Sargon sucks ass

Is there anything worse than "rational skeptics"?



That doesn't affect me little man

I know. I just thought it was a funny pic.

Why are you NazBol?

>Is there anything worse than "rational skeptics"?
Yeah, commies.

Is "alt-centrism" a thing now?

He's better than Ben Shapiro

I've heard some of them call themselves alt-centrists. Probably "ironically" but deep down not actually ironically.

Is it because Ben Shapiro is jewish?


SAGE /slide


Who would be an alt-centrist then?

Ben Carlin maybe?

Sargon is the greatest intellectual of Youtube

No he's just retarded, albeit that may just be because nobody ever challenges him on his points because the left is also full of retards.

Sargon, Armoured Skeptic, Shoe on Head

Others as well

Holy shit, that blood is so unbelievably fake

I've never listened to Sargon, except the Joe Rogan interview (which convinced me never to, because he was so obnoxious). I assume he was the typical alt-righter/lighter.

He claims to be on the left yet only criticizes the left. He is just a pseudo-intellectual conservative who tries to be edgy by saying "Im on the left trust me. Im trying to reform the left".

He never does any research. Just repeats the same bullshit talking points over and over again about how feminists want to steal his precious minecraft from him.

>image named: hardyet?
Why would a pic of a refrigerator give me an erection?

Thanks doc

Thanks doc

95% of skeptics do suck.
Somehow leftypol manages to be more pathetic than them,


Skeptics are, in my view, the most destructive force in the west right now. They take the people who are concerned about the abyss we're careening towards, and channel them into complete inaction. They sit on their fence and nitpick what everyone else is doing. They're the first people to address a problem, and the last people to endorse any proposed solution to fix it. They take this philosophy to ridiculous extremes. Sam Harris has spent the better half of his career warning about the dangers of Islamic extremism, only to immediately criticize the travel ban because it's "incomplete." The perfect is always the enemy of the good.

So what's their solution to everything? Reason and radical individualism, which is a wonderful ideology when things are going well, and the absolute worst when you need to ignore minor differences and unite to defeat a common enemy. Do you really think the Jihadist reading Dabiq is interested discussing the finer points of free speech with you?> Do you really think that the Somali rape gang is interested in hearing about the Gini Coefficient before he rips your dress off and rapes you?

Even SJW's get more respect from me than Skeptics. At least they're trying to improve the world, even if their utopia would actually be a hell on earth.

>get banned

whoa they got btfo so hard they banned me for shitposting. Sup Forums """intellectuals"""

HAhaha found the faggot.


>Go onto Reddit like the kek fag you are
>Type Nigger nigger nigger nigger into the blm page
>Get banned

Haha they got triggered dude just calm down bro it's just a prank

If you truly are a NatSoc then I hate you. But I respect you more than skeptics because at least you have firm beliefs that you are willing to fight for to try to solve current problems.

God I hate skeptics so much.