Why does this board hate women? I always see a rabid hatred for women on this board? Do you feel the same way towards your mother and sister(s)?
Why does this board hate women? I always see a rabid hatred for women on this board...
Sweet logical fallacy thread.
Many posters ARE women. You only see what you want to see.
>Why does this board hate women?
Women are stupid and irrational.
Do you feel the same way towards your mother and sister(s)?
Yes my sister is a roastie and my mom is a far left nutjob.
Thank you for confirming my assumption
I don't hate women. I just understand that they are mentally less capable than men and their opinions on societal and political matters should not be taken seriously.
Yes, my mother is a pathetic parasite who somehow thinks her opinions on things mater despite being unable to care for herself as a grown adult.
Poor dude. You have my sympathies in full. Modern white women are a burden too heavy to bear.
They hate women because women would never talk to or acknowledge them when they were younger. Also because women find them revolting and they've been rejected by every women they've tried going for
You're retarded regardless of your gender.
Anyway, true NatSoc don't hate women, we respect and worship them when they fulfill their natural role. The reason why you might think we hate them is because we're upset at the unbalance their behavior brings and we seek to bring back order.
We hate the status women have right now, not women.
The board is about politics. Given that females are responsible for consistently voting for retarded issues and acting politically retarded its not surprising they get a bit of hate.
Same way basically everyone gets major hate on here, but if there was an actual 1000 random user get together on /pol it wouldn't (immediately) kick off into a full race war.
Because women claim to be independent despite being natural dependents and tax burdens on men and families.
We wouldn't hate you if you knew your place.
Literally no one here hates white women
Found the woman.
Look at this thread
No, its just really obvious. But you lack the self awareness to see it
There are loads of women here, drop dead for this shitty bait.
Dislike sisters
mum is ok
All women are whores, except my mother and sister, yet let us not forget they are still women- Napoleon Bonaparte
Ok maybe some do
Your trips have been checked.
It is really obvious you are a woman.
Most are Shareblue threads. Others probably autistic virgins.
>Ad hominem attack
Even if I was a women, the critique is still valid
Women are completely helpless when it comes to propaganda. They are the most useful of idiots. Like niggers, they are a weapon of the jew.
Their consciousness is the sum of advertisements and Top 40s music. There is no room for any other thought - though, that's not really their fault. There just isn't a lot of room to begin with.
>Women are completely helpless when it comes to propaganda.
And men aren't
my guess is alot of us aren't getting laid, and bitter about it.
No, men are responsible for everything worthwhile in civilization and civilization itself.
Half of men aren't.
>Muh superiority
And who raised those men?
Same here.
>wastes all political capital on Trump
>gives Trump expensive golf clubs and hamburgers
>Trump is going to get impeached
>the next admin is going to appease North Korea
>Half of men aren't.
lol. You need to go outside more
Learn the difference between good women and bad women.
i don't hate women, i just realize they are poor and irrational decision makers and don't belong in politics or any upper management positions. oh, and they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
it's really for the best
/r9k/ transplants mostly
Are you susceptible to propaganda?
>trump going to get impeached
lmao keep trying to push that meme, nobody's buying it
We hate ignorant fools who frolic within their own stereotype.
Women are naturally predisposed to be blue pilled nurturers to the dregs of humanity, not ever admitting that amputation is better than letting gangrene rot the rest of the body. Those are the women we hate; the SJW crusaders who force their tragic, jew like behavior on everyone around them.
Are there red pilled women out there? Fuck yes there are, thank God; but we hide and covet these miracles of femininity so they stay safe from the raping hoards of minorities canvasing our once safe streets.
Once they are red pilled enough, they dont even require our assistance ( sup 2nd amendment) but they know that the dichotomy of a man / woman relationship encourages the male to protect ; and so she does as well.
Once a female decides to go full blue pill or become a whore, she is thusly forever tainted as property; an object. And this loss is also something we hate. As if they were a zombie, the used up body of someone we could have loved, but are now forced to weep as we destroy.
We don't hate women. We hate what modern society has reduced them to.
must be the obesity rate
Mothers raise children, fathers raise men.
Yes. Everybody is. You should see half the shit posted here.
I don't hate women. I'm just realistic.
Women are emotionally vapid and incapable of abstract thought.
If I buy my own company I should be able to control it. Property rights. I don't care about the greater good. My money, my control.
Women are always the ones that enable, defend, desire, and vote for the problems facing the West. They love to import millions of non-whites, fuck dozens of non-white men, then their communities are made unsafe and they get raped and abused and then white women turn around and blame white men and toxic masculinity for this shit. Women deserve every rape, killing, and abuse they get.
why do u care
lol. Nice deflection
My mother is the worst person I know and my sister is a brain damaged zombie (literally, she died for half an hour but it's ok because she's much nicer now, lol).
Poor Achmedina
And this should make me want to side with you why? You're only justifying what I already think. No one is on my side but me.
