What does God think about weed?

What does God think about weed?

theres a verse that says all of the plants of the earth shall be used. so he's in favor.

The ONLY thing seen to "please God" in the Old Testament is "the smell of a sweet savor."

Use it not for recreation.

T. suseJ doG

Google the creators of Charlotte's Web. They'll explain God's plan to you.

hahahahahahahaha stupid ameritard god doesn't exist and if he did he wouldn't give a shit about weed.
blaze all you want stupid ameritard

There is no God. There is only it. It is.

That's a really pretty christmas tree user.

are these any good?

Why are you asking a bunch of humans what God thinks?

Smoke it all day everyday. Only way I can keep from becoming a drunk. I've achieved everything I've needed to though.

he smokes weed everyday
"fucking stupid fucks, man."

Thank you God for the Stanley brothers. Charlotte's Web works days longer and has better control than Inderal for controlling how my hands shake.

Yeah if you want to waste a whole bunch of weed


smoke some and you can ask yourself

Yes, my partner used a digital Volcano for years and years, but now thinks the Herbalizer works better.

God loves those who keep their weed habits to themselves. Weed culture is the devil... and just childish

he made it as a trap for dumb people

The weed is god

Well, he made it. So he was either testing you, like a cruel vindictive asshole; or he wanted you to have a good time and relax.
Your call

They are worth the money, buy a volc

>Weed culture is the devil... and just childish
Pretty much the view of Stanley bros. Evangelical Christian genetic weed bending geniuses.

"lmao fuckin monkeys smokin plants now too"

But there's also verses speaking out aginst using certain things or warning against certain substances.

Why would he not care?
>The universe is big and stuff so God doesn't care about stuff.

I smoke once when I wake up and every evening. One semester from graduating with a bachelors in mechanical engineering, work at a welding shop. I feel bad tho anons. The Bible says "be of an alert and sober mind"

He thinks nothin because he doesn't exist.

>my children weed lmao

Thinks it's pussy shit and moved on to dabs. Holy shit dabs are nice.

Just realized how much Namekians look like soy boys.

Kys and let us know

He created it, so he loves it
The devil didn't make this, he can not create, only twist and corrupt

drugs is bad
people on drugs is bad
people selling drugs is bad
people making/growing drugs is bad

gays are the worst tho. worse than nigs


Why is it a waste dumb shit? If anything it helps you get more out of what you have.

Yeah but he didn't mention weed, bruh

Basically yes, i had a arizer extreme q for a while.
it ended up biting the dust though when the weed lit on fire in the bowl. so take care not to turn it up too high. (unless you like the taste of burnt plastic for everything you vaped afterwards)

I smoke, I just hate the 420 shit.

I don't fuck with the shit anymore, but it sure is a pretty plant. Even if it didn't have psychotropic properties, I see god in it's beauty.


Ask him in 60 years, remember he created the Heaven and the Earth.

>Wondering some Jewish guy in the sky thinks about weed
Op just keeps getting more and more of a faggot

For what it's worth, and please someone correct me when I'm wrong: Weed isn't simply THC. There are at least 20 different variants of cannabinoids, plus associated Terpenes. American weed growers lead the world in the production of different strains of cannabis. Each strain has a different ratio of those 20 cannabinoids.

There is also a huge variation in people's brain chemistry. A strain of weed that controls my partner's issues just makes me feel paranoid.
Charlotte's Web, which controls my tremors, but doesn't seem to do anything else, reduces my partner's anxiety.

Was it quality bud? I know smoking denatured or old ass brick weed will destroy those Q's.

420 brah

I mean to each their own
Certain strains pack a wallop for me but others almost nothing, but I also think THC content has a lot to do with effects
Sounds to me like Charlotte's Web is high in CBD


The idea of the existance of god (depending on how that being is defined, I go with a 'metaphysical anthropomorphic immortal personification of divinity') is just so FUCKING CONVENIENT to seem like wish fulfillment just by description.
I don't know why anyone would be convinced that such a being could exist, WITH EVIDENCE, let alone without, as the amount of evidence required to confirm such a diagnosis would have to be OVERWHELMING.

Do we have overwhelming evidence that could be considered EVIDENCE?

Do we have ANY?
Nah, didnt think so, ey.

If you're talking about some kind of creator deity, then said creator deity made human beings with the ability to respond to drugs.
Technically all drugs are toxins that INTERFERE with the normal operations of the system.
Sometimes having interfered with moods and mindstates is fun to experience.

If a creator deity made beings capable of being affected by drugs, and also made drugs, either they're a dick that likes condemning people for the things they PHYSICALLY REWARD THEM FOR EXPERIENCING, or they're there for the taking.

Magic isn't real. This entire discussion is retarded.


