorables thing?


Bullcrap. Even parallel universes that have nothing to do with me are about me. But that's probably too advanced for the goyim on /pol. Suffice to say, that comic is an example of feminism being THE cancer that plagues society.


It's how a lot of parents really feel.

Holy fuck.
The world ends not with a bang,
but a huge cringe

we just had 8 years without a category 5

What kind of degenerate faggotry are those comics pushing? Exterminate all the faggots!

>Silly gender drama
Checks out. It's valid.


Just occurred to me, Is this old? Because no way you made that in one minute. This is a coordinated thread. I am imagining two nerds hanging out on their phones together.


This time it will be...


*Blocks your path*

Why can't you fucking Yanks spell Stockholm right?

This is on par with the Hill-pepe with the battleaxe. White Middle Class Jesus Christ, the left cannot meme.

OR you could have
>kept your legs closed
>made the guy use a condom
>set up an adoption to a nice loving couple

This pisses me off incredibly.

i know it's a bait, but let me ask, does Hillary support Islam ?

I'm 35 and have four kids, the idea of living like I did when I was 18-21 is not remotely appealing.

I've enjoyed settling into my role as patriarch of my own small fiefdom.


Their memes are sometimes so bad it becomes hilarious, sort of like "The room"