Like I said, half. You used that word because I did. You just demonstrated how completely helpless you are in the face of manipulation, suggestion and propaganda.
Women are completely incapable of metacognition. Not only are you oblivious to the fact that you were just manipulated and influenced, you'd rather die than admit it. Like animals and niggers, you cannot self-reflect.
I'm more capable of abstract thought than the men my age who's parents put them on ADHD meds. I was reading a lot as a kid while all of you did nothing but play video games.
>I am impervious to propaganda
I am sorry, but I cannot take you seriously anymore.
Exactly. How is it a benefit to import millions of non-white people that make your own communities unsafe and will demographically eliminate you and endanger you? Only logical conclusion is that you're addicted to black and brown dick.
Because half the people here are underaged virgins. The other half has been burnt too many times by trashy women.
You're going to be thinking about what I've said for the rest of the evening and you won't be able to stop it.
Where do you think my hate for women stems from?
>complain about rape culture
>have rape fantasies and write/read fictional books about rape fantasies
>complain about domestic abuse
>stick up for Islam and Sharia law which involves beating women and stoning them and call it cultural tolerance
>complain about sexual harassment
>pro immigration which increases rape and sexual harassment
Every woman I know has the midset of niggers. Take what you can and fuck everyone else. Also the majority of them have zero capability of self-reflect. You want a girl to respect you and never leave you? get her to love you then 180 on her, leave, and never come back. She'll be begging you. Women are so easily manipulated it isnt even funny.
i don't hate them, but women are followers. i simply don't care about their opinions because they aren't of worth. you have to be domineering with women and put them in line.
They're dumber on average and want the world to cater to them more than it already does. They are more easily susceptible to trends and groupthink and emotional propaganda. They serve an important role and function in society, but many of them choose to abandon this role to emulate men which is essentially the fault of feminism.
I honestly might feel sorry for a little bit. Learn some self-awareness. Delusions of grandeur is not a good trait, user.
I love everything about women except their brains (with a few rare exceptions here and there).
because a lot of Sup Forumslocks give a shit about civilization and women are the foundation of any society. yet in the west, woman are utter trash and contributing to our civilization's down fall.
>Where do you think my hate for women stems from?
From a poor upbringing or traumatic experiences.
>this delusional retarded hole
>i don't hate them, but women are followers
So are >90% of men
a man ALWAYS leads a woman in the relationship. don't respond to me again, you mongrel hole.
How can you not hate women?
By a single mother, who never really wanted me and is an alcoholic.
Yeah and I hate bugmen too.
Women are followers. Just like niggers. The jew has convinced a good portion of women that the human race will be successful if men were either dead or enslaved. They are useful idiots.
Not just us faggot OP. Brits alone killed 900 in six years. No decent man can stand them.
>a man ALWAYS leads a woman in the relationship. don't respond to me again, you mongrel hole
Calm down there, That is a false statement and you know it.
Wah wah wah. I'm sorry you grew up with parents who never cared about you. I was taught multiplication, division, pre-algebra, and reading and writing in phonics because my mom sat down with me. I went to libraries to read all the time, went to art exhibits, museums and historic villages, plays, musicals. I'm sorry I got more intellectual stimulation in my childhood.
I say something bad about Islam and my sister screeches “NOT ALL MUSLIMS, user. CHRISTIANS ARE JUST AS BAD.”
>dumb hole taking pride in knowing basic math
wow, a real Einstein here, folks.
Not women. Just Feminists.
This is the internet. Every board hates women.
Feminism. Its the worst thing thats happened to western culture and it was started by women. Thus the hatred
We don't hate women. We hate dipshits. It's just that often women are dipshits.
That sucks man, the things that pain us don't define us but the way we deal with the struggle does. I hope you are happier and healthier now, and wish you a merry Christmas.
I hate whores, and thanks to the kikes' incessant propaganda, the majority of modern women are whores. I would risk my life to help a moral and decent woman.
male and female have both been mind poisoned by certain (((influences))). have empathy for both. we need to rebuild the west.
what critique? you made a comment and then cherry picked replies saying "you confirmed my assumption".
*shoves tou* y don't u back off before you get hurt kod
Womanless childless losers have more time than everybody else to whine on the internet
That this board has a rabid hatred of half the human population. All this board can do is scream "Feminism" and "Women are dumb whores." I replied to the ones that can actually show it comes from their upbringing.
I was taught addition and subtraction at 3 and multiplication, division, and some pre algebra concepts at 5. Checkmate. I'm also more well mannered than you because I had family that would correct me every time my voice or manners were wrong.
>Sup Forums is a person
Spotted the nonwhite
no not half of the human population, just roasties and feminists. we respect women who don't fall into either of those categories
I don't hate women, I just hate dumb narcissistic cunts that can't think for themselves.
Not going to count, but well over half the posts here are saying "women."