They are AMAZINGLY good. You get to use the same lung-full multiple times, and if you're a scody motherfucker, you can sell the 'used' herbs on to someone else.

Only trouble is they're exceedingly expensive. That said, using this thing is WONDERFUL. You can let the vapor cool down a little before it hits your lungs too.

I got to use one for two weeks, and had to give it back, and smoking a pipe afterwards hurt so much I stopped smoking entirely for two weeks because it wasn't the volcano.

It IS however exceedingly expensive, because its well made by Ze Germans.

If you can afford the cost of a small computer for smoking weed, I thoroughly recommend this thing, it is amazing, the best vaporizer I have ever tried (because of the air-lung), and I worked in a weed-shop for 10 goddamn years.

Its expensive tho.

>Sounds to me like Charlotte's Web is high in CBD

The Web is pretty much nothing but CBD. When vaped it instantly kills the pain from osteoarthritis, when taken orally it provides profound control for essential tremor and early Parkinson's .

The Bible says absolutely nothing about pot specifically so using it in moderation is probably no big deal.

This man speaks the truth.

They're great if you're a soygoy.
Stop being a pussy, vaped weed has no flavor and half the high is missing.

Weed makes you spiritually englightened.

Real men vape the Space Ape

>What does God think about weed?

>not noscoping faggits whilst using the moniker 420XxXBlazedIt$$$$xxX420WEED in cawadooti 24.

well, im athiest so i dont give a shit, but the bible says that god gave man seeds to sew. there you go.

she smokes it

Non-medicinal drug usage is degenerate and an affront to Allah.

Real men don't fucking vape they smoke, filterless reds or Lucky Strikes.

You're thinking of the Verde that says your body is a temple, and if you harm that temple god will destroy it. Weed isn't harmful according to almost all studies. Alcohol and tobacco on the other hand are. So weed is okay but illegal, and alcohol and tobacco are not okay and are legal.

The half of the flavor that's missing is the part that makes it taste like shit. You think half the high is missing because you've come to associate getting high with the shitty smoke taste.

Fuck off geezer, does the black lung make you long for the coal mines up north?

No true Scotsman fallacy.

its like having sex with a condom. I mean yeah, you had sex... but did you really?


buy the bag kit then go the hardware store and buy a heat gun. you just saved 500 bucks. if the heat gun doesnt have a temp setting buy a cheap laser temperature gun ($20) and mark the dial yourself with a permanent marker.

Yes, considering vaping is more like proper intercourse as god intended while smoking is akin to anal sex which spreads disease, death, and faggotry

>falling for the Jewish logical fallacy meme.
Wouldn't now bud, live daan south.
If it tastes like shit its because it wasn't cured, if it wasn't cured, probably wasn't strong enough to get high from either.


What does God think about the Destroying Angel mushroom?


It's on one of those Solomon herb catalogs and it's the sacred plant according to Rastafarians that's an ancient as fuck church in africa.

just don't waste your life and do stupid things

god made it

Any hash man in? Got a nice gob of Afghan black the other day. Sticky too, I roll it into a snake instead of crumbling it into a joint.

while meditating is ideal

Weed today is toxic because of alkaloids used to chemically induce polyploid characteristics in naturally diploid strains. Just about all the “good” strains you see nowadays are genetically engineered, the hippies figured out how to do it with a chemical called colchicine back in the 60s. They wanted to create a fast-growing polyploid strain and they succeeded, however they turned the weed into poison.


Nice Quad Q's breh

Everything you said is totally true. The one, and only one real complaint my partner has with the volcanos is that they consume more weed than his (now) beloved Herbalizer.

That being said. if an Herbalizer isn't in the budget, then the Volcano is a totally kick ass choice.

>man made technological machine
>the way god intended

Squidy B is shit tier, sorry.

>are these any good?
I'm a professional Marijuana user and I bought a Pax vape and didn't like it. It turns all your weed into sort of weak head high.

Back off pal


>It turns all your weed into sort of weak head high.

You know what makes it squidgy? Tallow.

>wisely heating up a liquid to a temperature which causes it to vaporize into steam containing nicotine which is absorbed in the throat

Thank you for sharing your psychotic break with the rest of us. Shazbot!

If you're a 'professional' user, you know goddamn well the Pax is a fine thing for people who need small doses of weed, but is completely wrong for 'professional' levels of need. dickhead

Sorry dude, the Charlie Manson ALL CAPS thread is over in /batshitinsane/

>meme flag
>12 yo
You forgot to preface your post with "in my opinion".

What do you think the "burning bush" was that God used to appear to Moses?

Read the content of the post, sweetie

(He doesn't know about it!)


I don't think you give a shit what God thinks about weed. ill let you know that if you accept christ, you won't need such a substitute for the holy spirit any more